Monday 31 July 2017

Quant (Time Speed and Distance)

1.Two cars starts at the same time from A and B which is 120 km apart, If the two cars travel in opposite directions they meet after 1 hour and if they travel in same direction (from A towards B) then A meets B after 6 hours, What is the speed of car starting from A?
A) 70 km/hr
B) 120 km/hr
C) 60 km/hr
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these.

2. Find the speed of train in km/hr whose length is 200 m crosses platform of length 240 m in    22 sec?
A) 60 km/hr
B) 48 km/hr
C) 53 km/hr
D) Data inadequate 
E) None of these.

3. A man starts going for morning walk every day. The Distance walked by him on the first day was 2 km. every day he walks half of the distance walked on the previous day. What can be maximum total distance walked by him in his lifetime? 
A) 4 km
B) 20 km
C) 8 km
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these

For Question (4-5) Answer the following Questions on the basis of the information given below:
i) Train A and B are travelling on the same route heading towards the same destination. Train B has already covered a distance of 220 km before Train A started.
ii) The two trains meet each other 11 hours after the start of train A.
iii) Had the trains been travelling towards each other (from a distance of 220 km), they would have met after 1 hour.

4. What is the speed of train B  in km/ph?
A) 100
B) 180
C) 120
D) 160
E) None of these.

5. What is the speed of train A in km/ph?
A) 102
B) 80.5
C) 118
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these.

6. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 16 km in 2 hours while for covering the same distance upstream it takes 4 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water?
A) 4 km/hr
B) 6 km/hr
C) 8 km/hr
D) 10 km/hr
E) None of these.

7. What is the speed of a train?
I)The train crosses a signal pole in 13 sec.
II)The train crosses a plate form of length 250 m in 27 sec.
III)The train crosses another train running in the same direction in 32 sec.
A) I and II only
B) I and III only
C) II and III only
D) Any Two of Three.
E) None of these.

8. A car covers its journey at the speed of 80 km/hour in 10 hours. If the same distance is to be covered in 4 hours, By how much the speed of car will have to increase?
A) 8 km/hr
B) 10 km/hr
C) 12 km/hr
D) 16 km/hr
E) None of these.

9.A  Boat takes 6 hours to travel from place M to N downstream and back from N to M upstream. If the speed of the Boat in still water is 4km/hr, What is the distance between the two places?
A) 8 km
B) 12 km
C) 6 km
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these

10. A motor starts with the speed of 70 km/hour with its speed increasing every two hours by 10 km/hr. In how many hours will it cover 345 kms?
A) 9/4 hours
B) 9/2 hours
C) 4 hours 5 minute
D) Can’t Determined
E) None of these.

1) A
2) E
3) A
4) A
5) E
6) B
7) A
8) E
9) D

10) B

Quant Quiz

Direction (1-7): Study the following charts carefully and answer the questions given below:

1. What is the respective ratio of number of Men from city D to number of Women from city E ?
1) 7203 : 1479 
2) 27 : 37 
3) 8908 : 4131 
4) 91 : 79 
5) None of these

2. Which city has the lowest number of Men ?
1) A 
2) E 
3) B 
4) C 
5) None of these

3. Total number of people from city C is approximately what percent of the total number of people all cities together ?
1) 19 
2) 23 
3) 26 
4) 14 
5) None of these

4. Number of Children from city F is what percent of those from city B ? (Rounded off to two digits after decimal)
1) 109.92 
2) 111.47 
3) 98.52 
4) 132.71 
5) 93.47

5. What is the average number of Men from all the cities together ?
1) 20357 (1/6)
2) 19617 (2/3)
3) 20317 (1/3)
4) 21445 (2/7)
5) None of these

6. Three equal cubes are placed adjacently in a row. Find the ratio of total surface area of the new cuboid to that of the sum of the surface areas of the three cubes ?
1) 1 : 3 
2) 7 : 9 
3) 3 : 7 
4) 2 : 3 
5) None of these

7. The outer circumference of a circular track is 220 m. The track is 7 m wide everywhere. Calculate the cost of levelling the track at the rate of 50 paisa/square meter ?
1) Rs. 1925 
2) Rs. 1293 
3) Rs. 673 
4) Rs. 793 
5) None of these

