Thursday 29 June 2017

Computer Terms & Abbreviations

Computer Terms & Abbreviations

Banking Terms And Abbreviations

Banking Terms And Abbreviations

TermsFull FormDefinition
SIDCState Industrial Development CorporationEstablished to develop the large industries by the government of India.
SJSRYSwarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar YojnaThis yojana was established in 1997 for the people who are living below the line of poverty. And by this yojana, these people are provided with jobs and employment.
SLRStatutory Liquidity RatioSLR is defined as the ratio between the total liquid assets to the sum of total Demand with total liability. Mainly at the time of Inflation, SLR is used. SLR Rate = (liquid assets/demand + time liability)*100%
SMGStanding Monitoring GroupThis is the group of people who has the access to the standards that are all under development.
SNASystem National AccountsIt helps in controlling the activities related to the economy of a country as it is all related to digits and figures.
SRWTOSmall Road & Water Transport OperatorsThis is a socio – economic activity to provide the people with the credit facilities for water transport & road transport.
SSISmall Scale IndustriesThe investment in this type of industries usually does not exceed the amount of Rs.1 Cr.
STRIPSSeparate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of SecuritiesIt is a type of financial institute which is created to provide a separate security to secure the treasury.
T-BillTreasury billsTreasury bill is one of the two ways to fix the receipt and expenditure in business. Treasury bill is for the short term usually for 1 year and for the long-term bond is used.
TARCTax Administration Reform CommissionA committee appointed by the government of India with a motive to review the public tax administration system.
TCTemporary Change
TTTelegraphic TransferTT is the term referring to the transfer of funds electronically from one end to another.
TAPITurkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India pipelineIt is also Known as a trans-Afghanistan pipeline. TAPI is a natural gas pipeline which is developed by Asian development bank.
TFTSTrade for Trade SegmentsIf a person buys some share in this type of segments then he immediately has to pay the whole amount and then he has to show the bought particular share in his Demat a/c when he wishes to sell that particular share.
TIEATax Information Exchange AgreementsThis agreement facilitates the information exchange regarding tax investigation and criminal.
UCBUrban Cooperative BankThis is the cooperative banks established in Urban Area.
UCNUniform Code NumberRBI provides a thirteen digit code in two parts to all the banks registered with RBI and to the Regional Branches of the respective banks. One part of the code consists of six digit code and the other part consist the other seven-digit of the code.
UNDPUnited Nations Development ProgrammeUNDP was launched in 1965 with an objective to give resources, knowledge and other services to the countries which are still developing. at the time of crisis, It provides the services for reduction of poverty, treatments for HIV / AIDS and much more.
UNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationUNIDO was established with an objective to increase and promote the industrialization of the countries which are developing. As it is known that in countries which are developing the industries are very less and short ranged, so this country has to import goods which decreases their currency value and to insure that this does not happen UNIDO plays its role.
UNMEUrban Non-Manual Workers
UTIUnit trust of IndiaBasically, It is a financial institution of India that deals with mutual funds, It is also famous by the name “UTI mutual funds”. UTI has divided its stakes as. The largest public sectors like PNB, BOB, LIC, SBI, who holds 18.5% stake of UTI and Similarly, TRP group which hold 26% stake of UTI AMC (assets management company Ltd.)
VCVenture CapitalA business has multiple options for taking financial help or loan like from banks or from other institutes. But if a new business is to be started by an entrepreneur then he can choose the Venture Capital option. As Venture Capital may also termed as a kind of loan, but the basic difference b/w venture capital and loan is that by repaying with interest the loans are paid back but on the other hand in venture capital private share are issued by the entrepreneur instead of money.
WPIWholesale Price IndexIt is used to measure the ratio of inflation along with one more method.
  • WPI
  • PPI
WPI – Wholesale Price Index used in India
PPI – Producer Price Index which is used in the US. The objective of WPI is to control and measure the demand and supply and also analyze the macroeconomics and microeconomics conditions.
WTOWorld Trade OrganizationIt is an intergovernmental organization. WTO came into existence in 1995 and replaced the (GPTI) general agreement on tariffs and trade to deals with international trade. On one of their meeting on 24 November 2016, the members of WTO discussed that why supporting the Developing countries is needed to continue trade in future.
YOYYear on YearIn every business with the seasonal change, the Profit and Loss also varies. Therefore to compare the profit and loss changes with the same period of the year the term Year on Year is used.
YTMYield MaturityA person who has a bond receives a particular annual return until maturity which is known as YTM. YTM can be calculated as: YTM = time period√face value /present value.
ZTCZonal Training CenterRBI has 4 training centers in 4 different cities to train its staff members only. These Training centers are called Zonal Training Centers.

