Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed in the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

  Credit rating agencies may be in for a tough ride as the Securities and Exchange Board of India __(1)___ to tighten the screws on them. The market regulator has released a consultation paper __(2)___ feedback on a new set of rules __(3)____  to improve “market efficiency” and enhance “the governance, accountability and functioning of credit rating agencies”. Among them are provisions to restrict cross-shareholding __(4)___ rating agencies without regulatory approval to 10%, and increase the minimum net worth requirement for ___(5)____  and new agencies from 5 crore to 50 crore. Another mandates at least five years’ experience for promoters of rating agencies. SEBI has proposed disclosure norms to ___(6)___ investor awareness about the operations of rating agencies. The spin-off of non-core operations of rating agencies will allow SEBI to focus on regulating just their credit rating operations. SEBI has spelt out its rationale for proposing each of the rules. SEBI’s __(7)__ concern, apart from improving the information available to investors, seems to be to prevent rating agencies from resorting to collusion in __(8)___ decisions. This effort is in ___(9)__ with SEBI’s crackdown on the agencies after the default in 2015 of a highly-rated debt __(10)__  by Amtek Auto.



(e) Proof

(e) and

(e) applied






S1. Ans.(c)
Sol.continues is the right word. Other options like "enter', 'require' and 'demonstrate' can be easily eliminated, as they are irrelevant in context to the passage.

S2. Ans.(e)
Sol.seeking -To inquire for; request, To endeavor to obtain or reach:

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol.drafted-prepare a preliminary version of (a document)

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. between is the correct choice.

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. existing is the correct choice.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. improve is the correct choice.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. predominant-having superior strength, influence, or authority

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. reaching is the correct choice.

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the correct choice.

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the correct choice.

Direction (11-15): In each question, the word at the top is used in five different ways, numbered to (a) to (e), Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

Q11. Come
(a)The top and bottom come away if you pull hard enough.
(b)My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.
(c)I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet.
(d)The art of origami comes from Asia.
(e)The woman came forward with her husband's fingerprints.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. come apart-separate
come down with something-become sick
come across something-find unexpectedly
come from someplace- originate in
come forward-volunteer for a task or to give evidence

Q12. hold
(a)Please hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department.
(b)Hold onto your hat because it's very windy outside.
(c)A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.
(d)I had to hold my dog back because there was a cat in the park.
(e)Jamie held on his tears at his grandfather's funeral.

S12. Ans.(e)
Sol.Jamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral.
hold somebody/ something back-prevent from doing/going
hold something back-hide an emotion
hold on-wait a short time
hold onto somebody/ something-hold firmly using your hands or arms
hold somebody/ something up-rob

(a)Please turn the TV down while the guests are here.
(b)I turned the job down because I don't want to move.
(c)Your mother wants you to turn the TV off and come for dinner.
(d)It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights in.
(e) Can you turn the music up? This is my favorite song.

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights on
turn something down- decrease the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
turn something down- refuse
turn something off- stop the energy flow, switch off
turn something on- start the energy, switch on
turn something up- increase the volume or strength (heat, light etc)

Q14. Fall
(a)He stood up quickly and his chair fell over.
(b)The supermarkets are falling over themselves to attract customers to their shops.
(c) I fell out with my sister because she broke my necklace
(d)Jerry hasn't spoken to his brother for years. They had a falling-out over money.
(e) My hair fell about when I was ill

S14. Ans.(e)
Sol.My hair fell out when I was ill
To fall over is to fall to the ground from an upright position.
If you fall over yourself (or fall all over yourself) to do something, you
are very keen to do it.
To fall out with someone is to become upset or angry with them, and
stop being friendly with them.
 A falling-out (noun) is an argument or disagreement.
If your hair falls out it becomes loose and unattached.

Q15. SET
(a) There are roadworks on the motorway so you'd better set off early.
(b)He came home with lipstick on his collar and this set off a huge argument.
(c) She set herself against the prevailing beliefs of the time.
(d)The smoke from the fire set at the smoke alarm.
(e) I'm looking forward to setting  on my summer holiday

S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. The smoke from the fire set off the smoke alarm.
To set off is to start a journey
To set off something (or set something off) is to cause something to
start or happen.
To set off something (or set something off) is to cause something to
explode or start to ring loudly

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Enunciation (N):- the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience
Synonyms: diction, articulate, 
Uses: As the teacher gave instructions, she was careful to enunciate each step of the process so her young students would not be confused.
Trick: rhymes with pronunciation which means clear accent.

