Showing posts with label Daily Word List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Word List. Show all posts

Friday, 13 October 2017

Daily Word List

MISSION IBPS EXAM : Daily Wordlist

Dear Readers,

Today we are providing you word list of some common words which often confuse you while reading and understanding English section. It is much better you start  preparing vocabulary on daily basis that will be helpful in getting 4-5 marks easily in your upcoming exams.

1.Discrete(Adj):- Separate
synonyms-unconnected, detached, different
use-A store room is a discrete place within a house.

2.Abjure(V):- Give up
synonyms-Renounce, take back, renege
use- I request you to abjure smoking.

3.obdurate(Adj):- stubborn
synonyms-shameless, inflexible, callous
use- The shopkeeper is very obdurate to collect the due amount.

synonyms- Dandger,grave risk, loss
use- Spending night in jungle will leave us in peril.

5.Mutate(V):- To change
synonyms- alter, modify, vary
use- Vaccines are available and, as long as the flu does not mutate too far from the known strains.

6.Affront(N):- An insult
Synonyms-put down, impertinence, indignity
use- She feels it was an affront to her when no one invited her to the party.

7.Repeal(V):-To withdraw
Synonyms- revoke,abolish, remove
use- It actually goes further in terms of simplifying the tax code and repealing popular deductions.

8.Infamous(Adj):-Bad reputation
synonyms- notorious, nefarious, disreputable
use- The infamous Marshal Jones has been removed from his post for his illegal activites.

9.Adjure(V):- Request earnestly
synonyms- entreat, order, obligate
use- I adjure you to give up your bad habit for smoking.

10.Bizarre(Adj):- Unusual
Synonyms- ludicrous, extraordinary, odd
use- On one bizarre occasion, Kavita found herself dependent upon an old woman who ran a rubber plant.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Daily Word List

Example: In fact, even Kesri’s rise didn’t evoke the trepidation Mr. Gandhi’s elevation as president is doing now, partly because, on earlier occasions, there had been almost no lag time between the decision and its implementation.

1. Evoke [ih-vohk] 
Verb: to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.); to elicit or draw forth; to call up; cause to appear; summon; to produce or suggest through artistry and imagination a vivid impression of reality.
Synonyms: arouse, conjure, elicit, invoke, provoke, recall, awaken, call, educe, evince, evolve, excite, extort, extract, milk, raise, rally, rouse, summon.
Antonyms: calm, deaden, decrease, ignore.

2. Trepidation [trep-i-dey-shuh n] 
Noun: tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation; trembling or quivering movement; tremor.
Synonyms: alarm, apprehension, consternation, dismay, disquiet, dread, excitement, fright, horror, jitters, nervousness, panic, terror, uneasiness, agitation, butterflies, creeps.
Antonyms: assurance, beauty, calm, calmness.

Example: The occasion was the party’s chintan shivir, or brainstorming session, and the announcement was seen to be a prelude to his becoming the next president.

3. Brainstorm [breyn-stawrm] 
Noun: a sudden impulse, idea, etc.; a fit of mental confusion or excitement.
Adjective: of or relating to brainstorming.
Verb: to conduct or practice brainstorming; to subject (a problem) to brainstorming.
Synonyms: deliberate, analyze, conceive, conceptualize, create, invent, plan, ponder, think, conjure up, dream up, put heads together, rack brains, share ideas.
Antonyms: destroy, forget, ignore, neglect.

4. Prelude [prel-yood, preyl-, prey-lood, pree-] 
Noun: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance; any action, event, comment, etc. that precedes something else.
Verb: to serve as a prelude or introduction to; to introduce by a prelude; to play as a prelude.
Synonyms: introduction, prologue, commencement, exordium, foreword, intro, overture, preamble, preface, preliminary, preparation, prolegomenon, , t, curtain-raiser, prelusion, proem.
Antonyms: completion, conclusion, end, ending.

