Wednesday 15 February 2017

Ratio and Proportion for SBI PO

Quantitative Aptitude SBI PO 2017 Exam

Q1. Half the girls and one-third of the boys of a college reside in the hostel. What fractional part of the student body is hostel dwellers if the total number of girls in the college is 100 and is one-fourth of the total strength?   
(a) Two-fifths 
(b) Five-twelfths 
(c) One-fifth 
(d) Three-eights 
(e) None of these

Q2. The monthly incomes of two persons are in the ratio of 4 : 5 and their monthly expenditures are in the ratio of 7 : 9. If each saves Rs. 50 a month, then what are their monthly incomes? 
(a) Rs. 100, Rs. 125
(b) Rs. 200, Rs. 250
(c) Rs. 300, Rs. 375 
(d) Rs. 400, Rs. 500 
(e) None of these

Q3. When a bus started from the first stop, the number of male passengers to the number of female passengers was 3 : 1. At the second stop, 16 passengers got down and 6 more female passengers got in. The ratio of the male to female passengers now become 2 :1. What was the total number of passengers in the bus when it started from the first stop?
(a) 64
(b) 48
(c) 54
(d) 72
(e) 80

Q4. X’s income is three-fourths of Y’s income, and X’s expenditure is fourth-fifths of Y’s expenditure.  If X’s income is nine-tenths of Y’s expenditure, find the ratio of X’s savings to Y’s savings.  
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 1 :4
(d) 2 : 3
(e) None of these

Q5. Two persons are climbing up on two moving escalators which have 120 steps. The ratio of 1st person’s speed to that of 1st escalator is 2 : 3 (steps). The ratio of 2nd person’s speed of that of 2nd escalator is 3 : 5 (steps). Find the total number of steps they both have taken together.
(a) 85 
(b) 93
(c) 80
(d) 75
(e) None of these

Q6. A man ordered 4 pairs of black socks and some pairs of brown socks. The price of a black pair is double that a brown pair. While preparing the bill, the clerk interchanged the number of black and brown pairs by mistake which increased the bill by 50 per cent. The ratio of the number of black and brown pairs of socks in the original order was:  
(a) 4 : 1
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 1 : 4
(d) 1 : 2
(e) None of these

Q7. Two companies A and B quote for a tender. On the tender opening day, A realizes that the two quotes are in the ratio 7 : 4 and hence decreases it price during negotiations to make it Rs. 1 lakh lower than B’s quoted price. B then realises that the final quotes of the two were in the ratio 3 :4. By how much did A decrease its price in order to win the bid?   
(a) Rs. 7 lakhs 
(b) Rs. 4 lakhs 
(c) Rs. 9 lakhs 
(d) Rs. 8 lakhs 
(e) None of these

Q8. A student is studying for a test from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays and one-third of that on Saturdays. On Sundays he takes a break from school and goes fishing. For what fractional part of the entire week is the student studying?  
(a) 2/5
(b) 3/7
(c) 2/7
(d) 3/8
(e) None of these

Q9. A sum of Rs. 430 has been distributed among 45 people consisting of men, women and children. The total amounts given to men, women and children are in the ratio 12 : 15 :16. But, the amounts received by each man, woman and child are in the ratio 6 : 5 : 4. Find, what each man, woman and child receives (in Rs.). 
(a) 12, 10, 8
(b) 180, 150, 120
(c) 120, 150,160 
(d) 60, 75, 80
(e) None of these

Q10. The ratio between the number of passengers travelling by I and II class between the two railway stations is 1 : 50, whereas the ratio of I and II class fares between  the same stations is 3 : 1. If on a particular day, Rs. 1325 were collected from the passengers travelling between these stations, then what was the amount collected from the II class passengers? 
(a) Rs. 750
(b) Rs. 850
(c) Rs. 1000
(d) Rs. 1250 
(e) None of these

Q11. Fresh grapes contain 90 per cent water by weight while dried grapes contain 20 per cent water by weight. What is the weight of dry grapes available from 20 kg of fresh grapes? 
(a) 2 kg 
(b) 2.4 kg 
(c) 2.5 kg 
(d) 3 kg
(e) None of these