2. Eviscerate (V):- take away a vital or essential part of; surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ.
Synonyms: disembowel, draw, resect.
Uses: the compromise among the parties eviscerated the bill that had been proposed
Tricks: eviscerate = e (exit) + viscera + ate; The viscera has been exit & eaten

3. Tantamount (Adj):- being essentially equal to something.
Synonyms: equivalent
Uses: his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
Trick: Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means, equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.

4. Suffuse (V):- cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across.
Synonyms: perfuse.
Uses: The sky was suffused with a warm pink color.
Trick: SUFFUSE=SUFficient+difFUSE. So, Suffuse is to Diffuse Sufficiently, that is, spread through, over or across.

5. Arrogate (V):- seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession.
Synonyms: assume, seize, take over, usurp
Uses: She seized control of the throne after her husband died.
Trick: A surrogate mom arrogate the custody of the child for ever.

6. Repine (V):- express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness.
Tricks: Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine.

7. Primordial (Adj):- having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state.
Synonyms:  aboriginal , primaeval , primal , primeval
Uses: primordial forms of life.
Trick: primordial" = "prime" + "order" =first in the order = existing at the beginning , rudimentary.

8. Temerity (N):- the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger.
Synonyms: audaciousness, audacity.
USes: The correspondent must have lost the playbook and had the temerity to ask him to explain.
Trick:  remember the word tremor.. meaning shaking with fear so a temer person doesn't have tremors.

9. Unassailable (Adj):- not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question.
Synonyms: impregnable , inviolable , secure , strong , unattackable
Uses: fortifications that made the frontier inviolable.
Trick: a boat can be made to change direction by changing direction of SAIL. so one who is unassailable cannot be changed or questioned or attacked or tampered with.it remains as it it.

10. Iconoclastic (Adj):- characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions; destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited.
Synonyms: Unorthodox, destructive.
Uses: This comes in the wake of other iconoclastic destruction by Islamic State.

Trick:  icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Sobriquet (N):- a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name).
Synonyms:  byname, cognomen, moniker, nickname.
Uses: In the 'Game of Thrones' Tywin Lannister used to called as an Imp so the word 'Imp' is a 'Sobriquet' here.
Tricks: we know sabri(ramayana) by her name.

2. Bacchanal (N):- someone who engages in drinking bouts; a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Synonyms: bacchanalia, debauch, debauchery, drunken revelry, orgy, riot, saturnalia.
Uses: a night of bacchanalian revelry
Tricks: Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI.

3. Mortification (N):- strong feelings of embarrassment.
Synonyms: chagrin, humiliation.
Uses: he had to undergo one humiliation after another.

4. Enfeeblement (N):- serious weakening and loss of energy.
Synonyms: ebilitation, enervation, exhaustion
Uses: The boring class enfeebled my imagination.

5. Asceticism (N):- rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint.
Synonyms: ascesis 
Uses: When Gregory was a monk, he lived an ascetic lifestyle that excluded worldly goods.
Trick: Asceticism comes from the word ascetic, which comes from Greek roots meaning monk, and practice or exercise.

6. Barefaced (Adj):- with no effort to conceal; unrestrained by convention or propriety.
Synonyms: audacious, bald-faced, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, insolent
Uses: They attacked him in various ways with barefaced questions
Trick: adding to above statement Bar Faced. strippers you know have to shameless in order to dance against pole(in bar) and so they are noticeable.

7. Bastion (N):- a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle.
Synonyms: fortification, munition.
Uses: the last bastion of male chauvinism
Trick: In a war the base station has the strongest protection.

8. Begrudge (V):- be envious of; set one's heart on.
Synonyms: envy
Uses: Americans, for the most part, don’t begrudge someone his success.
Trick: be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody you always wish ill for him.

9. Beleaguer (V):- annoy persistently.
Synonyms: badger, bug, pester, tease
Uses: If we do not spray our house with insect repellant, mosquitos will beleaguer us all summer.
Tricks: the australians beleaguered harbhajan singh.

10. Satirical (Adj):- exposing human folly to ridicule.
Synonyms: satiric
Uses: a persistent campaign of mockery by the France satirical fortnightly magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' of Hajrat Muhammed Sahab, annoyed the vicious terrorist syndicate ISIS so much, they attacked on it, to retaliate.
Trick: SATIRICAL or IRONICAL which are rhyming words refer to criticism through irony or ridicule.

Quantitative Aptitude

Direction(1-5)- Study the following table and answer the questions accordingly
Table shows production of mobile phone in different companies in different years (in thousand).