8. Ram's project report consists of 25 pages each of 60 lines with 75 characters on each line. In case the number of lines is reduced to 55 but the number of character is increased to 90 per lines. What is the percentage change in the number of pages? (Assume the number of pages to be a whole number.)
1) – 12% 
2) – 8% 
3) + 12% 
4) + 8% 
5) None of these

9. A, B, C enter into a partnership with share in the ratio 7/2: 4/3: 6/5. After 4 months, A increases his share by 50%. If the total profit at the end of one year be Rs. 43200, then C's share in the profit is 
1) Rs. 4200 
2) Rs. 3686 
3) Rs. 7200 
4) Rs. 8640 
5) None of these

10. A can do a piece of work in 16 days. He works at it for 4 days and then B finishes it in 10 more days. In how many days will A and B together finish the work ?
1) 7 (1/12) days
2) 11 (2/3) days
3) 7 (3/11) days
4) 9 (3/7) days
5) None of these

1. 3;

Req. ratio = (65.50 * 34)/100 : (38.25 * 27)/100
= 222700 :103275
= 8908 : 4131

2. 3;

No. of men in city A = (44.35/100 * 42) thousands
= (44.35 * 42)/100 thousands
= 18627
No. of men in city B = (35.40 * 38)/100 thousands = 13452
No. of men in city C = (52.10 * 52)/100thousands = 27092
No. of men in city D = (65.50 * 34)/100 thousands = 22270
No. of men in city E = (38.25 * 50)/100 thousands = 19125
No. of men in city F = (45.50 * 47)/100 thousands = 21338

3. 1;
Req. % = (52.10 * 100)/ (44.35 35.40 52.10 65.50 38.25 45.40)
= 18.5409 = 19 % (approx)

4. 1;
Req. % = {(45.40 * 24)/100 * 100}/ {(35.40 * 28)/100} = 109.92%

5. 3;
Req. average
= 1/6 {(44.35*42)/100 + (35.40*38)/100 + (52.10*52)/100 + (65.50*34)/100 + (38.25*50)/100 + (45.40*47)/100}
1/(6*100) (12190.4) thousand = 20317(1/3) thousands

6. 2;
Let side of the cube = x units
Total surface area of three cubes = 3 × 6 x^2 = 18 x^2
Total surface area of cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + lh)
= 2 ( x × 3x + 3x × x + x × x)
Req. ratio = 14 x^2/ 18 x^2
= 7 : 9

7. 5;
Let outer radius = R
Inner radius = r = R – 7
2 * 22/7 *r  = 220
R = 220/(2*22) * 7 = 35m
r = 35 – 7 = 28 m.
Area of track = 22/7 (R^2 – r^2 )
= 22/7{(35)^2 – (28)^2} = 1386 m^2

Cost of levelling the track = Rs. (1386×0.50) = Rs. 693

8. 2;
Total characters in Ram’s project report = 25× 60 × 75
Let the new number of pages = x
n × 55 × 90 = 25 × 60 × 75 = n = 22.72
This means Ram’s report would require 23 pages
Req. % drop = (23 - 25)/25 * 100 = –8%

9. 3;
Given ratio = 7/2 : 4/3 : 6/5 = 105 : 40 : 36
Ratio of investments (i.e. ratio of profit) =
[105 × 4 + (150 % of 105) × 8] : (40 × 12) : 36 × 12
= 1680 : 480 : 432 = 35 : 10 : 9
B’s share in the profit
= 9/(35 + 10 + 9) * 43200 = 9/54 * 43200 = Rs. 7200

10. 3;
Efficiency of A = 1/16 work/day

In 4 days ‘A’ can complete 1/16 * 4 = 1/4 work

Remaining work = 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 work

B complete 3/4 work in 10 days.
B complete 1 work in 40/3 days
A and B together finish the work in
= 1/ (1/16 + 3/40) = 80/11 = 7(3/11) days