Q12. In a certain company, the ratio of the number of managers to the number of production-line workers is 5 to 72. If 8 additional production-line workers were to be hired, the ratio of the number of managers to the production-line workers would be 5 to 74. How many managers does the company have?  
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 25
(e) None of these

Q13. Mayank, Mirza, Little and Jaspal bought a motorbike for Rs. 60,000. Mayank paid one half of the sum of the amounts paid by the other boys, Mirza paid one third of the sum of the amounts paid by the other boys, Little paid one fourth of the sum of the amounts paid by the other boys. How much did Jaspal has to pay?  
(a) Rs. 15,000
(b) Rs. 13,000
(c) Rs. 17,000
(d) Rs. 16,000
(e) None of these

Q14. I have one rupee coins, fifty paise coins and twenty five paise coins. The number of coins is in the ratio 2.5 : 3 : 4. If the total amount with me is Rs. 210, find the number of one rupee coins.
(a) 90
(b) 85
(c) 100
(d) 105
(e) None of these

Q15. The cost of diamond varies directly as the square of its weight. Once, this diamond broke into four pieces with weights in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. When the pieces were sold, the merchant got Rs. 70,000 less. Find the original price of the diamond. 
(a) Rs 1.4 lakhs 
(b) Rs 2 lakhs 
(c) Rs. 1 lakhs
(d) Rs. 2.1 lakhs 
(e) None of these


S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. Number of girls = 100
∴ Number of boys = 300 
∴ Number of hostel dwellers = 50 + 100 = 150 
⇒ Required ratio = 150 : 400 

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. Let the incomes of the two persons be 4I and 5I respectively
Let the expenditure of the two persons be 7E and 9E respectively.
∴ 4I - 7E = 50 and 5I - 9E = 50 
⇒ 20I - 35E = 250
20I - 36E = 200 
E = 50 and I = 100 
∴ Monthly incomes of the two persons are Rs.400 and Rs. 500 respectively. 

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. Let, initially, the number of males and females in the bus be 3x and x respectively. 
At the first stop, suppose m males and f females left the bus. 
∴ At the first stop: Number of the males is 3x - m 
And number of females 
∴ f = 4, x = 16 
∴ Total number of passengers in the beginning 
= 4x = 64 
For no other value of f any of the other alternatives holds good.  

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Let X’s income be 3k then Y’s income is 4k. Let X’s expenditure be 4g then Y’s expenditure is 5g. 


S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Let x pairs brown socks were ordered 
Let p be the price of a brown pair 
∴ 2p is the price of a black pair 
∴ (2p × 4 + px) + 50% of (2p × 4 + px) 
= 2p × x + 4p 
⇒ x = 16 
∴ Required ratio = 1 : 4 

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. Let the quotes of A and B be 7X and 4X, respectively. 
After decreasing, quotes of A = 4x - 1 
Then, we are given 
⇒ X = 1
Then, decreasing by A = 7X - (4X - 1) 
= 3x + 1 = 3 + 1
= Rs. 4 lakhs 

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. Student studies for 9 hrs from 11 am to 8 pm on Monday to Friday 
Also, be studies 1/3rd of the time on Sunday i.e. 1/3×9=3h 
Total hours, he studied during the week 
= 5 × 9 + 3 = 45 + 3 = 48h 
Total hours, in a week = 24 × 7 = 168 
∴ Required fraction 

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. Ratio of personal shares = 6 : 5 : 4 
Ratio of the amounts = 12 : 15 : 16 
Ratio of men, women and children 
=12/6 ∶15/5 ∶16/4 
= 2 : 3 : 4 
Sum of these ratios = (2 + 3 + 4) = 9 
Number of men =((45 × 2)/9)=10 
Number of women =((49 × 3)/9)=15 
And, the number of children = 45 - (10 + 15) = 20 
Now, dividing Rs. 430 in the ratio = 12 : 15 : 16 
Total amount of men’s share 
= Rs. ((430 × 12)/43) 
= Rs. 120 
Total amount of women’s share 
= Rs. ((430 × 15)/43) 
= Rs. 150 
Total amount of children’s share 
= Rs. [430 - (120 + 150)] 
= Rs. 160 
∴ Each man’s share = Rs. (120/10)=Rs.12 
Each woman’s share = Rs. (150/15)= Rs. 10 
Each child’s share = Rs. (160/20) = Rs. 8 

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Ratio of the amount collected from the 1st class and the 2nd class passengers = 3 : 50 
∴ Amount collected from the 2nd class passengers 
=50/53×1325 = Rs. 1250.