Example: Today, however, there is a sense of resigned inevitability, even apprehension, about Mr. Gandhi’s imminent ascension, not a sentiment on which a leader would like to coast to the highest office in his party.

5. Imminent [im-uh-nuh nt] 
Adjective: likely to occur at any moment; impending; projecting or leaning forward; overhanging.
Synonyms: forthcoming, immediate, impending, inevitable, likely, looming, possible, probable, unavoidable, about to happen, approaching, brewing, close, coming, expectant, fast-approaching, following, gathering, handwriting-on-the-wall, in store, in the air, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, ineluctable, inescapable.
Antonyms: avoidable, distant, escapable, later.

6. Ascension [uh-sen-shuh n] 
Noun: the act of ascending; ascent.
Synonyms: ascent, climbing, flying, mounting, rise, rising, scaling, soaring, escalating, towering.
Antonyms: declension, decline, descendancy.

Example: Since the late 1970s, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao and Sonia Gandhi assumed the presidency only after each had been acknowledged as the absolute leader of the party — or had rapidly acquired that aura.

7. Aura [awr-uh] 
Noun: a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere:
an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness; a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing; a sensation, as of lights or a current of warm or cold air, preceding an attack of migraine or epilepsy.
Synonyms: ambience, aspect, atmosphere, feeling, mood, quality, scent, semblance, tone, appearance, background, emanation, feel.

Example: Even during the Sitaram Kesri interlude (1996-98), when he was installed by Rao’s detractors till they could replace him with Ms. Gandhi, he wielded power while in office.

8. Interlude [in-ter-lood] 
Noun: an intervening episode, period, space, etc; a short dramatic piece, especially of a light or farcical character, formerly introduced between the parts or acts of miracle and morality plays or given as part of other entertainments; any intermediate performance or entertainment, as between the acts of a play; an instrumental passage or a piece of music rendered between the parts of a song, church service, drama, etc.
Synonyms: breathing space, idyll, lull, respite, delay, episode, halt, hiatus, interim, intermission, interregnum, interruption, interval, meantime, meanwhile, parenthesis, recess, rest, spell, stop, stoppage, wait.
Antonyms: continuation, beginning, go, , t.

9. Detract [dih-trakt] 
Verb: to take away a part, as from quality, value, or reputation (usually followed by from); to draw away or divert; distract.
Synonyms: critic, censor, defamer, depreciator.

10. Wield [weeld] 
Verb: to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating; to use (a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle or employ actively.
Synonyms: apply, brandish, employ, exert, handle, maintain, manipulate, operate, possess, swing, command, conduct, exercise, flourish, have.
Antonyms: ignore, misuse, neglect, cease.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Daily Word List

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: The Army on Friday said five more armed infiltrators were killed in Baramulla’s Uri sector near the Line of Control, taking the death toll of militants to 12 in operations since Tuesday night.

1. Infiltrator [in-fil-treyt-er]
  • Noun: The one who infiltrates.
  • Synonym: spy, mole.

2. Toll [tohl]
  • Noun: a payment or fee exacted by the state, the local authorities, etc., for some right or privilege, as for passage along a road or over a bridge; the extent of loss, damage, suffering, etc., resulting from some action or calamity.
  • Synonyms: cost, expense, levy, payment, price, rate.
Example: A major tragedy was averted after an Air India plane from Delhi with 134 passengers on board suffered a brake failure on landing here and skidded beyond the runway before coming to a halt at the end of the strip.

3. Skid [skid] 
  • Noun: a plank, bar, log, or the like, especially one of a pair, on which something heavy may be slid or rolled along; one of a number of such logs or timbers forming a skidway.
  • Synonyms: drift, glide, slip, swerve, veer, move.
3. Halt [hawlt]
  • Verb: to stop; cease moving, operating, etc., either permanently or temporarily; to cause to stop temporarily or permanently; bring to a stop.
  • Noun: a temporary or permanent stop.
  • Synonyms: cutoff, freeze, interruption, layoff, letup, pause, standstill.
  • Antonyms: continuation, beginning, , t, endurance, go.
5. Strip [strip] 
  • Verb: to deprive of covering; to deprive of clothing; make bare or naked; to take away or remove.
  • Synonyms: band, bar, belt, bit, fillet, layer, ribbon.
  • Antonym: whole.