Q1. Which mobile phone company witnessed lowest growth rate in production from 2006 to 2012?
(a) Nokia
(b) Samsung
(c) Lenovo
(d) Moto
(e) None of these

Q2. Total phones produced by MI in 2007 is what percent of total phones produced by Nokia over all years? (approximately)
(a) 12%
(b) 9%
(c) 15%
(d) 18%
(e) 22%

Q3. What is the ratio of total production of company MI to the total production of Company Lenovo in all the years together?
(a) 83 : 55
(b) 55 : 83
(c) 89  : 53
(d) 53 :89
(e) None of these

Q4. Total phones produced by Nokia and Moto in 2012 isapproximately  what percent more or less than the phones produced by Nokia and MI in 2007?
(a) 10%
(b) 27%
(c) 18%
(d) 13%
(e) 23%

Q5. Which mobile phone company witnessed the maximum growth rate in production from 2006 to 2010?
(a) Moto
(b) MI
(c) Samsung
(d) Nokia
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following given questions(just calculate the approximate value) ?

Q6. 0.052 ÷ 0.001 × 59.989 = 29% of 399.98
(a) 46
(b) 26
(c) 16
(d) 56
(e) 52

Q7. 29.97% of 781 + 43% of 801 = 528 + ?
(a) 100
(b) 30
(c) 70
(d) 80
(e) 50

Q8. (77.987% of 358)+(68.55% of 729)= ?
(a) 780
(b) 705
(c) 840
(d) 825
(e) 695

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. ≈ 280 +500
≈ 780
(a) 4680
(b) 4620
(c) 4640
(d) 4540
(e) 4340

(a) 200
(b) 400
(c) 300
(d) 100
(e) 150

Direction(11-15) In each of the following questions two equations are given, solve these equations and give answer.

(a). if x ≥ y 
(b). if x> y
(c). if x ≤ y
(d). if x<y
(e). if x = y or no relation can be established between x and y

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Portend (V):- Portend means to show a sign that something calamitous is about to happen.
Synonyms: augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate
Uses: These signs bode bad news.
Trick : When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

2. Splurge (V):- To splurge is to indulge yourself. You can also go on a splurge if you spend a lot or act extravagantly in another way.
Synonyms : flash, flaunt, ostentate, show off, swank
Uses: Greece had got into the habit of splurging on borrowed money.
Trick : when that special girl urges you to buy something prodigal, you buy it

3. Vilifier (N):- one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel.
Synonyms: backbiter, defamer, libeler, maligner, slanderer, traducer.
Uses: Let us watch with jealous care the honor of our country, and scorn the aspersions of its vilifiers.

4. Conundrum (N):- a difficult problem.
Synonyms: brain-teaser, enigma, riddle, dillema.
Uses: Europe's conundrum
Trick: drum ke andar kaun hai.

5. Prospect (N):- A prospect is the possibility that something fabulous will happen.
Synonyms: chance
Uses: The prospect of sanctions on Iranian oil being lifted has depressed prices further.

6. Repartee (N):- adroitness and cleverness in reply.
Synonyms: backchat, banter, give-and-take, raillery
Uses: It’s mostly in the repartee and interactions with secondary characters.

7. Indelible (Adj):- cannot be removed or erased.
Synonyms: unerasable.
Uses: indelible memories.

8. Raconteur (N):- a person skilled in telling anecdotes.
Synonyms: anecdotist.
Uses: Raconteurs are gifted storytellers, able to spin amusing tales from everyday life.

9. Turgid (Adj):- ostentatiously lofty in style.
Synonyms: bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid.
USes: The movie’s plot was so turgid that people left the theater completely confused.
Trick: TURGID= (TURBID and TURGID river). If there is extreme turbidity in the river, then the river must a turgid river(swollen),because it washes away the mud from the bank.

10. Quiescence (N):- a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction.
Synonyms: dormancy, quiescency
Uses: While the bees are quiescent early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day.
Trick: quiet+essence- quality of being at rest or stillness.