S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. According to question, 
5x/(72x + 8)=5/74 
⇒ x = 4 
Managers = 5 × 4 = 20 

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Mayank paid 1/2 of the sum paid by other three. 
Let the other three paid Rs. x jointly, then Mayank paid x/2
So, x+x/2=60,000 ⇒ x = 40,000. 
Hence, Mayank paid = Rs. 20,000 
Likewise, Mirza and Little paid Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 12,000 respectively. 
Hence, the amount paid by Jaspal is 
Rs. [60,000 - (20,000 + 15,000 + 12,000)] = Rs. 13,000  

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Ratio of number of one rupee, fifty paise, and twenty five paise coins = 2.5 : 3:4 
∴ Ratio of value of coins =2.5×1∶3/2 ∶4/4=5∶3∶2 
Let, amount of Rs 1, 50 paise and 25 paise coins be 5x, 3x and 2x respectively. 
So, 5x + 3x + 2x = 210 (given) ⇒ x = 21 
∴ Value of one rupee coins 
= number of one rupee coins = 21 × 5 = 105

Daily GK Update 15th February, 2017

Daily GK Update 15th February, 2017

PSLV-C37 carrying CARTOSAT-2 series earth observation satellite lifts off from Sriharikota: ISRO
i. PSLV-C37 carrying CARTOSAT-2 series earth observation satellite and 103 nano satellites has lifted off from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
ii. PSLV-C37 successfully placed in orbit India’s CARTOSAT-2 series satellite and two other satellites.India successfully launched record 104 satellites, including CARTOSAT-2 series weather observation satellite, in a single mission onboard PSLV-C37 rocket.

Haryana govt imposes curbs on liquor consumption
i. Haryana government has notified that no person will be allowed to consume liquor at a place which is not licensed or authorized under the Punjab Excise Act, 1914 except his dwelling unit. 
ii. Giving this information, Excise and Taxation Minister, Capt. Abhimanyu stated at Chandigarh that the consumption of liquor in a vehicle running or parked, along the road or in a park/garden/market or a river side etc. shall be an offence. 

Harsh Vardhan to inaugurate International Conference on NexGen Technologies for Mining, Fuel Industries
i. Union Science and Technology Minister Harsh Vardhan will inaugurate the International Conference on NexGen Technologies for Mining and Fuel Industries in New Delhi .
ii. The three day conference will cover areas like Innovative ming technology for sustainable development and advances in mine design mine planning recent advancement in drilling and blasting. The conference, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will take place at Vigyan Bhawan.

International Coin Fair Begins in Thiruvananthapuram
i. The International Coin Fair was inaugurated at Kanakakunnu Palace in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala by the Kerala state Minister for Tourism, Cooperation and Devaswoms Kadakampally Surendran.
ii. The three day exhibiton 13-15 February, 2017 has been organized by the District Tourism Promotion Council (DTPC).The exhibition has been organized to showcase more than 2,500 coins from around 500 regions including those from the time of empires and princely states.It would also feature the collection of Justin Gilbert Lopez who holds a Guinness world record for the largest coin collection of nearly 310 countries.

Centre Allocates Rs. 500 crore to India Post Payments Bank for FY18
i. Government has allocated an amount of Rs 500 crore to India Post Payments Bank for the financial year 2017-18 to help it in setting up 650 branches across country by September 2017.
ii. As per Output-Outcome Framework for Schemes 2017-18 for the Department of Posts released that out of the allocated amount, Rs. 125 crore has been allocated as capital infusion into corporate entity for India Post Payments Bank” and Rs 375 crore as grant in aid to India Post Payments Bank (IPPB).
ii. Besides, Rs 110.83 crore has been allocated for establishing e-commerce, parcel booking, international business centres, Rs 73.5 crore for estates management, Rs 32 crore for mail operations and Rs 17.7 crore for equipments and IT infrastructure in rural post offices.Apart from this, government has allocated Rs 3.8 crore for setting up 246 offices and 200 outlets for providing better access to communication and financial services.