ExampleFootfall of tourists from Gujarat to the Kashmir Valley has fallen significantly this year.

6. Footfall [foo t-fawl]
  • Noun: a footstep; the sound of footsteps.
  • Synonyms: stride, footprint, footstep, gait, impression, mark.

Example: Tourism players in Kashmir blame “negative campaign” by right wing groups on the social media, besides the unrest, for the 85% slump in the sector.

7. Slump [sluhmp]
  • Verb: to drop or fall heavily; collapse; to assume a slouching, bowed, or bent position or posture.
  • Synonyms: collapse, crash, depreciation, dip, downtrend, downturn.
  • Antonyms: ascent, increase, rise, blessing, boon, happiness.
Example: This year it has come down to a trickle,” Farooq Kuthoo, secretary-general of the Travel Agents’ Association of Kashmir, told The Hindu.

8. Trickle [trik-uh l]
  • Verb: to flow or fall by drops, or in a small, gentle stream; to come, go, or pass bit by bit, slowly, or irregularly.
  • Synonyms: crawl, creep, dribble, flow, leak, ooze.
  • Antonyms: pour, flow.
Example: Counting the strides.

9. Stride [strahyd] 
  • Verb: to walk with long steps, as with vigor, haste, impatience, or arrogance; to take a long step; to straddle.
  • Synonyms: stalk, stomp, traipse, tramp, clump, drill, march.
Example: No one would deny that Pakistan is a particularly misogynistic country, where patriarchal relations and attitudes discriminate heavily against women.

10. Misogynistic [mi-soj-uh-nis-tik, mahy‐] 
  • Adjective: reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
                       Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorising words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Parsimonious (Adj.):-  Very unwilling to spend money.
Synonyms - stingy; niggard; penurious.
Uses : His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries.

2. Peccadillo (Noun):- A small mistake or fault that is not regarded as very bad or serious, minor offence.
Synonyms:- Indiscretion
Uses: If we examine these escapades carefully, we will realize that they are mere peccadilloes rather than major crimes.

3. Perfidious (Adj.):- One who has a treacherous character. 
Synonyms:- treacherous; disloyal
Uses: When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend.

4. Reproach (Verb):- Express criticism towards someone.
Synonyms:- dishonour; opprobrium; disgrace.
Uses: Narendra Modi rebuked one of his MP for his irresponsible behaviour.

5. Reverberate (verb):- have a long or continuous effect.
Synonyms: echo; resonate; resound.
Uses: The discussion with my teacher reverberated in my ears till I stop breathing.

6. Perseverance (Noun):- The act of persisting or perserving; continuing or repeating behaviour; the quality of being determined to do or achieve something.
Synonyms:- doggedness; persistence
Uses: If you have perseverance oneday you will be on the pinnacle of your career trajectory.

7. Accolade (Noun):-  award of merit
Synonyms: award; honour; laurels
Uses: In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.

8. Acrimonious (Adj.):- Bitter or sharp in language or tone.
Synonyms: stinging, caustic, bitter, scathing.
His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.

9. Aggrandize (verb):- To enhance the power, wealth or position.
Synonyms- increase or intensify; raise in power, wealth, rank or honor
Uses: The history of the past quarter century illustrates how a President may aggrandize his power to act aggressively in international affairs without considering the wishes of Congress.

10. Ambivalence (Noun):- the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.
Synonyms: Equivocation; indecision; uncertainty
Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next, she was confused by the ambivalence of her feelings.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
                      Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorising words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Sacrosanct (Adj.):- must be kept sacred.
Synonyms: inviolable, inviolate, sacred (concerned with religion or religious purposes)
Uses: There cannot be a compromise or settlement as it would be against her honour which matters the most. It is sacrosanct,” the Supreme Court held in a case of  sexual assault and rape of a seven-year-old in Madhya Pradesh in 2008.