Banking Awareness,

Q1. MUDRA gives loan in how many categories?
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) Six

Q2. Which among the following is not a loan category of MUDRA bank?
(a) Shishu
(b) Arun
(c) Kishor
(d) Tarun
(e) None of the above

Q3. SEZs Policy was announced in _________ with the objective of making the SEZs an engine for economic growth, supported by quality infrastructure and an attractive fiscal package both at the Central and State level with a single window clearance.
(a) December 1999
(b) October 2010
(c) January 2005
(d) July 1991
(e) April 2000

Q4. The main objectives of the SEZ act are-
(a) Generation of additional economic activity 
(b) Promotion of exports of goods and services
(c) Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources 
(d) Creation of employment opportunities
(e) All of the above

Q5. With effect from 31 March 2005, a ______________ would be one, which has remained NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months. 
(a) Sub­standard Assets
(b) Profit Assets
(c) Doubtful Assets
(d) Loss Assets
(e) None of the above

Q6. With effect from March 31, 2005, an asset would be classified as _____________ if it has remained in the sub­standard category for a period of 12 months. 
(a) Sub­standard Assets
(b) Profit Assets
(c) Doubtful Assets
(d) Loss Assets
(e) None of the above

Q7. What is the financial limit Under MUDRA's Shishu scheme?
(a) Rs. 5, 00,000
(b) Rs. 50,000
(c) Rs. 1, 00,000
(d) Rs. 10,000
(e) Rs. 1, 50,000

Q8. What is the financial limit Under MUDRA's Kishor scheme?
(a) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 10 lakh
(b) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 3 lakh
(c) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 lakh
(d) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakh
(e) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5 lakh

Q9. Which among the following Incentives and facilities offered to the SEZs is not correct-
(a) Duty free import/domestic procurement of goods for development, operation and maintenance of SEZ units.
(b) Exemption from State sales tax and other levies as extended by the respective State Governments.  
(c) Exemption from minimum alternate tax under section 115JB of the Income Tax Act.
(d) 100% Income Tax exemption on export income for SEZ units under Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act for 10 years, 50% for next 5 years thereafter and 50% of the ploughed back export profit for next 5 years.
(e) Exemption from Central Sales Tax.

Q10. ___________ is a specifically delineated duty-free enclave and shall be deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations and duties and tariffs. 
(a) SEZs
(b) FDI
(c) FIPB
(d) CDR
(e) CSR

Q11. Which committee has recommended the setting up of Special Tribunals to reduce the time required for settling cases and accepting the recommendations, Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) were established?
(a) Kelkar committee
(b) Justice Reddy committee 
(c) Rangarajan Committee
(d) Sivaraman Committee
(e) Narasimham Committee

Q12. DRT has been constituted under Section 3 of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. DRT stands for-
(a) Debt Recovery Tribunals
(b) Demand Recovery Tribunals
(c) Deposit Recovery Tribunals
(d) Debt Refinance Tribunals
(e) Debt Recovery Treaty

Q13. What is the financial limit Under MUDRA's Tarun scheme?
(a) Rs. 40 lakh to Rs. 50 lakh 
(b) Rs. 30 lakh to Rs. 40 lakh 
(c) Rs. 20 lakh to Rs. 30 lakh 
(d) Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 20 lakh 
(e) Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh

Q14. Who can set up an SEZ? 
(a) Private sector 
(b) Public sector
(c) State government
(d) All of the above
(e) Only (a) and (b)

Q15. Securitisation act 2002 is enables the banks to issue notices to defaulters who have to pay the debts within __________ days.
(a) 90 days
(b) 60 days
(c) 30 days
(d) 120 days
(e) None of the above


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. MUDRA gives loan in three categories. The categories have been named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’ and ‘Tarun’. 

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Arun is not a loan category of MUDRA bank.

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia's first EPZ set up in Kandla, Gujarat in 1965. With a view to overcome the shortcomings experienced on account of the multiplicity of controls and clearances; absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Policy was announced in April 2000.

S4. Ans.(e)
Sol. The main objectives of the SEZ Act are-
(a) Generation of additional economic activity 
(b) Promotion of exports of goods and services; 
(c) Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources; 
(d) Creation of employment opportunities; 
(e) Development of infrastructure facilities

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. With effect from 31 March 2005, a sub­standard asset would be one, which has remained NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months. In such cases, the current net worth of the borrower/guarantor or the current market value of the security charged is not enough to ensure recovery of the dues to the banks in full. 

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. With effect from March 31, 2005, an asset would be classified as doubtful if it has remained in the sub­standard category for a period of 12 months. A loan classified as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that were classified as sub­standard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full,– on the basis of currently known facts, conditions and values – highly questionable and improbable.