Nomura Projects India’s GDP at 5.7 % in January-March quarter, 2017
i. According to the global financial services major Nomura, the GDP growth of India is estimated to remain low at 5.7% in the January-March quarter due to the effect of demonetization of high value currency.
ii. Nomura expects the economic growth to slow from 7.3% GDP growth in the July-September 2016 to 6% in the October-December 2016 quarter and further to 5.7% in the first quarter of 2017 ending March 2017. However, the growth is also expected to recover after the first quarter of 2017 due to remonetization and wealth redistribution.

UNESCOs Nature Fest held in Himachal Pradesh
i. France based UNESCO organised the two-day Nature Fest at the World Heritage Site Great Himalayan National Park (GNHP) at Sairopa in Kullu district in the state of Himachal Pradesh.
ii. The festival was organised in collaboration with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and would be attended by prominent conservationists.A media workshop held on the sidelines and Discussion on nature conservation to discuss various aspects of environmental journalism.

Catholic Syrian Bank’s ‘name and shame’ campaign starts paying dividends
i. The ‘name and shame campaign’ initiated by Catholic Syrian Bank Employees and Retirees against wilful defaulters in Kerala seems to have started paying dividends.
ii. Of the 30 defaulters identified by the bank with dues of more than Rs50 lakh each, 10 borrowers have already approached the bank with settlement proposals, following dharnas organised at 20 locations in the State.
iii. According to EJ Kurien, DGM in charge of Asset Recovery, the bank has already received firm assurance for payments worth Rs25 crore from defaulters.The bank is now looking at getting these accounts closed before March. 
iv. However, non-availability of adequate cash with the borrowers post demonetisation is posing a challenge, he stated.The benefit derived from the campaign is that the bank has succeeded in sending a strong message to defaulters not to avoid loan repayments.

IDFC Asset Management Company launches Open-Ended Fixed Income Fund
i. IDFC Asset Management Company launched an open-ended fixed income fund  named Credit Opportunities Fund in Mumbai which is expected to raise the revenue of the company in the range of Rs 300 crore-500 crore within the NFO period itself.
ii. A new fund offer (NFO) is the first time subscription offer for a new scheme launched by the asset management companies (AMCs). 
iii. A new fund offer is launched in the market to raise capital from the public in order to buy securities like shares, govt. bonds etc. from the market.The Credit Opportunities Fund will open for subscription on February 14, 2017 and close on February 27, 2017. 
iv. It will reopen for continuous sale and repurchase from March 6, 2017.The new fund scheme aims to optimise the higher risk associated with the credit fund category.

World Bank Group to conduct training programmes for NBFCs
i. International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, has teamed up with Finance Industry Development Council (FIDC) to conduct training programmes for Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs).
ii. The training programmes will be on 'movable asset financing' and 'commercial credit reporting'. For this purpose, two engagement letters have been signed between IFC and FIDC, a representative body for NBFCs, especially those engaged in asset financing.
iii. Such programmes are expected to enhance the awareness, expertise and professionalism of NBFCs, especially the large number of small and medium sized NBFCs catering to the credit needs in rural and semi-urban areas.
iv. These training programmes would be conducted at various centres across the country under the guidance of leading consultants from the World Bank Group.

Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey appointed new President of ICAI
i. Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey was elected as the new President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for the year 2017-18.The 40-member Central Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) also elected Naveen N D Gupta as the Vice-President for the year 2017-18.
ii. Prior to this, Vikamsey served as vice-president and has been the member of ICAI since 1985 while Gupta was Chartered Accountant of ICAI for more than 20 years. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 passed by the Parliament of India with the objective of regulating accountancy profession in India.The council has 32 elected members and eight are nominated by the Central government

Tehmina Janjua Appointed First Women Foreign Secretary of Pakistan
i. Pakistani Career diplomat Tehmina Janjua was appointed as the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.She is the first women to be appointed on the post and will serve as the 29th Foreign Secretary of Pakistan. 
ii. Tehmina Janjua will replace outgoing foreign secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry and assume office in the first week of March 2017.Presently, she was serving as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to  Tehmina Janjua Athe United Nations in Geneva since October 2015.