2. Evocative (Adj.):- bringing thoughts, memories, or feelings into the mind.
Synonyms: redolent, reminiscent, resonant.
Uses: Your fantastic, evocative stories will keep you in the interviewer’s mind when their memories of other job candidates fade away.

3. Vindictive (Adj.):- disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge.
Synonyms: revengeful, vengeful.
Uses: punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature.

4. Allegiance (Noun):- Loyalty to a person, country, group, etc.
Synonyms: adhesion, devotedness, steadfastness, loyalty.
Uses: Eventually he renounced his allegiance to the sultan, but was overthrown by a Turkish army in 1822.

5. Soporific (Adj.):- causing a person to become tired and ready to fall asleep.
Synonyms: drowsy, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, slumberous.
Uses: What made you want to look up soporific? 

6. Strenuous (Adj.):- requiring or showing great energy and effort.
Synonyms: arduous, straining.
Uses: t doesn't need to be strenuous. You just have to put the time in.

7. Impervious (Adj):- Not allowing something (such as water or light) to enter or pass through.
Synonyms: impenetrable, impermeable.
Uses: The rain forest is impervious to all but the most dedicated explorers.

8. Imbecile (Noun):- A stupid person.
Synonyms: ignoramus, birdbrain, dumb head.
Uses: Only an imbecile would leave their car unlocked.

9. Avaricious (Adj):- having or showing an extreme greed  for wealth or material gain.
Synonyms: acquisitive, greedy, covetous, rapacious.
Uses: His extreme greed for wealth or material gain lead him towards his desolation.

10. Inscrutable (Adj);- Impossible to understand or interpret.
Synonyms: :enigmatic, unreadable, impenetrable, mysterious.
Uses: His inscrutable theories would years later become the foundation of a whole new science.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorising words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Bedraggle(V) :- Wet thoroughly.
Synonyms: drench, drown.
Uses: We were so bedraggled by the severe storm that we had to change into dry clothing.

2. Behemoth (N) :- Huge creature: something of monstrous size or power.
Synonyms: giant; leviathan, mammoth, monster, colossus.
Uses: In Game of Thrones wildlings are of behemoth sizes.

3. Blandishment (N) :- To act or speak in in flattering of coaxing manner.
Synonyms: coax, blarney, cajole, adulation.
Uses: despite the salespersons blandishments customer could not convinced to by the outfit.

4. Evanescent (Adj) :-  lasting a very short time; tending to vanish like vapour. 
Synonyms: fleeting; vanishing; transient, ephemeral.
Uses: For a brief moment the entire skyline was bathed in a orange-red  hue in the evanescent rays of the sunset.

5. Exasperate (V) :- To exasperate is to make something that is already bad even worse.
Synonyms: vex, aggravate, exacerbate, infuriate.
Uses: when sitting in traffic that is sure to make you late, you exasperate the person who is driving by bringing up an unpleasant topic.

6. Enervate (V) :- To enervate is to weaken, wear down, or even bum out.
Synonyms: castrate, desiccate, devitalize.
Uses: she was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window enervated her.

7. Garrulous (Adj) :- A garrulous person just won’t stop talking (and talking, and talking, and talking...).
Synonyms: chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky.
Uses: If you discover that you have a garrulous neighbor sitting next to you on the plane, you might just want to feign sleep, unless you really want to hear everything going through his mind for the entire trip.

8. Grandiloquent (Adj) :- The word grandiloquent generally refers to the way a person behaves or speaks.
Synonyms: pompous; bombastic;magniloquent, tall.
Uses: They are grandiloquent, magnificent, magical, stupendous, fabulous, unbelievable, and extraordinary.

9. Dilapidated (Adj) :- bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse.
Synonyms: crumble, decay.
Uses: The buildings were dilapidated and covered with graffiti.