Reasoning Ability

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who live in an eight-storey building. The ground floor is numbered one and the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each of them is preparing for different competitive exam viz. IAS, SSC, Bank, GATE, PCS, RRB, CAT and NET but not necessarily in the same order.
There is only one floor between the A and the one who is preparing for NET exam. The one who prepares for NET does not live on first floor. D lives just below B. The one who is preparing for IAS exam live on even-numbered floor and just above the floor on which the person who is preparing for PCS exam lives. The one who is preparing for RRB exam lives on an even-numbered floor but not on the 8th floor. Neither D nor H lives on the 1st floor. Only one person lives between the one who is preparing for CAT and D. A lives on an odd-numbered floor and E lives just above A. B lives on the fourth floor. Only two persons live between the one who is preparing for RRB and A. F lives just below the one who is preparing for PCS. D is preparing for neither PCS nor NET. The one who prepares for Bank exam does not live on an odd-numbered floor. G does not prepare for SSC. There are two floors between the H and the one on which E lives. Only two persons live between the one who is preparing for GATE and the one who is preparing for Bank.

Q1. Who among the following is preparing for SSC?
(a) D
(b) C
(c) F
(d) E
(e) None of these

Q2. How many persons are there between E and B?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of these

Q3. Who among the following lives on the topmost floor?
(a) The one who is preparing for IAS
(b) The one who is preparing for RRB
(c) The one who is preparing for Bank
(d) The one who is preparing for SSC
(e) None of these

Q4. Which of the following combinations is/are true?
(a) Floor no. 2 – D – GATE 
(b) Floor no. 5 – F – NET 
(c) Floor no. 1 – C – SSC 
(d) Floor no. 8 – E – IAS 
(e) None of these

Q5. A is preparing for which of the following exam?
(a) IAS
(b) NET
(c) RRB
(d) PCS
(e) None of these


S1. Ans.(b)

S2. Ans.(c)

S3. Ans.(a)

S4. Ans.(d)

S5. Ans.(d)

Directions (6-10): In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of digits/symbols numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to find out which of combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and mark the number of that combination as the answer. If none of the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark (e), i.e. ‘None of these’, as the answer.

(1) If the first letter is a consonants and the last letter is vowel their codes are to be interchanged.
(2) If the both first and last letters is vowel both are to be coded as 0.
(3) If the both first and last letter is consonants, then their code are to be coded as first letter code.
(4) If the first letter is vowel and last letter is consonants then both are to be coded as the code for the last letter code.

(a) #$87%#
(b) #$57%#
(c) #$87%6
(d) #$8%7
(e) None of these

(a) 9#2@%4
(b) 9#2@%9
(c) 4#2@%4
(d) 4#2@84
(e) None of these

(a) 187%6#
(b) 18#67%
(c) $876%1
(d) $87%61
(e) None of these 

(a) %956#$
(b) %965#$
(c) 0956#0
(d) 059#60
(e) None of these

(a) 52#6%9
(b) 52#%69
(c) 92%#65
(d) 92#%65
(e) None of these


S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Since the first and last both letter are consonants, So both are coded as first letter code i.e. #$87%#

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Since first letter is vowel and last letter is consonants, so both are to be coded as last letter code i.e. → 4#2@%4

S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. Since first letter is consonant and last letter is vowel, so their codes are interchanged i.e. $87%61

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Since both first and last letter are vowel both are to be coded as 0 i.e. 0956#0

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Since first letter is consonant and last letter is vowel, so their code are interchanged i.e. 92#%65

Directions (11-15): In the following questions, the symbols @, ©, %, $ and * are used the following meaning as illustrated below:
‘A © B’ means ‘A is smaller than B’
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is either smaller than or equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is either greater than or equal to B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is equal to B’
Now in each of these questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true? Give answer
(a) If only conclusion I is true
(b) If only conclusion II is true
(c) If either conclusion I or II is true
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(e) If both conclusion I and II are true

Q11. Statements: P @ R, T $ V, R % S, T @ S
Conclusions: I. R % V II. P % V

Q12. Statements: C $ D, D % E, F @ E, H © C
Conclusions: I. H © F II. H * F

Q13. Statements: M @ N, N © O, O * P, P % R
Conclusions: I. R % M II. P % M

Q14. Statements: T $ U, X @ W, U % X, Y % W
Conclusions: I. T $ X II. Y % U

Q15. Statements: R $ T, S * T, S % U, W @ U
Conclusions: I. U © T  II. W © R


S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. P ≤ R > S ≥ T ≥ V
I. R % V (  True)
II. P % V( Not True)

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. H < C ≥ D > E ≥ F
I. H © F( Not True)
II. H * F( Not True)

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. M ≤ N < O = P > R
I. R % M( Not True)
II. P % M(  True)

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. T ≥ U > X ≤ W < Y
I. T $ X( Not True)
II. Y % U( Not True)