Veteran Journalist T V Parasuram Passed Away
i. Former correspondent of the Press Trust of India,  T V Parasuram passed away. He was 93.
ii. Parasuram has won a Harvard Niemen Fellowship in journalism. He had served as the correspondent for The Indian Express for two decades.
iii. He has authored two books -‘ A Medal for Kashmir’, and ‘Jewish Heritage in India‘

Winning Legendary Jazz Singer Al Jarreau Dies at 76 
i. Legendary American jazz singer Al Jarreau passed away in Los Angeles. He was 76.
ii. Al Jarreau was nicknamed as 'Acrobat of Scat'  for his unique singing style and was best known for his 1981 album 'Breakin’ Away and singing the theme song to the popular 1980’s TV show Moonlighting.

Australia’s Adam Voges Announces Retirement from International Cricket
i. Australian cricketer Adam Voges has decided to retire from all formats of international cricket after playing his last match as captain of the team Prime Minister’s XI against Sri Lanka in Canberra.
ii. Voges has played only 20 Tests for Australia after debuting at the age of 35 in 2015 and became the oldest debut centurion when he scored an unbeaten 130 against West Indies in Dominica.

Jehan Daruvala wins New Zealand GP, finishes fifth in Toyota series
i. Jehan Daruvala became the first ever Indian to claim the New Zealand Grand Prix at Jehan Daruvalathe Chris Amon Circuit in Manfeild, New Zealand.
ii. With this win, Jehan, a Force India F1 team racing driver, scored 781 points in the Toyota Racing Series having 15-race held in January-February and was placed in fifth position.
iii. Australia’s Thomas Randle became the first Australian to win the Toyota Racing Series with 855 points followed by Brazilian Pedro Piquet (850 pts) at second and Dutch driver Richard Verschoor (843) at third.

Mumbai Boy Kush Bhagat Awarded CM Title by World Chess Federation
i. Mumbai based Kush Bhagat has been awarded the Candidate Master (CM) title by the World Chess Federation body, FIDE on February 14, 2017 for his outstanding performance in Western Asian Youth Chess championship 2016 at UAE. 
ii. Kush, a second grade student from Hill Spring International School has presented tremendous performances in the past 6 months

