Thursday 17 August 2017

Quant Quiz

Quant Quiz

1. A  man  takes  5hr  45min  in  walking  to  certain  place  and  riding  back.  He would have gained 2hrs by riding both ways. The time he would take to walk both ways is?
A. 8 hr 45 min
B. 6 hr 28 min
C. 7 hr 45 min
D. 10 hr 45 min

2. Ravi takes 20 seconds to reach a distance of 180 m from him when he increased his speed by 50% . Then if he travels at the original speed how much time will he take?
A. 15 seconds
B. 30 seconds
C. 25 seconds
D. 20 seconds

3. There are ratio of 2 : 4 : 5 : 7 between the angle of quadrilateral. While largest angle of triangle is 20 less than 5/7 of largest angle of quadrilateral. The smallest angle of triangle is 2/5 of largest angle of triangle. What will be the second largest angle?
A. 68°
B. 112°
C. 132°
D. 100°

4. While  finding  the  average  of  ‘9’  consecutive  numbers  starting  from  X;  a student  interchanged  the  digits  of second  number  by  mistake  and  got  the  average which is 8 more than the actual. What is X?
A. 13
B. 15
C. 17
D. 18

5. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my father was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then what was the age my father and mother respectively when my brother was born.
A. 32 yrs, 23yrs 
B. 32 yrs, 29yrs 
C. 35 yrs, 29yrs 
D. Cannot Be Determined

6. A  tradesman  gives  4%  discount  on  the  marked  price  and  gives  article  free  for buying every 15 articles and thus gains 35%. The marked price is above the cost price by?
A. 50% above C.P
B. 55% above C.P
C. 60% above C.P
D. 65% above C.P

7. Ram, Karan and Rohan invested capital in the ratio of 2:3:4 for time period of 6:4:3. Find the ratio of profit distributed?
A. 12:13:14 
B. 13:12:14
C. 13:14:12
D. None of these

8. In a 729 litres mixture of milk and water, the ratio of milk to water is 7 : 2. To get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 7 : 3, the amount of water to be added is  
A. 81 litres 
B. 71 litres
C. 56 litres
D. 50 litres  

9. A Sum was put at S.I. at a certain rate for 3 years Had it been put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 360 more. Find the Sum.
A. Rs. 5000
B. Rs. 6000
C. Rs. 8000
D. Rs. 7500

10. A can do a piece of work in 80 days.  He works  at  it  for  10  days  &  then  B  alone finishes the remaining  work  in  42  days.  In  how  much  time  will  A  and  B,  working together, finish the work?
A. 31 Days
B. 60 Days
C. 30 Days
D. 75 Days

Answers with Detailed Explanations:

1.       (C):
Let x be the speed of walked
Let y be the speed of ride
Let D be the distance
Then D/x + D/y = 23/4 hr -------1
D/y + D/y = 23/4 – 2 hr
D/y = 15/8 --------2
Substitute 2 in 1
D/x + 15/8 = 23/4 = D/x = 23/4 -15/8 =46-15/8 =31/8
Time taken for walk one way is 31/8 hr
Time taken to walk to and fro is 2 x 31/8 = 31/4 hr =7 hr 45 min

2.       (B):
180 / 20 = 9 m/s
Let his initial speed = x
After increasing 50% his speed will 1.5 x = 9/1.5 = 6 m/s
So, time taken = 180/6 = 30 sec

3.       (A):
Quadrilateral largest angle = (360 x 7) / 18 = 140 degrees   
Largest angle of triangle = (140 x 5) / 7 – 20 = 80 degrees
Smallest angle = (80 x 2) / 5 = 32 degrees
Second largest angle = 180 - (80 + 32)
= 180 – 112 = 68 degrees

4.       (D):
Since the average is 8 more than the actual, the second no will increase by 72 (9 x 8) by interchanging the digits.
If ab is the second no,
then 10a + b + 72 = 10b+ a
i.e. 9 (b - a) = 72
b - a = 8.
The possible number ab is 19. Since the second no is 19.
The first no is  18
So X = 18

5.       (D)

6.       (A):
Let the C.P of each article be Rs 100
Then C.P of 16 articles=Rs (100 * 16) = Rs 1600
S.P of 15 articles =1600*(135/100) = Rs 2160
S.P of each article =2160/15=Rs 144
If S.P is Rs 96, marked price =Rs 100
If S.P is Rs 144, marked price =(100/96)*144=Rs 15000
Therefore marked price=50% above C.P

7.       (D):
Ratio of profit be
2 x 6 : 3 x 4 : 4 x 3 = 12 : 12: 12 = 1 : 1 : 1

8.       (A):
Quantity of milk in 729 litres of mixture
= (7 x 729) / 9 = 567 litres
Quantity of water
= (729-567) litres = 162 litre.
Let x litres of water is mixed to get the required ratio of 7 : 3
= 567 / (162 + x)= 7 / 3
= 7x + 1134 = 1701
= 7x = 1701 – 1134 = 567
= x = 567 / 7 = 81 litres

9.       (B):
Let Sum =P
Original rate = R
T = 3 years
If 2% is more than the original rate, it would have fetched 360 more i.e., R+2
(P x (R+2) x 3/10 0) - (P x R x 3) /100 = 360 = 3PR+ 6P-3PR = 36000 = 6P = 36000 = P = 6000

10.   (C):
Work done by A in 10 days=10/80=1/8
Remaining work=(1-(1/8))=7/8
Now, work will be done by B in 42 days.
Whole work will be done by B in (42*8/7)=48 days
Therefore, A's one day's work=1/80
B’s one day's work=1/48
(A+B)'s one day's work=1/80+1/48=8/240=1/30
Hence, both will finish the work in 30 days.

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