Monday 31 July 2017

Reasoning Quiz

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below has a few statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, 
II and III. You have to consider every given statements as true, even if it does not conform to the well known facts. 
Read the conclusions and then decide which of the conclusions can be logically derived.

1.       Statement:
Some People are good.
Some good are not bad.
All bad are human beings.
I. All People are bad is a possibility
II. At least some Human being are people.
III. No human being is good
(1) Only I follows                              
(2) Only I & III follows                                   
(3) Only II follows                                           
(4) Either I or II and III follows
(5) None of these

2.       Statement:
Some more are loss. 
No loss is a profit.
Some profit which are more are sale.
I. All loss can be sale is a possibility.
II. Some loss is sale.
III. Some more are not profit.  
(1) Only I follows                              
(2) Only II follows                                            
(3) Only III follows                         
(4) None follow                                 
(5) Only I & III follow

3.       Statement:
No institute is a School.
No School is a College.
Some College is a University.  
I. No Institute is a College.
II. All School is a University is a possibility
III. Some University is not a School.
(1) None Follows                              
(2) Only I & II follows                                     
(3) Only II & III follows
(4) Only III follows                          
(5) None of these

4.       Statement: 
All Inbox are Spam.
All Message are Spam.
Some Inbox are Draft.
I. No Inbox is a message is a possibility.
II. Some Inbox which are draft are also message.
III. All draft can be Spam is a possibility.
(1) Only I follows                      
(2) Only II follows                                            
(3) Only II & III follows                 
(4) Only I & III follows           
(5) All follow

5.       Statement: 
No News is a Serial.
Some Serials are Movies.
Some movies which are serials are also films.
I. Some movies are not news.  
II. Some serials are films.
III. All film can be news is a possibility.
(1) All follow                             
(2) Only I and Either II or III follows
(3) Only II and Either I or III follows
(4) Only I & II follows
(5) None of these

Directions (6-10): Each of the questions below has a few statements, followed by three -
conclusions numbered I, II, III. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the conclusions can be logically derived.
6.       Statement: 
P >  Q
R < Q 
S > P
P < M
I. M > S
II. R < M
III. Q = S
1. Only I is true                         
2. Only II is true
3. Only III is true.                     
4. Only I & III is true
5. All are true

7.       Statement : 
A < B
C > N
O = B
N > A
I. B > C
II. B < C
III. C > O
1. Only III & Either I or II is true
2. Only II & III is true
3. Only Either I or II is true
4. All I, II & III are true.
5. None of these

8.       Statement: 
T < E
D < F
T > F
R > D
I. F < E
II. T > D
III. R > T
1. Only II & III are true                          
2. Only I & II are true
3. All I, II & III are true                          
4. None are true
5. None of these

9.       Statement: 
V > W
Y < Z < X
W > Z
I. V > Z
II. Y < W
III. X > V
1. Only III is true.                                     
2. Only I & II is true        
3. Only I & III is true.                              
4. Only II & III is true
5. None of these

10.   Statement: 
H > P  < Q
L > T
L < H
I. T < H
II. L < Q
III. P > T
1. Only I is true.                                        
2. Only I & II is true
3. None are true.                                      
4. Only III is true
5. All are true

Directions (11-15): Read the following information and answer the given questions.

           N 3 $ A 2 % P 5 # 7 E R D 11 T 9 B O

11.   How many words can be formed by fourth, eleventh and sixteenth letter when counted from left hand side. 
If no such word can be formed then give answer X and if more than three words can be formed than give answer Y.
(1) One                                         
(2) Two
(3) Three                                     
(4) X
(5) Y

12.   How many consonants are there which is immediately preceded by symbol and immediately followed by number?
(1) None                                      
(2) One
(3) Two                                        
(4) More than three
(5) None of these

13.   If the above given arrangement is written in reverse order then which letter/symbol/number will be eighth-
 to the left of the letter/symbol/number which is seventh from the right end.
(1) 2                                              
(2) 11
(3) T                                              
(4) E
(5) A

14. If starting from A each alternate letter/number/symbol will be deleted which letter/number/symbol will -
be 3rd  to the left of the letter/number/symbol which is 4th from the right end.
(1) 7                                              
(2) 11
(3) O                                              
(4) %
(5) R

15.   In the above arrangement what is the difference between such numbers which are followed by a symbol and such-
  vowels which are immediately preceded by a symbol?
(1) 1                                              
(2) 2
(3) 3                                              
(4) 4
(5) None of these

Solutions (1-5)
1.       (1) Only I follows
2.       (3) Only III follows 
3.       (3) Only II & III follows.
4.       (4) Only I & III follows
5.      (4) Only I & II follows

Solutions (6-10)
6.       (2) > P Q > R, P < M
I. M > S is not true.
II. R < M is true.
III. Q = S is not true.

