Showing posts with label Test of the Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Test of the Day. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Test of the Day

Q1. Ruth Pfau, known locally as Pakistan's Mother Teresa, passed away recently. She was basically from which country?
Ruth Pfau, a German nun who devoted her life to combatting leprosy in Pakistan, has died at the age of 87. Pfau, who was known locally as Pakistan's Mother Teresa, came to the southern port city of Karachi in 1960 and spent half a century taking care of some of the country's sickest and poorest people.

Q2. Where are the headquarters of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) situated?
 The Hague
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members. Headquarter of OPEC is in Vienna, Austria.

Q3. The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is a group of Hindu and Jain temples in-
 Madhya Pradesh
 West Bengal
The Khajuraho Temples in Madhya Pradesh are amongst the most beautiful medieval monuments in India. Originally a group of 85, they are the largest group of Hindu and Jain temples in the world, although only about 25 of them remain today. The Khajuraho Temples were built by the Chandella rulers between AD 900 and 1130, during the golden period of the Chandela dynasty. It is presumed that every Chandella ruler built at least one temple in his lifetime.

Q4. Which city houses the headquarters of International Cricket Council (ICC)? 
ICC is registered in British Virgin Islands. In August 2005 the ICC moved its offices to Dubai, and subsequently closed its offices at Lord's and Monaco. The move to Dubai was made after an 11–1 vote by the ICC's Executive Board in favour.

Q5. The International Youth Day was observed across the world on _____________.
 10 August
 8 August
 15 August
 12 August
 13 August
The International Youth Day was observed across the world on 12 August.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions given below: 
In Kolkata, there are eight members i.e. D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K who live in an apartment of ten storey building in which two floor is vacant. First floor is ground floor and Top floor is tenth floor. They like different colors i.e. Yellow, Green, White, Blue, Black, Red, Brown and Pink. They have different pets i.e. Coco, Lucy, Sasha, Lily, Sophie, Lola, Abby and Roxy.
 The one who likes pink color live on even numbered floor above on 5th floor but not on top floor. K lives just below the floor on which the one who likes Black color lives. There are one floor between the one who likes Black color and vacant floor. One vacant floor is odd numbered floor and 2nd vacant floor is even numbered floor that is just above on the floor on which I lives. I lives on 9th floor and has Lucy pets. I lives just above the floor who has Sophie pets. K is just above on 7th floor. There are two floor between vacant floor. No vacant floor is 4th floor. There are 3 people live between the one who likes Red color and the one who has Coco pets. The one who likes red color live immediate above on vacant floor. The one who likes Blue color lives just above on E’s floor but below from the floor on which the one who has Coco pets, lives. G lives on odd numbered floor and has Abby pets. There are more than two floor between the one who has Lily pets and G. There are 2 people live between the one who has Abby pets and Sasha pets. The one who likes Yellow color live on odd numbered floor and just above the one who likes Brown colors. F lives on odd numbered floor and above on the floor on which the one who likes Green color. J likes Pink color and lives above on D’s floor and above on 4th floor. D does not have Sasha and Lola pets.

Q6. Who among the following lives on 3rd floor?

Q7. Who lives on just above the floor on which the one who has Lola pets?
 No one

Q8. How many person lives between the one who likes Brown color and Green color?

Q9. If G is related to White and F is related to Lily , then D is related to which among the following?
 None of these

Q10. How many person lives between the one who has Sophie pets and Coco pets?
 No one

Directions (11-15): What should come in place of question mark (?) in following questions? 

 None of these

 None of these

 None of these

 None of these

 None of these

Directions (16-20): In each question, the word at the top is used in five different ways, numbered to (a) to (e), Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. 

 Q16. Write
 Her name wasn't on the ballot, but several hundred voters wrote her in.
 The government has agreed to write off the debt.
 I asked her to write into the directions to her house.
 The teacher wrote up the boy for throwing food at his classmates.
 When he graduates, he'll be able to write his own ticket.
I asked her to write out the directions to her house-write (something) out or write out (something)
a : to put (something) in writing on a piece of paper
write (someone) in or write in (someone) : to vote for (someone who is not on the official list of candidates) by writing that person's name in a special place on the ballot
write (something) off or write off (something)-to say officially that (money that is owed to you) will not be paid or does not need to be paid
write (someone) up or write up (someone) US : to produce an official document that reports (someone) to an authority to be punished

