Monday 21 August 2017

Test of the Day

Q1. The government has appointed retired Supreme Court judge ___________ as the next chairman of Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT). 
 M. Patanjali Sastri
 Vikramajit Sen
 Shiva Kirti Singh
 Balbir Singh Chauhan
 Ram Prakash Sethi
The government has appointed retired Supreme Court judge Shiva Kirti Singh as the next chairman of Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT).

Q2. For the first time since Nagaland officially gained recognition as a state, a state Police Officer Atu Zumvu has been awarded one of the nations' military honour, ‘Shaurya Chakra’. Nagaland attained statehood in which year?
For the first time since Nagaland officially gained recognition as a state, a state Police Officer Atu Zumvu has been awarded one of the nations' military honour, ‘Shaurya Chakra’. Nagaland attained statehood in 1963.

Q3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a book authored by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan in New Delhi, recently. The book is titled as __________.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released a book authored by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan in New Delhi, recently. The book is titled as 'Matoshree'.

Q4. The government has recently set up an 'Inter-Ministerial Committee' to monitor the regional air connectivity scheme named _________.
The government has set up an 'Inter-Ministerial Committee' to monitor the regional air connectivity scheme UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik) which seeks to make flying affordable by connecting unserved and under-served airports.

Q5. FSDC was set up by the Government as the apex level forum in-
 September 2002
 January 2016
 March 2012
 July 2005
 December 2010
With a view of strengthening and institutionalizing the mechanism for maintaining financial stability, enhancing inter-regulatory coordination and promoting financial sector development, the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) was set up by the Government as the apex level forum in December 2010. The Chairman of the Council is the Finance Minister and its members include the heads of all Financial Sector Regulators (RBI, SEBI, PFRDA & IRDA) Finance Secretary and/or Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Secretary, Department of Financial Services (DFS), and Chief Economic Adviser. The Council can invite experts to its meeting if required.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: 
Seven Persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live on seven different floors of a building, but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one; the one above it is number two and so on till the topmost floor is number seven. Each of them also likes a different subject and colour i.e. subjects are- Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Hindi, Sanskrit and colour are- Red, Pink, Blue, White, Yellow, Orange and Violet but not necessarily in the same order.
 Only one person lives between the one who likes Economics and the one who likes Hindi. S does not like Economics. V does not like Maths. The one who likes Orange live immediate above the one who likes Economics. T lives on one of the floors below Q, but does not live on the lowermost floor. The one who lives on 7th floor is immediate above the one, who lives immediate below the one who likes Violet. There are three persons between Q and T. The one who likes Biology lives on one the odd-numbered floors below U. P lives immediately above U and does not like Chemistry. U does not like White and Pink. The one who likes Blue live immediate above the one who likes Yellow. The one who likes Hindi is also likes Pink. Only one person lives between Q and the one who likes Chemistry. The one who likes Yellow lives below the one who likes Red. Only two persons live between V and the one who likes Chemistry. The one who likes Physics live on one of the even-numbered floors above the one who likes Chemistry. The one who likes Sanskrit lives immediately above V, who does not like Hindi. S lives on one of the floors above R.

 Q6.Who among following likes White colour?
 The one who likes Physics
 The one who likes Chemistry
 The one who likes Maths

Q7.Who lives on immediate above the one who likes Pink colour?
 The one who likes Chemistry
 Both (A) and (E)
 The one who likes Red

Q8. Who among following like Sanskrit subject?
 None of these

Q9. How money persons live between the one who likes Biology and the one who likes Pink?
 Can’t be determined
 None of these

Q10.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group? 
 The one who likes Biology
 The one who likes Orange
 The one who lives on 5th floor
 The one who lives on 6th floor
 The one who likes Maths

Q11. Three partners A , B and C invested their amounts in ratio 7:5:3. At the end of six months, A withdraws his amount such that his total investment will be equal to C’s initial investment. If C’ share in annual Profit is Rs. 3600. A’s annual profit will be ?
 Rs. 6000
 Rs. 7000
 Rs. 4500
 Rs. 9000
 None of these

Q12. A bag contains 25 cards with numbered 1, 2, 3,……, 25. Two cards are picked at random (one after another and without replacement). Find the probability that the sum of numbers of both cards are odd?
 None of these

Q13. If time taken to cover ‘ D-11’ km upstream is four times the time taken to cover D km downstream. If ratio of speed of boat in still water to the speed of water current is 9:7. And the time taken to cover ‘D-2’ km in upstream is 2 hrs. what will be the speed of boat in still water?
 30 kmph
 20 kmph
 45 kmph
 35 kmph
 None of these

Q14. Time taken to complete a work by A alone is 100% more than the time taken by both A and B to complete the work. B is thrice as efficient as C. B and C together take 12 days to complete the same work. How many days A will take to complete the work alone?
 32 days
 16 days
 24 days
 20 days
 None of these

Q15. Sashi spends 32% of her income in various expenses. Of the remaining, she spends one – fourth on her brother while 9/17 on her sister and remaining keep as savings. If the difference between her money spending on brother and sister is Rs. 3800 . What is Shashi’s savings?
 Rs. 3000
 Rs. 2500
 Rs. 4000
 Rs. 3400
 None of these

Directions (16-20): In each of the following questions five options are given, of which one word is most nearly the same or opposite in meaning to the given word in the question. Find the correct option having either same or opposite meaning. 

 none of these
malefaction-a breaking of a moral or legal code. Option A is the correct answer.
Mire-swamp; muddy ground
Collate-arrange in order
Pyromania-compulsion to start fires

 none of these
laconic- (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. Circuitous is the opposite word.
Dolt-stupid person
Quaff-drink down quickly
Staunch-loyal; faithful; dependable

 none of these
Enervate means to sap the energy from; make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality. Debilitate is the synonym.
Invidious-arousing envy.
Stratagem-plot; plan; trick
Fractious-irritable; difficult to control

 none of these
mercurial-likely to change frequently, suddenly, or unexpectedly .Certain is the correct choice.
 Garble-distort; confuse; muddle
Garner-gather; collect
Droll-dryly amusing

 none of these
unnerve- to deprive of courage or confidence. Demoralize is the synonym.
Galleon-ancient type of sailing ship
Drawl-speak slowly with words running together

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