7.       (3) C   N  > A < B = O
I. B > C 
II. B < C
III. C > O           
Only Either I or II is true.
Either B is greater or smaller or equal to C.

8.       (2) E > T > F > D < R
I. F < E is true
II. T > D
III. R > T

9.       (2) V > W > Z < X  , Y < Z
I. V > Z is true
II. Y < W is true
III. X > V is not true.
Only I & II is true    

10.   (1) < L < H > P < Q
I. T < H is true
II. L < Q is not true
III.P > T is not true

Solutions (11-15): 

11.   (3) Three words can be formed – TEA, ATE, EAT

12.   (2) One     % P 5

13.   (3) reverse orderO B 9 T 11 D R E 7 # 5 P % 2 A $ 3 N
Eighth to the left & seventh to the right of letter/symbol/number will be  8 + 7 = 15th to the right hand side is T

14.   (4): When we delete alternate letter/number/symbol starting from A, then new series will

A % 5 7 R 11 9 0
So, 3rd  to the left and 4th from the right end = 7th from right end is %

15.   (2) Total Numbers which are followed by a symbol are: three - 3 $, 2 %, 5 #
Total vowels which are immediately preceded by a symbol are one - $ A
Difference b/w them = 3- 1 =2

Reasoning:Quiz (Statement and Arguments)

Reasoning:Quiz  (Statement and Arguments)

Statement and Arguments Questions 
Each of the following questions consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II.
Give answer:
(A) If only argument I is strong
(B) If only argument II is strong
(C) If either I or II is strong
(D) If neither I nor II is strong and
(E) If both I and II are strong.

1. Statement: Should the railways immediately stop issuing free passes to all its employees?
I. No. The employees have the right to travel free.
II. Yes. This will help railways to provide better facility.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

2. Statement : Should number of holidays of government employees be reduced ?
Arguments :
 I. Yes. Our government employees are having maximum number of holidays among the other countries of the world.
II. Yes. It will lead to increased productivity of government offices.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.   Both I and II are strong

3. Statement : Should there be reservation of seats and posts on communal basis ?
Arguments : 
I. Yes. It will check most of the inter-communal biases.
II. No. Ours is a secular state.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

4. Statement : Should government stop spending huge amounts of money on international sports ? 
Arguments : 
I. Yes. This money can be utilised for poor.
II. No. Sports-persons will be frustrated and will not get international exposure.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

5. Statement : Should education be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14 ?
Arguments : 
I. Yes. This will help to eradicate the system of forced employment of children.
II. Yes. This would increase the standard of living.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

6. Statement : Should the tuition fees in all post graduate courses be hiked considerably ?
Arguments : 
I. Yes. This will bring some kind of seriousness among the students and will improve quality.
II. No. This will force the meritorious poor students to stay away from post-graduate courses.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

7. Statement: Should students union in universities be abolished ?
Arguments :
I. Yes. Students can pay full attention to their career development.
II. No. All the great leaders had been students union leaders.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

8. Statement: Should persons convicted of criminal offences in the past be allowed to contest elections in India?
I. No. Such persons cannot serve the cause of the people and country.
II. Yes. It is democracy - let people decide whom to vote.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

9. Statement: Should cutting of trees be banned altogether?
I. Yes. It is very much necessary to do so to restore ecological balance.
II. No. A total ban would harm timber based industries.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

10. Statement: Should the political parties be banned?
I. Yes. It is necessary to teach a lesson to the politicians.
II. No. It will lead to an end of democracy.
a.  Only argument I is strong
b.  Only argument II is strong
c.  Either I or II is strong
d.  Neither I nor II is strong
e.  Both I and II are strong

Answer Key And Explanation:
1. (D)
(Explanation:The free passes given to railway employees is a privilege for them, not their right. 
    So, argument I does not hol   Argument II seems to be vague.



(Explanation: Clearly spending money on sports can not be avoided merely for social economic            
problems. But Argument II is strong. Be a sports man and then think on this question. :)


(Explanation: Clearly seriousness among the students is not because of fees but second argument is strong.


(Explanation: Clearly, persons with criminal background cannot stand to serve as the                     
representatives of the common people. So, they should not be allowed to contest elections. Thus, only argument I holds, while II does not.


10.(D)(Explanation: Clearly, with the ban on political parties, candidates can independently contest elections. 
So, it will not end democracy. Thus, argument II does not hold. Argument I does not give a strong reason.