Q17. Add 
 He bought another rare coin to add onto his collection.
 We were short of money. Added to that, we were lost!
 They must be lying; their story just doesn't add up.
 The hours that I spend traveling to work really add up.
 Her research has greatly added to our knowledge of the subject.
add to this/that and added to this/that are often used informally to introduce a statement about something that makes a thing or situation better, worse, more important, etc.
add to (something)-to make (something) larger, better, or greater

Q18. Pass
 Your mom could pass as your sister!
 I realized that I was letting life pass me .
 The painting is a family heirloom that has been passed down through the generations.
 Students should pass their papers in before they leave.
 She passed the poem off as her own.
I realized that I was letting life pass me by.
pass as (someone or something) : to cause people to believe that you are (someone or something that you are not)
pass (someone) by-to happen without being noticed or acted upon by (someone)
pass (something) down or pass down (something)-to give (something) to a younger person especially within the same family
pass (something) in or pass in (something)-to give (something) to a person who will review it
pass (someone or something) off as (someone or something) or pass off (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to cause people to wrongly believe that someone or something is someone or something else

Q19. Break
 The prisoner finally broke down under intensive questioning.
 he prisoner struggled to break free.
 She wanted to break free from the constraints of her middle-class life.
 Someone tried to break over our house while we were away.
 I was listening to my favorite radio program when a reporter broke in with news about a storm.
break into (something)-to enter (a house, building, etc.) illegally and especially by using force Someone tried to break into our house while we were away.
break down or break (someone) down or break down (someone) : to lose or cause (someone) to lose strength or the ability to resist or fight
break free- to become able to move or escape by using force or effort
break in -to interrupt or disturb someone or something

Q20. See
 She saw him through at the train station.
 He saw the project out to its very end.
 They went to see the house over.
 She saw great musical talent in her son.
 I think their plan is crazy, but he apparently sees something in it.
She saw him off at the train station.-see off-see (someone) off or see off (someone)
: to go to an airport, train station, etc., with (someone who is leaving) in order to say goodbye
see (something) out-to continue to work at (something) until it is completed
 see over (something)-to walk around and examine (a place) carefully
 see (something) in (someone or something)-to notice or perceive (something good or attractive) in (someone or something)

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Test of the Day

Q1. The G-20 Summit of 20 powerful nations, focused mainly on combating terrorism was held recently (July 2017) in ______ .
 Brussels, Belgium
 Paris, France
 New York, USA
 Hamburg, Germany
 Geneva, Switzerland
The 12th Edition of G-20 Summit was held recently in Hamburg, Germany. The G20, or group of 20, is an international meeting between heads of states, finance ministers and central bank governors from the world’s leading economies.

Q2. 122 countries had recently approved the first-ever treaty to ban nuclear weapons at the UN meeting boycotted by all nuclear-armed nations. In which year Japan had suffered the nuclear attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
122 countries approved the first-ever treaty to ban nuclear weapons at the UN meeting boycotted by all nuclear-armed nations. One country, the Netherlands voted against while Singapore abstained. Japan had suffered the nuclear attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 during Second World War.

Q3. Centre Government has recently launched an app named ___________ to verify the accurate tax rate on commodity and services under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime.
 Know Taxes
 Know GST
 GST Rates Finder
 All About GST
 GST Calculator
Centre has launched an app – GST Rates Finder to verify the accurate tax rate on commodity and services under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley launched the app in New Delhi.

Q4. Name the globally renowned champion for the cause of autism spectrum disorder who has been recently appointed as the WHO's goodwill ambassador for autism in the world body's Southeast Asia region.
 Saima Wazed Hossain
 Sylvie Vartan
 Jet Li
 Yohei Sasakawa
 Peng Liyuan
Saima Wazed Hossain, a globally renowned champion for the cause of autism spectrum disorder has been appointed as the WHO's goodwill ambassador for autism in the world body's Southeast Asia region. Her appointment is for a period of two years.

Q5. What is the meaning of "I" in UPI?
UPI stands for Unified Payment Interface.

Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the following questions: 
In a certain code language 
"second day month long" is coded as “15M 15G 1Z 5M ”
"resign after her speech" is coded as “16X 5V 6V 5T ”
"gave berth after the" is coded as “8S 6V 5G 1E ”

 Q6. What is the code for ‘road'?
 None of these.

Q7. What is the code for ‘train'?
 None of these.

Q8. What is the code for ‘temple'?
 None of these.

Q9. What is the code for ‘minister'?
 None of these.