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), MUDRA has already created its initial products/schemes. The interventions have been named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’ and ‘Tarun’ to signify the stage of growth/development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also to provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth to look forward to. The financial limit for these schemes is:-
(a) Shishu:- covering loans up to  50,000/-
(b) Kishor:- covering loans above  50,000/- and up to  5 lakh
(c) Tarun:- covering loans above  5 lakh to  10 lakh

S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), MUDRA has already created its initial products/schemes. The interventions have been named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’ and ‘Tarun’ to signify the stage of growth/development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also to provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth to look forward to. The financial limit for these schemes is:-
(a) Shishu:- covering loans up to  50,000/-
(b) Kishor:- covering loans above  50,000/- and up to  5 lakh
(c) Tarun:- covering loans above  5 lakh to  10 lakh

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. The incentives and facilities offered to the units in SEZs for attracting investments into the SEZs, including foreign investment include:-
(a) Duty free import/domestic procurement of goods for development, operation and maintenance of SEZ units
(b) 100% Income Tax exemption on export income for SEZ units under Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act for first 5 years, 50% for next 5 years thereafter and 50% of the ploughed back export profit for next 5 years.
(c) Exemption from minimum alternate tax under section 115JB of the Income Tax Act.
(d) External commercial borrowing by SEZ units up to US $ 500 million in a year without any maturity restriction through recognized banking channels.
(e) Exemption from Central Sales Tax.
(f) Exemption from Service Tax.
(g) Single window clearance for Central and State level approvals.
(h) Exemption from State sales tax and other levies as extended by the respective State Governments.

S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is a specifically delineated duty-free enclave and shall be deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations and duties and tariffs.

S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. Narasimham Committee Report I (1991) recommended the setting up of Special Tribunals to reduce the time required for settling cases. Accepting the recommendations, Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) were established. 

S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. DRTs stands for Debt Recovery Tribunals.

S13. Ans.(e)
Sol. Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), MUDRA has already created its initial products/schemes. The interventions have been named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’ and ‘Tarun’ to signify the stage of growth/development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also to provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth to look forward to. The financial limit for these schemes is:-
(a) Shishu:- covering loans up to  50,000/-
(b) Kishor:- covering loans above  50,000/- and up to  5 lakh
(c) Tarun:- covering loans above  5 lakh to  10 lakh

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Private sector, Public sector and State government can set up Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002 is popularly known as Securitisation Act. This act enables the banks to issue notices to defaulters who have to pay the debts within 60 days. Once the notice is issued the borrower cannot sell or dispose the assets without the consent of the lender. The Securitisation Act further empowers the banks to take over the possession of the assets and management of the company. The lenders can recover the dues by selling the assets or changing the management of the firm. The Act also enables the establishment of Asset Reconstruction Companies for acquiring NPA.


Q1. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley chaired the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Finance Ministers meeting in New Delhi. Name the country that has joined the SASEC program as its seventh member.
Answer: Myanmar

Q2. Name the Bank/Banks that sold Rs.1,800 crore Ballarpur Industries loans to Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company.
Answer: ICICI bank and axis bank

Q3. The WTO’s dispute settlement set up a panel to resolve the dispute between ___________ and India over imposition of safeguard import duty on iron and steel products.
Answer: Japan

Q4. Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee declared ___________ as the 22nd district of the state.
Answer: Jhargram

Q5. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley chaired the SASEC's Finance Ministers meeting in New Delhi. What is full form of SASEC?
Answer: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation

Q6. According to the new report of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), 2016 India's travel and tourism sector ranks ____________ in the world in terms of its total contribution to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Answer: 7th

Q7. Which Indian state has decided to provide a one-time grant of Rs 21,000 to all those families whose third girl child was born after August 24, 2015, under the 'Aapki Beti, Hamari Beti' scheme?
Answer: Haryana

Q8. India has recently decided to set up a 240 million pound fund to finance clean energy projects with which country?
Answer: UK

Q9. IDBI Bank has reduced interest rates, ranging from 50 to 75 basis points, on retail term deposits (RTD). CEO of IDBI Bank is __________.
Answer: Mahesh Kumar Jain

Q10. As per the new report of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) 2016 which country has topped in the world in terms of its total contribution to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Answer: USA

Q11. Saraswat Bank, the largest lender in the co-operative space has appointed ______________ as its Managing Director (MD), recently.
Answer: Smita Sandhane

Q12. National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has recently approved 26 projects worth Rs 2,154.28 crore under the Centre’s ‘Namami Gange’ programme. Who is the cabinet minister for water resources, river development and Ganga rejuvenation?
Answer: Uma Bharti

Q13. Name the Formula One racer who defeated four-time Formula One World Champion to lift his fifth title at the Chinese Grand Prix.
Answer: Lewis Hamilton

Q14. India has signed a joint declaration with Russia to promote innovation and the R&D ecosystem between the two countries. What is the Capital and currency of Russia?
Answer: Moscow, Russian Ruble

Q15. R&D Institute of which company filed the maximum number of patent applications in the IT sector in 2015-16, according to Indian Patent Office survey?
Answer: Samsung