Monday 31 July 2017

Quant Mix QUIZ

Quant Mix QUIZ

1. Present ages of Arti and Swati are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. 
What is Swati's present age in years?
A) 24
B) 25
C) 28
D) 30
E) None of these.
2. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. 
If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then what was the age my father when my brother was born?
A) 48
B) 42
C) 35
D) 32
E) None of these.

3. A bank offers 10% interest rate compounded annually. A person deposits Rs. 20,000 every year in his account. If he does not withdraw any amount, 
then how much balances will his account show after four years?
A) 102102
B) 102050
C) 105065
D) 102520
E) None of these.

4. A large tanker can be filled by two pipes A and B in 60 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill the tanker from empty state-
 if B is used for half  the time and A and B fill it together for the other half?
A) 45 min
B) 30 min.
C) 35 min.
D) 42 min.
E) None of these.

5. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 524 is the same as the loss incurred after selling the article for Rs. 436. What is the cost price of the article? 
A) Rs. 480 
B) Rs. 510
C) Rs. 600
D) Rs. 750 
E) None of these 

6. In an examination there are 30 question. I mark is given for each correct answer and 0.25 marks is deducted for each incorrect answer. 
Mohan attempted all the questions and scored 13.75 marks. How many incorrect answers did he give? 
A) 10 
B) 11 
C) 12 
D) 13 
E) None of these

7. Mr.Sharma  invests 13% of his monthly salary on mutual funds and the amont is Rs. 305500. Later he invests 9% of his monthly salary on pension policies. 
Also he invests another 29% of his monthly salary on insurance policies. What is the total monthly amount invested by Mr. Sharma? 
A) Rs. 22 lakh 
B) Rs. 12.5 lakh 
C) Rs. 1198500 
D) Rs. 6.50 lakh
E) None of these

8. In how many different ways can the word GALOTIA be arranged? 
A) 1870 
B) 2080 
C) 2110
D) 2520 
E) None of these

9. The ratio of the earnings of A to B is 4 :5. If the earnings of A increase by 20% and the earnings of B decrease by 20%,
 the new ratio of their earnings becomes 6 : 5. What are A’s earnings? 
A) Rs. 20000 
B) Rs. 15010
C) Rs. 5000
D) Can’t be determined  
E) None of these

10. What would be the compound interest occurred on an amount of Rs. 6850 at the rate of 14% per annum in 2 years? 
A) Rs. 1820.65 
B) Rs. 2260.85
C) Rs. 2020.26
D) Rs. 2052.26 
E) None of these


1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. D


1. let Arti age is 5x and Swati age is 4x
after 3 year
(5x+3)/(4x+3)= 11/9
on solving x=6
So Swati Present Age = 4*6= 24 year.

2. Let my age = x
ThenMy brother's age = x + 3
My mother's age = x + 26
My sister's age = (x + 3) + 4 = x + 7
My Father's age = (x + 7) + 28 = x + 35
Age my father when my brother was born = x + 35 – (x + 3) = 32

3. Rs.20000 after 4 years =20000(1+10/100)^4==Rs. 29282
Rs.20000 after 3 years=20000(1+10/100)^3=Rs. 26620
Rs. 20000 after 2 years =20000(1+10/100)^2=Rs. 24200
Rs.20000 after 1 year =20000(1+10/100)=Rs. 22000
Total amount after 4 years = 29282 + 26620 + 24200 + 22000 = Rs. 102102

4. Part filled by pipe A in 1 minute = 1/60
Part filled by pipe B in 1 minute = 1/40
Part filled by both pipes A and pipe B in 1 minute = 1/60+1/40=1/24
Suppose the tank is filled in x minutes
Then, To fill the tanker from empty state, B is used for x/2 minutes and A and B is used for the rest x/2 minutes
So X/2*1/40 + x/2*1/24=1
on solving x= 30 min

5. cost price = (524 + 436)/2 = 960/2 = Rs. 480

6. Let the number of questions attempted by Mohan with correct answers be x. Then, total marks obtained for correct answers = x * 1 = x
And the number of questions attempted by Mohan with incorrect answers = 30 – x.
Total marks deducted for incorrect answers = (30 – x)/4
Now, x – (30-x)/4 = 13.75
Or, 4x + x = 13.75 + 30 = 55 + 30 = 85 or, 5x = 85
x = 85/5 = 17
Incorrect answers = 30 – 17 = 13

7. Let the monthly income be Rs. X
Then, (x * 13)/100 = 305500
x = (305500 * 100)/13 = Rs. 2350000
Now, total monthly amount invested by Mr. Sharma = 29 + 9 + 13 = 51%
So, 51% of 2350000= (51*2350000)/100 = Rs. 1198500

8. Here in the given word GALOTIA, there are seven letters, where A appears twice. Hence the rqd number of ways
= 7!/2! = 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 = 2520

9. Can't determined.

10. Rs. 2052.26

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