Reasoning Quiz

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, the symbols @, $, %, # and © are used with the following meanings illustrated—

‘A @ B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’.
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’.
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’.
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’.
‘A © B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’.

In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true,
find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer—
1] If only conclusion I is true.
2] If only conclusion II is true.
3] If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
4] If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.
5] If both conclusions I and II are true.

1. Statements: C $ D, A @ B,  B # C, 
Conclusions: I. D % A
II. C % A

2. Statements: N @ P, M $ N, P % Q
Conclusions: I. P © M
II. Q # N

3. Statements: G @ H, E % F,  F # G, 
Conclusions: I. H # F
II. E % G

4. Statements: K $ L, J © K, L % M
Conclusions: I. L © J
II. L % J

5. Statements: Y © Z, W # X,  X % Y
Conclusions: I. Z # X
II. Y # W

Directions (6-10): Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it—

Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, P, R and S like  different movies  – A , B, C, D, E, F, G and H. All of them are seated around a square table (two on each side)
 facing the centre.

L sits third to the right of K. K likes C. R is sitting second to the left of P. P is not an immediate neighbour of L or K.
The one who likes A is an immediate neighbour of P. Three people sit between K and the person who likes F.

K, L and also their immediate neighbour do not like D. Only one person sits between the person who likes D and M. 
The persons who like E and H are immediate neighbour of each other.
L likes neither H nor E. Only one person sits between J and the person who likes B. J does not like D or E. N does not like D.

6. Which of the following is true regarding R?
(1) R Like the B
(2) S and M are immediate neighbours of R
(3) One person sits between R and the person who likes H
(4) R sits second to the right of J
(5) None of these

7. Who amongst the following likes movie E ?
(1) L (2) R (3) M
(4) N (5) Cannot be determined

8. How many person sit between S and the person who likes H, when counted from the left hand side of the person who likes H?
(1) None  (2) One (3) Two
(4) Three (5) Four

9. Which of the following is true?
(1) Only one person is sitting between the person who likes H and G brand.
(2) S likes D brand.
(3) The person who likes E is an immediate neighbour of K.
(4) One person sits between K and the person who likes D brand.
(5) None is true

10. Who amongst the following represent immediate neighbour of M?
(1) J, N
(2) P and the person who likes D  
(3) K and the person who likes G
(4) P, R
(5) J, S

Solutions (1-5):
@ - ³
$ - £ 
% - >
# - <
© - =

1. (4):
Statement: A ³ B < C £  D
I. D > A
II. C > A

2. (2):
Statement: M £  N ³ P > Q
Conclusions I. P = M
II. Q < N

3. (4):
Statement: E > F < G ³ H
Conclusions I. H < F
II. E > G

4. (3):
Statement: J = K £  L > M
Conclusions I. L = J
II. L > J

5. (1);
Statement: W < X > Y = Z
Conclusions I. Z < X
II. Y < W

Solutions (6-10):

6. (5)
7. (4)
8. (4)
9. (2)
10. (3)

Quant quiz

Quant quiz

Time:(4-5 minutes)

1.  Find the ratio in which rice at Rs. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 5.70 a kg to  produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg?
A) 3:2
B) 2:3
C) 3:4
D) 4:3
E) None of these.
2.  8 litres are drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filled with water. This operation is performed three more times.
 The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in cask to that of the water is 16 : 65. How much wine did the cask originally hold?
A) 48 liter
B) 37 liter
C) 24 liter
D) 36 liter
E) None of these.

3. In what ratio must rice at Rs. 7.10 be mixed with rice at Rs. 9.20 so that the mixture may be worth Rs. 8 per Kg?
A) 3:7
B) 3:5
C) 4:5
D) 4:3
E) None of these

4.  We have a 630 ml of mixture of milk and water in the ratio 7:2. How much water must be added to make the ratio 7:3?
A) 80 ml
B) 70 ml
C) 40 ml
D) 30 ml
E) None of these.

5. John bought 20 kg of wheat at the rate of Rs.8.50 per kg and 35 kg at the rate of  Rs. 8.75 per kg. 
He mixed the two. Approximately at what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make 40% profit as the cost price?
A) Rs. 20
B) Rs. 8
C) Rs. 10
D) Rs. 12
E) None of these.

6.  P is able to do a piece of work in 15 days and Q can do the same work in 20 days. If they can 
work together for 4 days, what is the fraction of work left?
A) 11/15
B) 7/15
C) 8/15
D) 3/5
E) None of these.

7. P can lay railway track between two stations in 16 days. Q can do the same job in 12 days. 
With the help of R, they completes the job in 4 days.How much days does it take for R alone to complete the work?
A) 49/5
B) 43/5
C) 48/5
D) 9
E) None of these.