10. Crescendo (N) :- i) Increase in the volume or intensity, as in a musical passage, climax; (music) a gradual increase in loudness.
ii) the peak of gradual increase.
Synonyms: culmination, meridian, pinnacle, apex.
Uses: The "Avengers: Age of Ultron" promotional push is reaching its crescendo, with the movie opening Friday.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorising words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Apocalypse (N) :- a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil.
Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy.
Uses: ISIS brings apocalypse in Syria and Iraq.

2. Vicissitude (N) :- a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something.
Synonyms: mutability, fluctuation, variation. 
Uses: The Stark family had been going through a long period of vicissitude and distraction.

3. Grotesque (Adj.) :- a very ugly or comically distorted figure or image.
Synonyms: monstrous, distorted, twisted.
Uses: The statues had been carved to represent evil spirits and had the most grotesque faces, complete with horns and bulging eyes.

4. Eavesdrop (V) :- to listen secretly to the private conversation of others.
Synonyms: listen in.
Uses: If a third party eavesdrops on the communication, the fact will be immediately obvious to the parties of the secret communication.

5. Grandiloquence (N) :- high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation.
Synonyms: grandiosity, magniloquence, ornateness, rhetoric.
Uses: Politicians who say nothing but make it sound important are masters of grandiloquence.

6. Vehement (Adj) :- marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid.
Synonyms: Ardent ,Emphatic ,Fervent ,Forceful Eager, Earnest.
Uses: The bureau posted a database of the grievances on its website over vehement protests from the financial industry.The bureau posted a database of the grievances on its website over vehement protests from the financial industry.

7. Prevaricate (V) :- be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.
Synonyms: beat around the bush, equivocate.
Uses: In hopes of avoiding questions about his recent car accident, the actor tried to prevaricate during his interview.

8. Cantankerous (Adj) :- stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate.
Synonyms: bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, truculent.
Uses: He is a cantankerous old man who seldom has something good to say.

9. Desolation (N) :- the state of being decayed or destroyed.
Synonyms: devastated, forlornness, loneliness.
Uses: The World War left to coming generations debris, desolation and filth.

10. Clairvoyant (Adj.) :- foreseeing the future; perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses.
Synonyms: precognitive, second-sighted, extrasensory, paranormal.
Uses: The woman in the tent was said to be a clairvoyant, but she didn't get much business because the public was too doubtful of her claim.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorising words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Ravenous (Adj) :- devouring or craving food in great quantities, extremely hungry. (bahot bhookha)
Synonyms: voracious, rapacious, edacious, esurient, gluttonous. 
Uses: It keeps the ravenous predators of the market at bay.

2. Vacuous (Adj) :- having or showing a lack of intelligence or serious thought: lacking meaning or importance. (Rikt, Moorkh)
Synonyms: Vacant, blank, void. devoid.
Uses: Clinton’s preference for vacuous campaigning gives Republicans an opening.

3. Vivacious (Adj) :- vigorous and animated.
Synonyms: animated, lively, vibrant.
Uses: A vivacious person is lively and spirited.

4. Despondency (N) :- feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless. (nirash, hatash)
Synonyms: despair, hopelessness.
Uses: He had led the country out of the despondency which followed the defeat of Novara and the abdication of Charles Albert, through all the vicissitudes of national unification to the final triumph at Rome.

5. Detrimental (Adj.) :- causing harm or injury, (Hanikarak)
Synonyms: baleful, deleterious, noxious, pernicious, obnoxious, baneful,hazardous.
Uses: It noted Pakistani leaders’ fears it could have “substantial detrimental effects” on the economy.

6. Indolent (Adj.) :- disinclined to work. (Aalasi, Sust)
Synonyms: sluggish, lazy, lethargy, slothful.
Uses: But prostate cancer can grow slowly or remain dormant — indolent, in medical parlance.