మాట్లాడే రెజ్యూమె

మాట్లాడే రెజ్యూమె

రెండు మూడు పేజీల సీవీలు పట్టుకుని కంపెనీల చుట్టూ కాళ్లరిగేలా తిరగడం, వాళ్లు పిలు స్తారని కళ్ళు కాయలు కాచేలా ఎదురుచూడటం ఉద్యోగార్థులకు మామూలే. అయితే దీనికొక బెస్ట్‌ సొల్యూషన్ కనిపెట్టింది హ్యాపీమైండ్స్‌ మ్యాన్ పవర్‌ సొల్యూషన్స్. దానిపేరే సెల్ఫీ వీడియో రెజ్యూమె! వీడియో రెజ్యూమె ద్వారా ఆయా సంస్థలు అభ్యర్థిని ఎంచుకునే వీలు కల్పించింది. ఉద్యో గార్ధులు గూగుల్‌ ప్లే స్టోర్‌ నుంచి హ్యాపీ మైండ్స్‌ యాప్‌ డౌనలోడ్‌ చేసుకుని అందులో ఆప్షన్లను ఫాలో అవుతూ, మీ గురించి మీరు బ్రీఫింగ్‌ ఇవ్వ డమే. యాప్‌ ద్వారా మొబైల్‌లోని రియర్‌ వ్యూ కెమెరా ఓపెన అవుతుంది. రికార్డు బటన ప్రెస్‌ చేసి, మీ క్వాలిఫికేషన, గత అనుభవం క్లుప్తంగా వివరించి, ఆ వీడియోని అప్‌లోడ్‌ చేస్తే చాలు. అలా అప్‌లోడ్‌ చేసిన వీడియో రెజ్యూమెను హ్యాపీ మైండ్స్‌ తమతో టై అప్‌ అయిన కంపెనీలకు చేర వేస్తుంది.
ఇప్పుడు చాలా కార్పొరేట్‌ సంస్థలు క్వాలిఫి కేషన, అనుభవంతోపాటు అభ్యర్ధి బాడీ లాంగ్వేజ్‌, వాయిస్‌, ఐ కాంటాక్ట్‌, కాన్ఫిడెన్స్ గమనిస్తున్నాయి. అలాంటివన్నీ సాధారణ సీవీలో పొందు పరచలేం. ఇలా వీడియో రెజ్యూమెలో అయితే సంస్థలు తమకు కావల్సిన కాండిడేట్‌ని సుల భంగా ఎంచుకోగలుగుతాయి. వీడియోల ద్వారా హెచఆర్‌ పని మరింత సులభతరమవుతుంది. ఎందుకంటే వీడియో ప్రొఫైల్‌ చూడటం వల్ల ప్రిలిమినరీ రౌండ్‌ ఇంటర్వ్యూ చేయాల్సిన అవ సరం ఉండదు. ప్రొఫైల్‌ నచ్చితే తర్వాతి రౌండ్‌కి సెలక్ట్‌ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
హైదరాబాద్‌కి చెందిన హ్యాపీమైండ్స్‌ సొల్యూ షన్స్ ఇండియాలోనే మొట్టమొదటిసారిగా వీడియో రెజ్యూమె కాన్సెప్ట్‌ ప్రవేశపెట్టింది. అటు రిక్రూటర్ల సమయాన్ని, అభ్యర్ధుల వ్యయ ప్రయాసలను ఒక్క యాప్‌ ద్వారా పరిష్కరించ గలిగింది. గంటలకొద్దీ జరగాల్సిన ఇంటర్వ్యూలు ఎంతో సులభంగా, తక్కువ సమయంలో జరుగు తున్నాయని సంస్థ ఫౌండర్‌ కమ్‌ సీఈవో లీలా ధర్‌ రావు తెలిపారు. ప్రస్తుతానికి 21 కార్పొరేట్‌ కంపెనీలతో హ్యాపీమైండ్స్‌ టై అప్‌ అయిం దన్నారు. చాటింగ్‌ ద్వారా విద్యార్ధుల సందేహా లకు సమాధానాలిచ్చే ప్లాట్‌ఫాం కూడా ఇందులో ఉంది.
రిక్రూట్‌మెంట్‌ ప్రాసెస్‌ సులభతరం చేయడంతో పాటు జాబ్‌ సీకర్స్‌, రిక్రూటర్స్‌ సమ యాన్ని సేవ్‌ చేస్తున్న హ్యాపీ మైండ్స్‌... త్వరలో ఇండియా అంతటా విస్తరించాలనేది ఫ్యూచర్‌ ప్లానగా పెట్టుకుంది.



బాహుబలి-2 లో బాలీవుడ్ బాద్ షా “షా రూఖ్ ఖాన్ గెస్ట్ అప్పిరిఎన్స్ ?

హిందీ మీడియాలో ఇప్పుడు కొత్త రూమర్ షికారు చేస్తోంది. అది తెలుగు సినిమా ‘బాహుబలి-2’ విషయంలో! ఇందులో బాలీవుడ్ స్టార్ హీరో షారూక్ గెస్టప్పీరియన్స్ ఇవ్వబోతున్నాడనేది ఆ రూమర్ సారాంశం! ఈ సినిమాలో షారూక్ మెరుస్తాడని హిందీ చిత్ర పత్రికలు రాస్తున్నాయి. ఈ రూమర్ షారూక్ అభిమానులకు ఎగ్జైట్ Read More…

పూరీ-ఛార్మి ఫెవికాల్‌ బంధం !

పూరీ జగన్నాథ్‌ ఆమధ్య తన టీమ్‌ని మొత్తం మార్చేసాడు. ఆఫీస్‌ బాయ్‌తో సహా అందరినీ తీసేసి కొత్త వాళ్లని పెట్టుకున్నాడు. సేమ్‌ టీమ్‌ వుంటే సేమ్‌ ఆలోచనలే వస్తున్నాయని, ఆ టీమ్‌లో కూడా అలసత్వం వచ్చేసిందని, టేకిట్‌ ఫర్‌ గ్రాంటెడ్‌గా తీసుకుంటున్నారని పూరి చెప్పాడు. అదే టైమ్‌లో తన Read More…