8. 6 men and 8 women can complete a work in 10 days. 26 men and 48 women can finish the same work in 2 days.
 15 men and 20 women can do the same work in - days?
A) 8 day
B) 4 day
C) 6 day
D) 10 day
E) None of these.

9. P works twice as fast as Q. If Q alone can complete a work in 12 days,P and Q can finish the work in days?
A) 8
B) 12
C) 6
D) 4
E) None of these.

10. A boat takes 38 hours for travelling downstream from point A to point B and coming back to point C midway between A and B. 
If the velocity of the stream is 4 kmph and the speed of the boat in still water is 14 kmph, what is the distance between A and B?
A) 300 km
B) 480 km
C) 240 km
D) 360 km
E) None of these.

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D

Quant Mix QUIZ

Quant Mix QUIZ

1. Present ages of Arti and Swati are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. 
What is Swati's present age in years?
A) 24
B) 25
C) 28
D) 30
E) None of these.
2. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. 
If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then what was the age my father when my brother was born?
A) 48
B) 42
C) 35
D) 32
E) None of these.

3. A bank offers 10% interest rate compounded annually. A person deposits Rs. 20,000 every year in his account. If he does not withdraw any amount, 
then how much balances will his account show after four years?
A) 102102
B) 102050
C) 105065
D) 102520
E) None of these.

4. A large tanker can be filled by two pipes A and B in 60 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill the tanker from empty state-
 if B is used for half  the time and A and B fill it together for the other half?
A) 45 min
B) 30 min.
C) 35 min.
D) 42 min.
E) None of these.

5. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 524 is the same as the loss incurred after selling the article for Rs. 436. What is the cost price of the article? 
A) Rs. 480 
B) Rs. 510
C) Rs. 600
D) Rs. 750 
E) None of these 

6. In an examination there are 30 question. I mark is given for each correct answer and 0.25 marks is deducted for each incorrect answer. 
Mohan attempted all the questions and scored 13.75 marks. How many incorrect answers did he give? 
A) 10 
B) 11 
C) 12 
D) 13 
E) None of these

7. Mr.Sharma  invests 13% of his monthly salary on mutual funds and the amont is Rs. 305500. Later he invests 9% of his monthly salary on pension policies. 
Also he invests another 29% of his monthly salary on insurance policies. What is the total monthly amount invested by Mr. Sharma? 
A) Rs. 22 lakh 
B) Rs. 12.5 lakh 
C) Rs. 1198500 
D) Rs. 6.50 lakh
E) None of these

8. In how many different ways can the word GALOTIA be arranged? 
A) 1870 
B) 2080 
C) 2110
D) 2520 
E) None of these

9. The ratio of the earnings of A to B is 4 :5. If the earnings of A increase by 20% and the earnings of B decrease by 20%,
 the new ratio of their earnings becomes 6 : 5. What are A’s earnings? 
A) Rs. 20000 
B) Rs. 15010
C) Rs. 5000
D) Can’t be determined  
E) None of these

10. What would be the compound interest occurred on an amount of Rs. 6850 at the rate of 14% per annum in 2 years? 
A) Rs. 1820.65 
B) Rs. 2260.85
C) Rs. 2020.26
D) Rs. 2052.26 
E) None of these


1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. D


1. let Arti age is 5x and Swati age is 4x
after 3 year
(5x+3)/(4x+3)= 11/9
on solving x=6
So Swati Present Age = 4*6= 24 year.

2. Let my age = x
ThenMy brother's age = x + 3
My mother's age = x + 26
My sister's age = (x + 3) + 4 = x + 7
My Father's age = (x + 7) + 28 = x + 35
Age my father when my brother was born = x + 35 – (x + 3) = 32

3. Rs.20000 after 4 years =20000(1+10/100)^4==Rs. 29282
Rs.20000 after 3 years=20000(1+10/100)^3=Rs. 26620
Rs. 20000 after 2 years =20000(1+10/100)^2=Rs. 24200
Rs.20000 after 1 year =20000(1+10/100)=Rs. 22000
Total amount after 4 years = 29282 + 26620 + 24200 + 22000 = Rs. 102102

4. Part filled by pipe A in 1 minute = 1/60
Part filled by pipe B in 1 minute = 1/40
Part filled by both pipes A and pipe B in 1 minute = 1/60+1/40=1/24
Suppose the tank is filled in x minutes
Then, To fill the tanker from empty state, B is used for x/2 minutes and A and B is used for the rest x/2 minutes
So X/2*1/40 + x/2*1/24=1
on solving x= 30 min