Reading Comprehension

 Reading Comprehension
Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian’s first Economic Survey is notable for three main reasons.
 First, the overall sense of optimism that it exudes — and justifiably so — on the economy and its prospects in the medium term.
 Second, the emphasis on fiscal discipline, quality of expenditure and public investment, mainly in the Railways,
 to give a boost to the economy. And finally, the thrust on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet schemes of Jan Dhan Yojana -
and Direct Benefit Transfers as means of eliminating leakages in the subsidy mechanism and ensuring that subsidies reach those who deserve it.
 Alongside, Mr. Subramanian has also raised a question mark over the new data series on GDP growth announced a couple of weeks ago, 
pointing out that India is not a ‘tiger economy’ yet as the data would have us believe. India’s is a recovering economy rather than a surging one, 
the Survey says, pointing out that the numbers seem difficult to reconcile with other developments in the economy. 
Other major economic data such as on industrial output and trade and agriculture, coupled with anecdotal evidence,
 point to an economy that is on the mend gradually and not to one that is galloping away on growth. 
That said, there is little reason to question the Survey’s conclusion that India is now in a sweet spot thanks to-
 a government that has a mandate for reform and a benign external environment that has had a favorable impact on the current account deficit (CAD) and inflation.
 Indeed, if India does achieve the projected CAD of 1 per cent in 2015-16, that would be in large part due to the falling commodity prices, particularly of crude oil.

The Survey’s projection of a 8.1-8.5 per cent GDP growth in 2015-16 is credible given the present economic environment,
 though the bets would be more on the lower end of the band. Mr. Subramanian has reiterated his advocacy for public investment to act as a booster dose.
 And, interestingly, he has picked on the Railways as the “growth locomotive”, 
arguing that reversing the cycle of under investment in the Railways can do wonders to the economy.
This ties in with this week’s Railway budget and its emphasis on long-term investment; 
in fact, it is tempting to conclude that the increase in gross budgetary support to the Railways by a third to about Rs.40,000 crore-
 is evidence of this policy in action. 
Railways could be to the Narendra Modi government what roads were to the Vajpayee administration.
The Survey has clear advice for Finance Minister Arun Jaitley: control expenditure through subsidy reduction, improve the quality of expenditure by spending more -
on investment and less on consumption and borrowing only for investment.Will Mr. Jaitley act on this in his Budget today?

Ques. 1 Which of the following is not the significant highlight of the economic survey?
(a) It infuse the hope of revival of the Indian Economy.
(b) The Direct benefit transfer schemes will ensure plugging of leaking funds.
(c) Government will control the expenditure in Railway.
(d) Austerity measures will be adopted by Govenrment.
(e) None of these

Ques. 2 What can be the reason for the reversal of cycle of under investment in Indian Railway?

Ques. 3 Why Arvind Subramaniam is skeptical about India GDP growth rate?

Ques.  4 Which external factors had a favourable impact on CAD and how?

Ques. 5 What measures Economic Survey suggested to the Finance Minister of India?

Directions:  Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage?

Ques. 6 Anecdotal 
(a) abstract
(b) informal 
(c) unreliable
(d) unscientific
(e) based on hearsay

Ques. 7 Benign
(a) harmless
(b) safe
(c) adverse
(d) white
(e) inoffensive

Ques. 8 Reiterated
(a) duplicate
(b) repeat
(c) reprise
(d) redo
(e) new

1. (c)
6. (a)
7. (c)
8. (e)

Data Interpretation

Directions (1-5): Study the following graph carefully to answer these question. 

Profit Earned = Total income - Total Investment in the year 
  Per cent profit earned by two companies producing electronic goods over the years

Q1. If the profit earned in 2006 by Company B was Rs. 8,12,500, what was the total income of the company in that year?   
(a) Rs. 12,50,000
(b) Rs. 20,62,500
(c) Rs. 16,50,000
(d) Rs. 18,25,000
(e) None of these 

Q2. If the amount invested by the two companies in 2005 was equal, what was the ratio of the total income of the company A to that of B in 2005? 
(a) 31:33
(b) 33:31
(c) 34:31
(d) 14:11
(e) None of these 

Q3. If the amount of profit earned by Company A in 2006 was Rs. 10.15 Lakhs, what was the total investment?  
(a) Rs. 13.8 Lakhs  
(b) Rs. 14.9 Lakhs 
(c) Rs. 15.4 Lakhs 
(d) Rs. 14.2 Lakhs 
(e) None of these 