Q10. What is the code for ‘travel'?
 None of these

Q11. A reduction of 25% in the price of tea enables a person to buy 5 kg more for Rs. 120. Find the original price of sugar. 
 Rs. 4 per kg
 Rs. 2 per kg
 Rs. 9 per kg
 Rs. 8 per kg
 None of these

Q12. A shopkeeper labeled the price of his articles so as to earn a profit of 30% on the cost price. He then sold the articles by offering a discount of 10% on the labeled price. What is the actual profit per cent in the deal? 
 None of these

Q13. A metal wire when bent in the form of a square encloses an area 484 cm². If the same wire is bent in the form of a circle, then (taking Ï€=22/7)its area is 
 308 cm²
 506 cm²
 600 cm²
 616 cm²
 None of these

Q14. A car owner buys petrol at Rs 7.50, Rs 8.00 and Rs 8.50 per litre for three successive years. What approximately is the average cost per litre of petrol if he spends Rs 4000 cash each year?
 Rs 8
 Rs 9
 Rs 7.98
 Rs 8.50
 None of these

Q15. A man bought two packets of toffees having the same number of toffees in each. The first, he bought at 5 paise each, but the second at 3 for 13 paise. He then mixed them all together and sold them at 70 paise a dozen. His gain is: 
 None of these

Directions (16-20): In each question, the word at the top is used in five different ways, numbered to (A) to (E), Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. 

 Q16. Laugh
 The landlord wanted more money, but I laughed him away.
 The other team laughed us away from the field.
 Although his feelings were hurt, he just laughed the incident off as if nothing had happened.
 He laughed off the incident.
 It's not easy to laugh an insult.
laugh off-To force someone to leave some area because of laughter or ridicule
To dismiss something or someone as ridiculous or laughable
laugh off something-to act as if something is not important to you-
laugh something off-to treat a serious problem lightly by laughing at it.

Q17. Look 
 If you're planning to invest in your friend's company, I advise you to look before you leap.
 I haven't looked at the newspaper today.
 He looks to his aging parents.
 The kids looked around the shops while we unpacked.
 He is looking around for a new car.
look before you leap-to think or learn about the possible bad results of an action before doing it
look at (something)- to have (something bad or unpleasant) as a problem or possibility
look back - to think about something in the past
look at (something)-to have (something bad or unpleasant) as a problem or possibility
look at (someone or something)-to think about or consider (something or someone)
look around/round or look around/round (a place) -to go through a place in order to see what is there : to explore a place

Q18. Keep
 Keep the cat of the couch.
 When I am not using it, I keep my passport in this drawer.
 If I ate that, I down know if I could keep it down.
 Keep back! The burning building is about to collapse.
 Keep the kids away from the cookies.
keep -away prevent access to, hold back
keep back- maintain a safe distance, cause
to maintain a safe distance
keep down -not vomit, not throw up,
keep in one's stomach keep in -
keep in a particular place,
have something in a specific location
keep off- prevent from stepping or

Q19. Run
 I ran into my English teacher at the movies last night. She's so nice!
 The new government is trying at run the drug traffickers off.
 Would you mind running off 10 copies of this document for me?
 Why did you run off after the party?
 You shouldn't swim where the sewage runs off into the ocean.
run into -meet unexpectedly
run off - make leave
run off- reproduce (photocopies)
run off-leave quickly
run out of - not have any more of something

Q20. Take
 Would you mind taking down my messages while I am on vacation?
 The city government made the shop take down their bright, neon sign.
 Do you take me for an idiot?
 Are you taking in all of these phrasal verbs?
 He was taken by the concert artist.
He was taken in by the con artist.
take back-return an item to a store
take down - write down what is said
take down -remove (from a high place)
take for -consider, view as
take in- learning

Thursday 21 September 2017

Test of the Day

Q1. _________ account is opened by the investor while registering with an investment broker.
 Fixed Deposit Account
 Savings Bank Account
 Recurring Account
 Demat Account
 None of the given options is true
DEMAT or De-materialized Account refers to a deposit made at an Indian financial institution that can be used for investing in shares of stocks and other financial assets.Securities are held electronically in a DEMAT Account, thereby eliminating the need for physical paper certificates.

Q2. Which of the following bank launches India’s first Mobile ATM?
 HDFC Bank
 Axis Bank
 Bank of Baroda
India’s largest private sector bank, ICICI launched the “ATM on Wheels” country first Mobile ATM, in Mumbai. It was connected to the bank through the GPRS technology.

Q3. World’s first Bitcoin ATM located in-
The world’s first-ever Bitcoin ATM opened in Vancouver, Canada. It enables Bitcoin owners to exchange the digital currency for cash, and vice versa. Bitcoin is a digital currency also called crypto-currency that is not backed by any country’s central bank or government. Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment.