7. Industrious (Adj.) :- characterized by hard work and perseverance. (Mehanti)
Synonyms: assiduous, diligent, laborious, sedulous.
Uses: If someone comments that you are very industrious, they are complimenting you for working hard and tirelessly.

8. Lackadaisical (Adj.) :- lacking spirit or liveliness. (kam Ikshashakti Wala)
Synonyms: lazy, apathetic, lacklustre.
Uses: A person with a lackadaisical attitude shows no enthusiasm and puts forth a half-hearted effort.

9. Predicament (N) :- a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one. (Duvidha, Asmanjas)
Synonyms: quandary, plight, dilemma, impasse, quagmire.
Uses: If you're engaged to get married, but suddenly fall in love with someone else, you have got yourself in quite a predicament.

10. Propensity (N) :- an inclination to do something. (Pravritti)
Synonyms: tendency, inclination, aptness, proneness.
Uses:  Dogs have a propensity to bark, and many people have a propensity for getting annoyed by it.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Disseminate (V):- cause to become widely known, 
Synonyms:  broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread.
Uses: After win of Narendra Modi in the general election , it would not take long for the media to disseminate the results to living rooms around the world.

2. Repudiate (V):- refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid.
Synonyms: disown, renounce, reject, abandon, forswear
Uses: The actress used the interview to repudiate claims of alcohol abuse.

3. Connundrum (N):- A riddle whose answer contain a pun; a difficult problem.
Synonyms: enigma, riddle, perplexity.
Uses: what is the difference between a jewller and a jailer? 'One sells the watches and the other watches the cell :)

4. Consecrate (V):- to cause to be revered, honoured or treated as sacred; dedicated to a sacred purpose.
Synonyms: hallowed, sacral, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified.
Uses: The church was consecrated in 1234. 

5. Placebo (N):-  a substance which does not have any pharmacological effect but is administered to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be a real medicine.
Uses: The study indicated that sixty-five percent of the patients recovered when given a placebo.

6. Conscientious (Adj) :- characterized by extreme care and great effort.
Synonyms: painstaking, scrupulous, arduous, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome, strenuous.
Uses: He received the employee of the year award because he was conscientious and hardworking.

7. Expostulation (N) :- the act of objecting; the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest.
Synonyms: objection, remonstrance, remonstration, demonstration.
Uses: The Prime minister went out of his way to expostulate his displeasure towards those who vandalized the church.

8. Abstemious (Adj.):- sparing in consumption of especially food and drink.
Synonyms: abstinent, abstentious, abstain.
Uses: The best way to avoid becoming obese is by being abstemious and only eating what is necessary to survive.

9. Brusque (Adj.):- Rough and abrupt in manner.
Synonyms: curt, terse, laconic, uncivil.
Uses: Because they are so busy, bank clerks often appear brusque.

10. Clandestine (Adj.):- Kept secret for a purpose, often for something illicit or evil.
Synonyms: secret, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, underhand.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Inculcate (V):- Teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions,
Synonyms: infuse, instill, instil, implant, fix, ingrain, infuse, impress, imprint.
Uses: My father spent most of his life trying to inculcate me with his values!

2. Fulminate (V):- To make violent or loud verbal attacks.
Synonyms: denounce, inveigh, declaim, make a stand.
Uses: He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare.

3. Fortuitous (Adj):- Occurring by chance rather than by design; Fortuitous means by chance, like a lucky accident.
Synonyms: fortunate, chance, adventitious.
Uses: If you and your best friend's families happen to go on vacation to the same place at the same time, that’s a fortuitous coincidence!

4. Flumox (Adj):- be a mystery or bewildering to.
Synonyms: amaze, baffle, bewilder, dumbfound, mystify, perplex, puzzle, stupefy.
Uses: The president’s conflicting statements left the public feeling flummoxed about the state of the country.

5. Ignominious (Adj):- deserving or bringing disgrace or shame.
Synonyms: black, disgraceful, inglorious, opprobrious, shameful dishonourable, dishonourable.
Uses: By getting drunk and dancing on table tops, a policemen displayed ignominious behaviour at the party.

