Thursday 20 July 2017

Data Interpretation

Data Interpretation 

Directions—(Q. 1–5) Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions—
The following Bar graph gives the number of products manufactured and sold by a company over the years. (in thousands)

1.    What is the difference in the number of products manufactured by the Company in the year 2009 and 2008 ?
(1) 4000                
(2) 5500                
(3) 3500
(4) 4500                
(5) None of these 

2.    The number of products sold by the company in the year 2004 is what per cent of the number of products manufactured by it in that year ? 
(Rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 71·43              
(2) 67·51  
(3) 81·67  
(4) 56·29              
(5) None of these

3.    What is the per cent increase in the number of products manufactured by the company in the year 2006 from the previous year ? 
(Rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 19·25              
(2) 33·33  
(3) 10·45  
(4) 42·66              
(5) None of these

4.    What is the respective ratio of the number of products not sold by the company in the year 2007 to those not sold in the year 2005 ?
(1) 3 : 1                 
(2) 6 : 5                 
(3) 1 : 3
(4) 5 : 6                 
(5) None of these

5.    What is the  average number of products manufactured by the company over all the years together ?
(1) 36550              
(2) 39480  
(3) 41220  
(4) 43330              
(5) 34420

Directions—(Q. 6–10) Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow—
The following line graph gives distance (in km) travelled by five different trucks in a day.

6.    What is the respective ratio of the distance travelled by Truck A to the distance travelled by Truck D?
(1) 17 : 19             
(2) 11 : 15 
(3) 19 : 17 
(4) 15 : 11             
(5) None of these

7.    What is the average distance travelled by all the Trucks together ?
(1) 510 km                       
(2) 515 km           
(3) 425 km           
(4) 475 km                       
(5) None of these

8.    If Truck C covered the given distance at the average speed of 55 km/hr, what was the time taken by it to cover this distance?
(1) 12 hours          
(2) 10 hours          
(3) 8 hours
(4) 6 hours            
(5) None of these

9.    The distance travelled by Truck A is approximately what per cent of the total distance travelled by Truck E and C together ?
(1) 44                    
(2) 50                    
(3) 52                    
(4) 58                    
(5) 55

10.  If the time taken by Truck B to cover the given distance was 8 hours, what was the average speed of the truck ?
(1) 51·75 km/hr                
(2) 45·25 km/hr    
(3) 52·25 km/hr                
(4) 43·75 km/hr    
(5) None of these


1.     (5) Difference = 52500 – 47500 = 5000

2.    (1) Required percentage =( 25/35) X 100 = 71.43 %

3.     (5) Required percentage = [( 42.5 – 37.5)/(37.5)]X 100= 13.33 %

4.    (3) Required ratio = (45 – 42.5) : (37.5 – 30) = 1 : 3

5.    (4) Required average = (35000 + 37500 + 42500 + 45000 + 47500 + 52500)/6  =43330 (approx).

6.    (3) Required ratio = 475 : 425 = 19 : 17

7.    (5) Total distance travelled by all trucks = 475 + 350 + 550 + 425 + 525 = 2325 km
Average distance = 2325/5 = 465 km .

8.    (2) Time taken by truck C = 550/55 = 10 hours.

9.    (1) Required percentage =( 475)/ ( 550 + 525) ] X 100 = 44% ( approx)

10.  (4) Speed of truck B = 350/8 = 43.75 km/hr

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