Q4. _______ is a financial market in which share prices are rising or expected to rise.
 Bear Market
 Bull Market
 Pig Market
 High Market
 None of the given options is true
A bull market is a financial market of a group of securities in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. It means the economy is growing. The term “bull market” is most often used to refer to the stock market, but can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, currencies and commodities.

Q5. Who was known as the “Father of Modern Economics”?
 Amartya Sen
 Karl Marx
 Adam Smith
 George Loewenstein
 None of the given options is true
Adam Smith was an 18th-century philosopher renowned as the father of modern economics, and a major proponent of laissez-faire economic policies.

Directions (6-10): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 
Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons in each. In row 1, A, B, C, D and E are sitting and all of them are facing north. In row 2, P, Q R, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing south. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them belong to different state viz. Rajasthan, Manipur, Bihar, Delhi, Punjab, Goa, Nagaland, Kerela, Telengana and Assam but not necessarily in the same order.
 T belongs to Bihar and sits second to right of P. T does not sit extreme end of the row. Immediate neighbor of T faces the A who belongs to Telengana. There are two persons sit between the A and the one who belongs to Goa. R sits second to left of one who belongs to Manipur. Q belongs to Manipur and he does not sit extreme end of the row. Immediate neighbor of one who belongs to Goa faces the person who belongs to Manipur. E sits second to right of one who belongs to Kerela. The immediate neighbor of one who belongs to Rajasthan faces the S. The one who belongs to Punjab sits third to right of one who belongs to Rajasthan. The immediate neighbor of one who belongs to Rajasthan faces the person who belongs to Nagaland. P does not belong to Assam. Immediate neighbor of C faces the person who belongs to Bihar. B faces the person who belongs to Nagaland. E does not belong to Goa.

 Q6. Who among following sit at the extreme end of the line? 

Q7. The immediate neighbor of A faces whom among the following?
 None of these

Q8.Who among the following sits diagonally opposite to B? 

Q9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions and so form a group. Which of the following is different from the group? 

Q10. Who among following belongs to Punjab? 

 if x < y
 if x > y
 if x ≤ y
 if x ≥ y
 if x = y or no relation can be established

 if x < y
 if x > y
 if x ≤ y
 if x ≥ y
 if x = y or no relation can be established

 if x < y
 if x > y
 if x ≤ y
 if x ≥ y
 if x = y or no relation can be established

 if x < y
 if x > y
 if x ≤ y
 if x ≥ y
 if x = y or no relation can be established

 if x < y
 if x > y
 if x ≤ y
 if x ≥ y
 if x = y or no relation can be established

Direction (16-20) Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change. 

 Do you have any information bear upon the result?
 Do you have any information bearing on the result?
 Do you have any informations bearing upon the result?
 Do you have some information bearing at the result?
 Do you have any information bearing upon the result?
Be relevant to (something)

 She's been trying to keep herself eating too much candy.
 She's been trying to keep herself eating much candy.
 She's trying to keep herselves from eating too much candy.
 She's been trying to keep herself from eating too much candy.
 She's been trying to keep herself away from eating too much candy.
keep from (doing something) or keep (someone or something) from (doing something): to not do or experience (something): to prevent or stop (someone or something) from doing or experiencing (something)

 The police called their search for the burglar after they found him hiding in a shed.
 The police called in their search for the burglar after they found him hiding in a shed.
 The police called about their search for the burglar after they found him hiding in a shed.
 The police called on their search for the burglar after they found him hiding in a shed.
 The police called off their search for the burglar after found him hiding in a shed.
To call off something (or call something off) is to cancel a planned event, or an event that has already started.

 I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I'll just check out and put my suitcase in my room.
 I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I'll just check over and put my suitcase in my room.
 I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I'll just check and put my suitcase in my room.
 I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I'll just check in and put my suitcase in my room.
 I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I'll just check around and put my suitcase in my room.
To check in (or check into something) is to arrive at a hotel reception desk and tell the hotel staff who you are, and collect your room key.

 My father's hair started to falling out when he was only 30, and now he is completely bald.
 My father's hair started to fall out when he was only 30, and now he is completely bald.
 My father's hair started to fall away when he was only 30, and now he is completely bald.
 My father's hair started to fallen out when he was only 30, and now he is completely bald.
 My father's hair started to fall on when he was only 30, and now he is completely bald.
If your hair falls out it becomes loose and unattached.