6. Apparition (N):- The appearance of a ghostlike figure; something existing in perception only.
Synonyms: fantasm, phantasm, phantasms, phantom, specter.
Uses: If you see something you think might be a ghost, you can call it an apparition.

7. Impalpable (Adj) :- That what can not be felt by teaching; not perceptible to the touch.
Synonyms: imperceptible, unperceivable, intangible.
Uses: Love and emotions are impalpable things.

8. Impeccable (Adj):- Free from error, fault, or flaw.
Synonyms: Perfect, flawless, irreproachable, faultless.
Uses: In the Game Of Thrones, when assassinators were about to kill the Dragon Queen, then one of the Dragons came at the impeccable time and became the life saviour of the queen (Actually I am the one of ardent spectators of The Game of Thrones:))

9. Iniquitous (Adj):- Something that is iniquitous is extremely immoral or wicked, such as an iniquitous political regime that assassinates its enemies.
Synonyms: sinful, villainous.
Uses: Because the dictator saddam Hussain killed all his enemies, he was seen as a symbol of iniquity.

10. Inculpate (V):- suggest that someone is guilty.
Synonyms: imply, incriminate.
Uses: In the Game Of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister confessed to murder the king's hand Tywin Lannister and Inculpated his mistress in the crime.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Flabbergasted (V):- to shock or surprise (someone) very much.
Synonyms: astounded, stupefied, amaze. astonish, astound, stupefy, stun.
Uses: The burglar was flabbergasted when he broke into the house and found himself surrounded by police officers.

2. Flutter (V):- move along rapidly and lightly.
Synonyms: burst, flare, outburst, flash.
Uses: My eyelashes flutter when someone blows air into my face.

3. Fatuous (Adj):– Foolish or stupid.
Synonyms: silly, foolish, brainless,stupid.
Uses: Ignoring the avalanche warnings, the fatuous skiers continued on their course.

4. Exacerbate – to make more violent or intense.
Synonyms: aggravate, complicate, worsen.
Uses: A misconceived plan that only exacerbated the city's traffic problem.

5. Dissonance (N):– lack of harmony or agreement.
Synonyms: conflict, dis-accord, dissent, dissidence, in-harmony.
Uses: The dissonance between what we are told and what we see with our own eyes.

6. Serendipity (N):- luck that takes the form of finding valueable or plesant thingsthat are not looked for.
Synonyms: coincidence, happenstance.
Uses:  It is merely a serendipity that he found his lost brother in the fair.

7. Convalescence (V) – the gradual return to health after illness.
Synonyms: recuperate, recover, recoup, come back.
Uses: The long months that the soldire spent in the hospital slowly convalescing.

8. Whimsical (Adj):- Unusual in a playful or amusing way; not serious.
Synonyms: Capricious, freakish, impulsive.
Uses: Its hard to make plans with such a whimsical friend.

9. Envious (Adj):– Feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has: feeling or showing envy.
Synonyms: covetous, invidious, green-eyed, jaundiced.
Uses: In Game of Thrones, queen Cersi was being envious of growing powers of Tywin Lannisters.

10. inducement(N):- Something that gives you a reason for doing somethingand makes you want  to do it.
Synonyms: motivation, incentive, encouragement, boost, goad.
Uses: India must not live in the hope that Muslims in the country will not fall a victim to such inducements.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Tenebrous (Adj):- dark and gloomy.
Synonyms: Stygian, tenebrific, tenebrious
Uses: TENEBROUS -> TENT+BRUSH. When you go camping, it is difficult, at night, to find your toothBRUSH inside your TENT because it is so TENEBROUS without street lights.

2. Expurgate (V):- to remove objectionable material.
Synonyms: bowdlerise, bowdlerize, castrate, shorten.
Uses: The censor expurgated every reference to drugs and Intimacy, converting the rapper's raunchy flow into a series of Avengers.