Q4. If the amount invested by Company B in 2004 is Rs. 12 Lakhs and the income of 2004 is equal to the investment in 2005, what is the amount of profit earned in 2005 by Company B?  
(a) Rs. 6.6 Lakhs  
(b) Rs. 18.6 Lakhs
(c) Rs. 10.23 Lakhs
(d) Rs. 9.6 Lakhs
(e) None of these 

Q5. If each of the companies A and B invested Rs. 25 Lakhs in 2010, what was the average profit earned by the two companies?  
(a) Rs. 18 Lakhs
(b) Rs. 22.5 Lakhs
(c) Rs. 17.5 Lakhs
(d) Rs. 20 Lakhs
(e) None of these 

Directions (6-10): Study the following graph carefully to answer the given questions. 
Number of the flat booked in HIG, MIG and LIG categories from different cities in 2004.  

Q6. If for Aurangabad the number of HIG flats booked in 2005 was more than that in 2004 by 15%, the number of MIG flats booked in 2005 was more than that in 2004 by 10% and the number of LIG flats booked in 2005 was more than that in 2004 by 20% then what was the total number of flats booked in Aurangabad in 2005? 
(a) 1565 
(b) 1521
(c) 1625
(d) 1642
(e) 1544 

Q7. Out of the LIG flats booked from Chandigarh, 35% were by employees of Financial Institution and out of the remaining flats, those booked by officers from a software company and HRM department of Government of India were in the ratio of 6 : 7. What was the total number of LIG flats booked by officers from the software company? 
(a) 130
(b) 120
(c) 160
(d) 140
(e) 150 

Q8.  The total number of MIG flats booked in Mangalore, Baroda and Nagpur is by what per cent more than the total number of LIG flats booked from these three cities together? (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
(a) 37
(b) 35
(c) 39
(d) 32
(e) 34 

Q9. What is the difference between the total number of MIG flats booked in Allahabad, Mangalore, Nagpur and Aurangabad together and the total number of LIG flats booked in these four cities together?    
(a) 420
(b) 480
(c) 460
(d) 360
(e) 260

Q10. What is the ratio of the total number of flats (all three types) booked in Allahabad to that in Baroda?  
(a) 54:49
(b) 51:46
(c) 54:47
(d) 58:49
(e) 55:48 

Directions (11-15): Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
Percentage net profit of two companies over the years 

Q11. If the total income in 1992 for company B was 140 crores, what was the total expenditure in that year?  
(a) 100 Crores 
(b) 110 Crores 
(c) 98 Crores 
(d) Data inadequate 
(e) None of these 

Q12. If the total expenditure of 1993 and 1994 together of Company B was Rs. 279 crore, what was the total income in these years? 
(a) Rs. 12.15 Crores 
(b) Rs. 135 Crores 
(c) Rs. 140 Crores
(d) Data inadequate 
(e) None of these 

Q13. In how many of the given years the percentage of expenditure to the income of Company A was less than fifty? 
(a) One 
(b) Two 
(c) Three 
(d) Four 
(e) None of these 

Q14. If the total expenditure of company B in 1994 was Rs. 200 crore, what was the total income? 
(a) Rs. 160 Crores
(b) Rs. 280 Crores 
(c) Rs. 260 Crores 
(d) Data inadequate 
(e) None of these 

Q15. In which of the following years was the total income more than double the total expenditure in that year for Company B? 
(a) 1995
(b) 1993
(c) 1997 
(d) 1992
(e) None of these

Data Interpretation

Directions (1-5): Go through the data set given below and solve the questions based on it.
The following pie charts show the break-up of the annual expenditures of two private sector companies:

 Q1. The amount spent on transport by PamTech is what percentage of the amount spent by RamTech on transport?
(a) 30%
(b) 35%
(c) 40%
(d) 45%
(e) None of these

S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. Amount spent by PamTech on transport = 5% of Rs. 80000 = Rs. 4000
Amount spent by RamTech on transport = 10% of Rs. 100000 = Rs. 10000
Hence, (4000 × 100)/10000 = 40%

Q2. The expenditure on raw material for both companies taken together, is what fraction of the total expenditure in 2008?
(a) 0.2 
(b) 0.25
(c) 0.3
(d) 0.4
(e) None of these

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. (45 + 35)/ 200 = 0.4

Q3. Both RamTech and PamTech spend the same amount on which category?
(a) Rent
(b) Transport
(c) Salaries
(d) Others
(e) None of these

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Others for both the companies = Rs. 4000

Q4. For which category the difference in expenditure is maximum?
(a) Telephone & Electricity Bill
(b) Transport
(c) Salaries
(d) Raw Material
(e) None of these

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. For the category, raw material the difference is maximum 
= 45000 – 28000 = Rs. 17000. 

