Wednesday 13 September 2017

Test of the Day

Q1. Who is the current governor of Kerala?
 ESL Narsimhan
 P R Rangasami
 Rameshwar Thakur
 Palanisamy Sathasivam
 Sushil Kumar Shinde
Palanisamy Sathasivam is the current Governor of Kerala.

Q2. Silent Valley National Park is situated in which of the following Indian state?
 Tamil Nadu
 West Bengal
Silent Valley National Park is a national park with a core zone of 236.74 square kilometres(making it the largest national park in Kerala). It is located in the Nilgiri Hills, Mannarkkad, within the Palakkad District of Kerala, South India. It is famous for its population of the endangered Lion-tailed Macaque, Tiger, Leopard, Jungle Cat, Leopard Cat, Sloth bear, otter, Travancore flying squirrel, Porcupine and Elephant etc.

Q3. World Environment Day is observed on which of the following date? 
 June 10
 June 22
 June 18
 June 4
 June 5
World Environment Day (WED) is observed every year on 5 June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Q4. Which of the following country is not a member of G7? 
Group of Seven (G7), international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic cooperation among the world's largest industrial nations; summit meetings of the member nations began in 1975. Members are Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States.

Q5. IBA stands for-
 Indian Banks' Allocation
 Indian Banks' Association
 Institute Banks' Association
 Indian Banks' Assembly
 Indian Billing Association
Indian Banks' Association (IBA) set up in 1946 with 22 members to discuss issues of common interests. Over the years, IBA emerged as the Voice of Indian Banking Industry.

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions given below, a group of digits is given followed by four combinations of letter/symbols numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to find out which of the four combinations correctly represents the group of digits based on the letter/symbol codes and the conditions given below. If none of the four combinations represents the group of digits correctly, give (E) i.e. ‘None of these’ as the answer. 
(i) If the first digit is odd and last digit is even, the codes for the first and the last digits are to be interchanged.
(ii) If the first as well as the last digit is even, both are to be coded by the code for last digit.
 (iii) If the first as well as the last digit is odd, both are to be coded as X.
(iv) If the first digit is even and last digit is odd, both are to be coded by the code for the first digit. (v) If 0 is preceded and followed by odd number then 0 is coded as ^.
(vi) 0 is neither odd number nor even number.

Q6. 50643218
 None of these
50643218= @Z*LESBQ
Note: Use condition (i).

Q7. 65392183
 None of these
65392183= *QE#SB@*
Note: Use condition (iv) .

Q8. 30246589
 None of these
30246589= XZSL*Q@X
Note: Use condition (iii)

Q9. 43062508
 None of these
43062508= @EZ*SQZ@
Note: Use condition (ii).

Q10. 35070462
 None of these
35070462= SQ^%ZL*E
Note: Use condition (v) and (i).

Q11. A pump can be used for filling as well as for empting a tank. The capacity of the tank is 2400 m³. The emptying capacity of the tank is 10 m³ per minute higher than its filling capacity and the pump needs 8 minutes lesser to empty the tank than it needs to fill it. What is the filling capacity of the pump?
 50 m³/min
 60 m³/min
 72 m³/min
 None of these

Q12. A bath can be filled by the cold water pipe in 40 minutes and by the hot water pipe in 60 minutes. A person leaves the bathroom after turning on both pipes simultaneously and returns at the moment when the bath should be full. Finding, however, that the waste pipe has been open, he now closes it. In 12 minutes more the bath is full. In what time would the waste pipe empty it?
 32 min
 58 min
 48 min
 54 min
 None of these

Q13. P and Q together can finish a work in 15 days. P and R takes 2 days more to complete the same work than Q and R. P, Q and R can complete the work in 8 days. In how many days P can finish it separately? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 
 None of these

Q14. A man makes 60 articles in the 1st hour. His efficiency decreases by 25% in the 2nd hour, increases by 40% in the 3rd hour, decreases by 33% in the 4th hour and increases by 50% in the 5th hour. If he has to work for more than1 hour, then in which hour the average number of articles produced per hour then would be minimum?
 2nd hour
 After 5th hour
 3rd hour
 None of these
 Cannot be determined

Q15. The cost of building a wall is Rs. 1,347. Wages of workmen is increased by 1/8 of the former wages and working hours per day have been increased by 1/20 of the former duration. What is the new cost (approximately) of building a wall, the length of which is two times the length of this wall and the other dimensions of this wall are same?
 Rs. 2,692
 Rs. 2,724
 Rs. 2,886
 Rs. 2,484
 None of these

Directions (16-20) Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change. 

 Naturalization is the process by which an emmigrant became a citizen of his new country.
 Naturalization is the process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen of his new country.
 Naturalization is the process by which a immigrant becomes an citizen of his new country.
 Naturalization is the process by which a immigrant becomes a citizen of his new country.
 None is true.
Use ‘an’ in place of ‘a’. Hence B is the correct sentence.
Option C is incorrect due to mismatch of articles.

 He was so tired that he could not cross the street even within the help of porter.
 He was too tired that he could not cross the street even with the help of porter.
 He was too tired that he could not cross the street also with the help of a porter.
 He was so tired that he could not cross the street even with the help of a porter.
 None is true.
Use of ‘so’ is correct. Because ‘so’ is followed by ‘that-clause’ and ‘too’ is followed by ‘to+V’ e.g. ‘It is too hot to touch ‘and ‘ It is so hot that I cannot be touched’. Hence option D.

 The solutions are to avoid the impasse altogether, by taken a slightly different routes.
 The solutions is to avoid the impasse altogether, by taking a slightly different route.
 The solutions are to avoid the impasse altogether, by taking a slightly different route.
 The solutions is to avoid the impasse altogether, by taking a slight different route.
 None is true.
Option C is the correct choice.

 As Arundhati Roy in her foreword writes john offers untold stories of people.
 As Arundhati Roy in her foreword written john offered untold stories of people.
 As Arundhati Roy on her foreword wrote john offers untold stories for people.
 As Arundhati Roy in her foreword write john offers untold stories of people.
 None is true.
Option A is the correct option. Singular subject takes plural verb.

 Responsibilities has include working with the editors on all aspects of the editorial processes.
 Responsibilities include working with the editors on all aspects of the editorial process.
 Responsibilities includes working with the editors on all aspects of the editorial process.
 Responsibilities included working with the editor of all aspect of the editorial processes.
 None is true
keeping subject verb agreement in mind, option B is the correct choice.

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