3. Tendentious (Adj):-  likely to lean towards a controversial view.
Synonyms: tendencious.
Uses: Because political mudslinging has become a staple of the 24-hour media cycle, most of us, despite protestations to the contrary, are tendentious on many of today’s pressing issues.

4. Mellifluous (Adj):- smooth and sweet-sounding.
Synonyms: dulcet, honeyed, mellisonant, sweet
Uses: Lata Mangeshkar has Mellifluous voice!

5. Histrionic (Adj):- to be overly theatrical.
Synonyms: melodramatic.
Uses: she had such a histrionic outburst that one would have thought that she’d been handed a death sentence.

6. Sartorial (Adj):- related to fashion or clothes.
Uses: His girlfriend often insulted his lack of any sartorial sense.

7. Mettlesome (Adj):- filled with courage or valor.
Synonyms: spirited, game, gritty, intrepid, fearless, courageous, hardy, brave, plucky, gallant, valiant.
Uses: For its raid on the Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Seal Team Six has become, for many Americans, the embodiment of mettle.

8. Cupidity (N):- greed for money.
Synonyms: avarice, avariciousness, covetousness.
Uses: When the president was arrested for theft of company funds, he made no attempt to apologize for his cupidity.

9. Disabuse (V):- to persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid.
Synonyms: inform, intimate.
Uses: Although my mother tried, she could not disabuse me of my belief in Santa Claus when I was a kid.

10. Propitiate (V):- to placate or appease.
Synonyms: appease, soothe, placate.
Uses: Only an idiot believes he can propitiate his way into heaven by giving the church all of his money.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Recondite (Adj):- difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge.
Synonyms: abstruse, deep, profound.
Uses: the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them.
Tricks: recon-dite:recon sounds like reckon which means guess...if a question is DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND u will GUESS the answer.

2. Facsimile (N):- an exact copy or reproduction.
Synonyms: facsimile machine , fax
Uses: Digital facsimiles of 20 notable books from the Bavarian State Library’s impressive collection of Oriental and Asian books.
Tricks: sounds like fax..and fax means to replicate or make a copy.

3.Repudiate (V):- refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid.
Synonyms: disown , renounce, abdicate.
Uses: She renounced her husband
tricks: hindi cinema if you marry a girl not belonging to your religion,class,....the father says you ate my reputation and you are not my son from now....hence the father DISOWNS his son.

4. Obsequious (V):- attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery.
Synonyms: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish, blandishment
Uses: The princess had obsequious servants who showered her with attention.
tricks: obsequious - obey sequence of work in office(obedience, dutiful).

5. Esoteric (Adj):- confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.
Synonyms: abstruse, deep, recondite.
Uses: a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories
Tricks: HISTORIC things are known to few people.

6. Contrite (Adj):- feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
Synonyms: remorseful, rueful, ruthful.
Uses: The defendant who plead guilty seemed contrite for his actions, crying a river in front of everyone, and he even went as far as requesting 500 hours community service.
Tricks: I feel contrite because I didn't do it right.

7. Ingrain (V):- produce or try to produce a vivid impression of.
Synonyms: impress, instil.
Uses: His hands were grained with dirt.
Tricks: Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us.

8. Pedantic (Adj):- marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.
Synonyms: academic, donnish.
Uses: My father is a pedantic man who usually misses all the vacation fun because he is busy reviewing travel documents.
Tricks: pedantic sounds like VEDANTIC. Any body who follows Vedas is usually a v. conservative and bookish person.

9. Pandemonium (N):- a state of extreme confusion and disorder.
Synonyms: bedlam, chaos, tumult.
Uses: I live a serene and peaceful life, but yours is full of pandemonium.
Tricks: Pan (all) + Demon (devil) + ium (like) = like full of devils (wild place)

10. Paragon (N):- an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept.
Synonyms: beau ideal, idol, perfection
Uses: In the movie, the angel represents the paragon of goodness that will save the world.
Tricks: paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection.