Thursday 20 July 2017

New Pattern English Questions

Directions(1-15): In these questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Five alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the five.

Q1. She did not tell __________ that she __________ attended the party.
(a) someone….have
(b) no one….has
(c) him….not
(d) anyone….had
(e) none….did

Q2. After carefully __________ the situation, the farmer sympathised __________ the mule.  
(a) scrutinizing….on
(b) assessing….with
(c) observing….through
(d) fighting….by
(e) ignoring….for

Q3. Once there lived a cunning fox who always __________to__________ others with his awful acts.
(a) wished….cheating
(b) desired….betrayed
(c) thought….fooling
(d) tried….deceive
(e) longed….between

Q4. I __________ a friend named Raj who __________ a horse ranch in the city.
(a) has….buys
(b) need….holds
(c) posses….run
(d) have….owns
(e) got…sells

Q5. As night __________ in the heights of the mountains, Ramesh could not __________ anything.
(a) fell….see
(b) darkened….view
(c) rose….advice
(d) dive….perceive
(e) become…get

Q6.Survival of mankind __________ is in danger due to __________ of atomic weapons.  
(a) himself….perpetuation
(b) themselves….regularization
(c) only….provocation
(d) itself….proliferation
(e) self….invention

Q7. What goes into making a marriage work can only be __________ by trial and error and couples are best left to __________ out what works.
(a) discovered….translate
(b) regulated….find
(c) learnt….figure
(d) seen….thrash
(e) saw….assume

Q8. The producer is known to __________ with new stars and fresh talent, and though there have been a few hits and misses, this filmmaker totally __________ for the new bread.
(a) try….demands
(b) experiment….vouches
(c) sign….goes
(d) produce….promises
(e) go….recreates

Q9. The Government stated that it had the __________ right to use as much force as was necessary to regain control of areas __________ by terrorists.
(a) free….marked
(b) practical….left
(c) legitimate….dominated
(d) basic….undertaken
(e) universal….marked

Q10. Obesity and alcohol __________ together to __________ the risk of liver disease in both men and women.  
(a) act….increase
(b) result….aggravate
(c) taken….arrest
(d) put….heighten
(e) fight….increased

Q11. There were screams, chills and thrills __________ at the discotheque the other night as the director along with the producers hosted a part to __________ the success of their latest horror flick.
(a) combined….downplay
(b) alike….mourn
(c) experience….mark
(d) galore….celebrate
(e) plenty….notify

Q12. When you want to digitalise a city __________ with millions, you don’t bet __________ the odds.  
(a) proceeding….into
(b) teeming….against
(c) undergoing….adhere
(d) falling….above
(e) growling….as

Q13. The numbers __________ by the legitimate online music service providers indicate that a growing number of users are __________ to buy music.
(a) morphed….ignoring
(b) labelled….thriving
(c) figured….fantasy
(d) touted….willing
(e) allotted….know

Q14. If India is __________ on protecting its resources, international business appears equally __________ to safeguard its profit.  
(a) dreaded….fragile
(b) stubborn….weak
(c) bent….determined
(d) approaching….settled
(e) known….seen

Q15. Brands __________ decision-simplicity strategies make full use of available information to __________ where consumers are on the path of decision making then direct them to the best-marked offers.  
(a) diluting….divulge
(b) tempting….maintain
(c) imputing….overdrive 
(d) pursuing….assess
(e) innovating…..cess


S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘anyone’ and ‘had’ are appropriate for the blanks in this sentence.

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘sympathised with the mule’ is correct here. Mule here may refer to an offspring of a donkey.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘…tried to deceive…’ is correct here. Deceive means deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true.

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘I have a friend…’ is appropriate. 

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘As night fell in the heights of the mountain’ is correct phrase; it refers to ‘as it grew darker during the night’.

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. Proliferation- rapid increase in the number or amount of something.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘learnt by trial and error’ and ‘figure out what works’ are correct phrases here.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. vouches-assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience the truth or accuracy of (something).

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘legitimate right to use…’ is the correct phrase here. Legitimate means conforming to the law or to rules.

S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘Obesity and alcohol act together to increase…’ is the correct phrase here.

S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. Galore means in abundance. ‘Celebrate the success’ is appropriate.

S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘bet against the odds’ is the correct phrase here.

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘touted’ and ‘willing’ are the correct answers for these blanks.

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘bent on’ refers to ‘keen on’.

S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. Assess means evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

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