5. cost price = (524 + 436)/2 = 960/2 = Rs. 480

6. Let the number of questions attempted by Mohan with correct answers be x. Then, total marks obtained for correct answers = x * 1 = x
And the number of questions attempted by Mohan with incorrect answers = 30 – x.
Total marks deducted for incorrect answers = (30 – x)/4
Now, x – (30-x)/4 = 13.75
Or, 4x + x = 13.75 + 30 = 55 + 30 = 85 or, 5x = 85
x = 85/5 = 17
Incorrect answers = 30 – 17 = 13

7. Let the monthly income be Rs. X
Then, (x * 13)/100 = 305500
x = (305500 * 100)/13 = Rs. 2350000
Now, total monthly amount invested by Mr. Sharma = 29 + 9 + 13 = 51%
So, 51% of 2350000= (51*2350000)/100 = Rs. 1198500

8. Here in the given word GALOTIA, there are seven letters, where A appears twice. Hence the rqd number of ways
= 7!/2! = 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 = 2520

9. Can't determined.

10. Rs. 2052.26

Quant Quiz

Quant Quiz

1.In an election between two candidates, one got 52% of total valid votes. 25% of the total votes were invalid.
 The total number of votes were 8400. How many valid votes did the other person get? 
(1) 3276 
(2) 3196
(3) 3024 
(4) Cannot be determined 
(5) None of these   

2.A man rows to a place 48 km distant and come back in 14 hours. He finds that he can row-
 4 km with the stream in the same time as 3 km against the stream. The rate of the stream is:

3.A man takes twice as long to row a distance against the stream as to row the same distance in favour -
of the stream. The ratio of the speed of the boat (in still water) and the stream is:
(5) none of these

4.A fort has provisions for 60 days. If after 15 days 500 men strengthen them and the food lasts 40 days longer, how many men are there in the fort? 
(5)None of these

Directions (5-7) In each of the following questions What will come in place of ____ in the following questions
5. 6 ,3 ,3 ,4.5 ,9 , ?
(5) 27

6.9 , 28 ,65 , 126 , ?
(5) 220

7. 1 ,5 , 3 , 9 , 5, 13 ,7 , 17,11, 21 ,?
(5) none of these

Directions (8-12): Study the given information carefully 
A basket contains 6 blue, 2 red, 4 green and 3 yellow balls. 

8.If 2 balls are picked at random, what is the probability that either both are green or both are yellow?
(1) 2/5 
(2) 3/35
(3) 1/3
(4) 3/91
(5) None of these 

9.If 5 balls are picked at random, what is the probability that at least one is blue? 
(1) 137/143
(2) 9/91
(3) 18/455
(4) 2/5
(5) None of these

10.If 2 balls are picked at random, what is the probability that both are blue? 
(1) 1/5 
(2) 8/91
(3) 2/15
(4) 2/27
(5) None of these 
11.If 4 balls are picked at random, what is the probability that 2 are red and 2 are green?
(1) 4/15 
(2) 5/27
(3) 1/3
(4) 2/455
(5) None of these 
12.If 3 balls are picked at random, what is the probability that none is yellow? 
(1) 3/455 
(2) 1/5
(3) 44/91
(4) 4/5
(5) None of these 
Direction(13-15):Find the approximate value 
13.9837+315 X 6-77 X 13+10% of 1500

14.12 X 13+105% of 993 +879/18 +15
(5) 1215

15.12833 + 133 % of 1655 -7/5 of 3533
(5) 9500

Answer :

1) 3
2) 1
3) 1
4) 2 
5) 1
6) 3
7) 1
8) 2
9) 1
10) 5
11) 4
12) 3
13. 2
14. 4
15. 2 


1. valid votes got by other person = 8400 *36/100 =3024

2. let Speed of man = x and speed of stream = y
48/(x+y) + 48/(x-y) = 14
4/(x+y) = 3/(x-y)
on solving, y = 1km/hr

3.let Speed of Boat = x and speed of stream = y
 So distance is same,
so 2/(x+y)= 1/(x-y)
on solving x= 3y
x:y = 3:1

4. let total person was x
x*45= (x+500)*40
on solcing x= 4000
5. 22.5
6. 217
7. 13
8.  probability either both at green or either both are yellow = (4c2+3c2)/(15c2) = 9/105 =3/35
9. 1- 9c5/15c5 =137/143
10. 6c2/15c2 = 1/7
11. 2c2*4c2/15c4 =2/445
12. 12c3/15c3 = 44/91
13. option 2(approx)
14.  option 4(approx)

15. option 2(approx)