Monday 14 August 2017

Quant Quiz on Percentage

Quant Quiz on Percentage

1.    Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are

(a) 36, 46

(b) 42, 33

(c) 24, 64

(d) None of these

2.    A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had:

(a) 600 Apples

(b) 700 Apples

(c) 500 Apples

(d) None of these 

3.    What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 has 1 or 9 in the unit's digit?

(a) 20

(b) 22

(c) 21

(d) None of these

4.    If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true?

(a) A is smaller than B.

(b) A is greater than B

(c) Relationship between A and B cannot be determined.

(d) None of these

5.    In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The number of students above 8 years of age is 2/3 of the number of students of 8 years of age which is 48. What is the total number of students in the school?





6.    A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3. What is the percentage error in the calculation?





7.    In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was:

(a) 3000



(d) 3500

8.    Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get?

(a) 57%



(d) 90%

9.    Helen went to the stationers and bought things worth Euro 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items?

(a) Euro 15

(b) Euro 15.7

(c) Euro 19.7

(d) Euro 20

10.  The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is:

(a) 4.37%

(b) 5%

(c) 6%

(d) 8.75%

Answer With Explanation

1.    (b)
Explanation: Let their marks be (x + 9) and x.
Then, x + 9 = 56/100(x + 9 + x)
25(x + 9) = 14(2x + 9)
3x = 99
x = 33
So, their marks are 42 and 33.

2.    (b)
Explanation: Suppose originally he had x apples.
Then, (100 - 40)% of x = 420.
60/100 x x = 420
x = (420 x 100)/60 = 700

3.    (a)
Explanation: Clearly, the numbers which have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit, have squares that end in the digit 1.
Such numbers from 1 to 70 are 1, 9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 51, 59, 61, 69.
Number of such number =14
Required percentage = (14/70 x 100)% = 20%. 

4.    (d)
Explanation: x% of y = (x/100 x y) = (y/100 x x) = y% of x
A = B. 

5.    (b)
Explanation: Let the number of students be x.
Then, Number of students above 8 years of age = (100 - 20)% of x = 80% of x.
80% of x = 48 + 2/3 of 48
80/100x = 80
x = 100. 

6.    (d) 

7.    (b)
Explanation: Number of valid votes = 80% of 7500 = 6000.
Valid votes polled by other candidate = 45% of 6000
= (45/100 x 6000) = 2700. 

8.    (a)
Explanation: Total number of votes polled = (1136 + 7636 + 11628) = 20400.
Required percentage = (11628/20400 x 100)% = 57%. 

9.    (c)
Explanation: Let the amount taxable purchases be Euro x.
Then, 6% of x = 30/100
x = (30/100 x 100/6) = 5.
Cost of tax free items = Euro [25 - (5 + 0.30)] = Euro 19.70 

10.  (b)
Explanation: Increase in 10 years = (262500 - 175000) = 87500.
Increase% = (87500/175000 x 100)% = 50%.
Required average = (50/10)% = 5%.

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