S15. Ans.(e)
Sol. R ≥ T= S > U ≥ W
I. U © T (  True)
II. W © R(  True)

Quantitative Aptitude

Q1. The average age of a group of persons going for picnic is 16 years. Twenty new persons with an average age of 15 years join the group on the spot due to which their average age becomes 15.5 years. The number of persons initially going for picnic is 
(a) 5 
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 30
(e) none of these

Q2. In a mixture of 60 litres, the ratio of milk to water is 2 : 1. If the ratio of milk to water is to be 1 : 2, then amount of water (in litres) to be further added is
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80
(e) none of these

Q3. How many litres of a 30% alcohol solution should be added to 40 litres of a 60% alcohol solution to prepare a 50% solution ? 
(a) 30
(b) 20
(c) 24
(d) 32 
(e) none of these

Q4. Samant bought a microwave oven and paid 10% less than the original price. He sold it with 30% profit on the price he had paid. What percentage of profit did Samant earn on the original price? 
(a) 17%
(b) 20%
(c) 27%
(d) 32%
(e) 40%

Q5. What will be the difference in simple and compound interest on Rs. 2000 after three years at the rate of 10 percent per annum? 
(a) Rs. 160 
(b) Rs. 42
(c) Rs. 62
(d) Rs. 20 
(e) none of these

Directions (6-10): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions. Find the exact value.

(a) 72
(b) 67
(c) 62
(d) 77
(e) None of these

(a) 15
(b) 17
(c) 19
(d) 21
(e) None of these

(a) 85
(b) 75
(c) 125
(d) 50
(e) None of these

(a) 182
(b) 728
(c) 364
(d) 218
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Q11. 2,     8,     26,     ?,     242
(a) 78
(b) 72
(c) 82
(d) 84
(e) None of these

Q12. 3,     4,     12,     ?,     196
(a) 45
(b) 40
(c) 41
(d) 49
(e) None of these

Q13.  5,     3,     6,     ?,     64.75
(a) 15
(c) 17.5
(d) 17.25
(e) None of these

Q14.  384,     381,     372,     345,     264,     ?
(a) 23
(b) 25
(c) 43
(d) 24
(e) None of these

Q15.  282,     286,     302,     ?,     402
(a) 366
(b) 318
(c) 326
(d) 338
(e) None of these

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Immurement (N):- the state of being imprisoned.
Synonyms: captivity, imprisonment, incarceration.
Uses: He practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon.

2. Abjure (V):- formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure.
Synonyms: forswear, recant, resile, retract.
Uses: In order to marry the peasant he loved, the prince made the decision to abjure his title.
Trick: Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up. 

3. Portend (V):- indicate by signs.
Synonyms: augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate.
Uses: Even though I have low grades in school right now, I do not believe my report card will portend my success in life.
Trick: When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

4. Visage (N):- the appearance conveyed by a person's face.
Synonyms: countenance, phiz, physiognomy, smiler.
Uses: After the blind sculptor touched her daughter’s face, she was able to perfectly create her child’s visage in clay.
Trick: VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.

5. Vagabond (N):- a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support.
Synonyms: drifter, floater, vagrant.
Uses: One of our fervent readers Who is well known on BA as Solitary vagabond (pseudonym) but no one knows what is his actual name :))
Trick: This word can be thought as Vagabond = James Bond the spy, does not live at one permanent place and is always seen wandering all over the world.

6. Vendetta (N):- a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other.
Synonyms: blood feud.
Trick: Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when they attack each other they are in vendetta.

7. venerable (Adj):- profoundly honored.
Synonyms: august, revered, most respected.
Uses: The Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.
Trick: Venerable politicians are vulnerable to attacks because they are savory.

8. Hackneyed (Adj):- repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms: banal, commonplace, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn.
Uses: Too often used by young girls, the word “like” has become hackneyed.
Trick: when a software is hacked, it becomes hackneyed because then all people are able to use that program without paying for.

9. Scrupulous (Adj):- characterized by extreme care and great effort.
Synonyms: conscientious, painstaking.
Uses: less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance
Trick: It makes u think of sculpture and while building sculpture the worker has to be very careful.

10. Gregarious (Adj):- If you know someone who's outgoing, sociable, and fond of the company of others, you might want to call her gregarious.
Synonyms: Social.
Uses: Gregarious people are likely to hang out with friends every weekend while reserved people keep to themselves.

Trick: Spread happiness, Kamali (Uff Miss Sahiba), and several ones (Sorry I am unable to recall more names but there is many one on BA) who are Gregarious girls :))