దేశభక్తి చిత్రంలో వెంకీ

ఎటువంటి ఇమేజ్‌ చట్రంలోనూ చిక్కుకోని స్టార్‌ హీరోల్లో వెంకటేశ్‌ ఒకరు. పాత్రకు తగ్గట్టు పాదరసంలా మారుతుంటారు. ఇప్పుడీ పాదరసంను పవర్‌ఫుల్‌గా చూపించే ఆలోచనలో దర్శకుడు పూరి జగన్నాథ్‌ ఉన్నారట. మహేశ్‌బాబు హీరోగా ‘జనగణమణ’ అనే దేశభక్తి చిత్రం తీయనున్నట్లు గతంలో పూరి ప్రకటించారు. కానీ, మహేశ్‌ ఏ మాటా Read More…

గడ్డపారలా దిగే తెగువ అతనిలో ఉన్నాయి:రకుల్‌ప్రీత్‌ సింగ్‌

చూపులకు చిన్నోడే.. పాతికేళ్ల కుర్రాడే. కానీ, పులికి ఎదురెళ్ళే ధైర్యం.. పాతికమందిని మట్టుబెట్టే బలం.. గడ్డిపోచగా తీసినోళ్ల గుండెల్లో గడ్డపారలా దిగే తెగువ అతనిలో ఉన్నాయి. పరిస్థితులకు తలవంచకుండా గెలుపే లక్ష్యంగా పోరాడడం.. గెలిచి తీరడం అతని లక్షణం. మరి, ఆ కుర్రాడి కథేంటో మహాశివరాత్రికి థియేటర్లలో చూడమంటున్నారు Read More…

పవన్‌ కెరీర్‌లో ఇదే మొదటిసారి!

ఓ సినిమాకు సెండాఫ్‌ చెబుతూ. మరో సినిమాకు వెల్కమ్‌ చెప్పనున్నారు పవన్‌కల్యాణ్‌. కిశోర్‌ పార్ధసాని (డాలి) దర్శకత్వంలో ఆయన హీరోగా నటిస్తున్న ‘కాటమరాయుడు’ చిత్రీకరణ చివరి దశకు వచ్చేసిందట. వచ్చే నెల 29న ఈ చిత్రాన్ని విడుదల చేస్తామని ప్రకటించినప్పటికీ ఓ వారం ముందే. మార్చి 24న రిలీజ్‌ Read More…

భారత్‌లో అడుగుపెట్టనున్నా హాలీవుడ్‌ యువ పాప్‌ సింగర్‌

ఎట్టకేలకు ఓ నిరీక్షణకు తెరపడింది. ప్రముఖ హాలీవుడ్‌ యువ పాప్‌ సెన్సేషన్‌ సింగర్‌, గ్రామీ అవార్డు విజేత జస్టిన్‌ బీబర్‌ భారత్‌లో అడుగుపెట్టనున్నాడు. ఈ వేసవిలోనే అతడు ఇండియాకు వస్తున్నాడు. అధికారిక కార్యక్రమంలోనే భాగంగా ఈ ఏడాది(2017) మే 10న ముంబయికి వస్తున్నాడు. ప్రపంచ టూర్‌లో భాగంగా ఈ Read More…

నారా రోహిత్ అదిరిపోయే ట్రీట్

యంగ్ హీరో నారా రోహిత్ వేలంటైన్స్ డే సందర్భంగా ఫ్యాన్స్ కి అదిరిపోయే ట్రీట్ ఇచ్చాడు. తన తాజా చిత్రం కథలో రాజకుమారి ఫస్ట్ లుక్ విడుదల చేసి అభిమానులలో సినిమాపై భారీ అంచనాలు పెంచాడు. గతంలో ఎప్పుడు కనిపించని లుక్ లో నారా రోహిత్ ఈ పోస్టర్ Read More…

బాహుబలి వేలైంటైన్స్ డే గ్రీటింగ్ కార్డ్స్

మనిషి జీవితంలో ప్రేమ ఒక అనుభూతి. ఒక తపన, ఒక ఆర్తి, ఆవేదన. మనకంటూ ఒక మనిషి కావాలనే తపనే ప్రేమ. తను ప్రేమించిన మనిషికోసం ప్రేమికులు ఏదైనా చేస్తారు. ప్రేమతో ఏదైనా చెబితే అది శాసనమే. ప్రేమించిన మనిషికోసం కన్నవారిని కూడా వదిలి వచ్చేస్తున్నారంటే అది ఎంత Read More…
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