Q5. The amount spent on salaries by PamTech is what percentage more than the amount spent by RamTech on trent?
(a) 50%
(b) 65%
(c) 60%
(d) 45%
(e) None of these

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Amount spent by PamTech on salaries = 20% of Rs. 80000 = Rs. 16000
Amount spent by RamTech on rent = 10% of Rs. 100000 = Rs. 10000
Required % = 6000/10000*100=60% More

Directions (6-10): Go through the data given below and solve the questions based on it.
The total population of the different states in 1993 is 25 lakhs.

M – F
4 : 3
3 : 2
4 : 3
4 : 5
4 : 5
Tamil Nadu
3 : 4
5 : 6

Q6. Approximately what will be the percentage of total male in UP, Maharashtra and Kerala of the total population of the given states?
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 24%
(d) 28%
(e) 22%

Q7. If in the year 1994 there was an increase of 10% population of UP and 12% of Bihar compared to the previous year, then what was the ratio of the population of UP to Bihar in 1994?
(a) 27/32
(b) 31/42
(c) 55/84
(d) 23/42
(e) None of these

Q8. Women of Andhra Pradesh is approximately what percentage of the women of Tamil Nadu?
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 50%
(d) 55%
(e) None of these

Q9. What is the ratio of the number of females in Tamil Nadu to the number of females in Kerala?
(a) 21/138
(b) 242/43
(c) 205/84
(d) 121/84
(e) None of these

Q10. In Tamil Nadu, if 70% of the females are literate and 75% of the males are literate, what is the approximate number of illiterate in the state?
(a) 75000
(b) 76500
(c) 77500
(d) 80000
(e) 74500

Directions (11-15): Go through the data given below and solve the questions based on it.
2,000 students secured admissions into the 2-year MBA programme beginning in 1997. Figure A given below provides the educational background of this batch of students. The same batch of students graduated in 1999 and had opted for different specializations as indicated in figure B given below. All the students who secured admission in 1997 passed out in 1999.

Figure A: When they entered in 1997
Figure B: When they left in 1999
Note: 20% of Engineers and 10% of (Science + Commerce) students were with some work experience before joining MBA programme. All others students were without work experience.
Q11. 40% of students with work experience specialized in Marketing. How many students with specialization in Marketing are without work experience?
(a) 352
(b) 396
(c) 440
(d) 88
(e) None of these

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. Students with work experience
= 36% × 20% × 2000 + 10% [38% of 2000]
= 2000 × [36% × 20% + 38% × 10%] = 220
Now marketing students with work experience = 40% of 220 = 88
So, total marketing students = 22% of 2000 = 440
So, Marketing students without work experience = 440 – 88 = 352

Q12. If 50% of engineers specialized in Systems, how many non-engineers specialized in Systems?
(a) 360
(b) 0
(c) 100
(d) 160
(e) None of these

S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. Number of students specializing systems = 360
Number of engineers specializing systems = 36/100×50/100× 2000 = 360
So, number of non-engineers specializing systems = 0
Alternatively, this question can be done by seeing only the percentage values too.

Q13. What is the difference between the number of students specializing in Finance in 1999 and the number students who had CA or Commerce background?
(a) 500
(b) 480
(c) 20
(d) 40
(e) None of these

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Number of students specializing in finance = 25% of 2000 = 500
Total number of CA or commerce students
= (20 + 4) % of 2000 = 480
Difference = 500 – 480 
= 20

Q14. 24% of students of graduating class in 1998 specialized in finance. Find the % increase in the number of students specializing in finance from 1998 to 1999.
(a) 1%
(b) 100/24%
(c) 3%
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Since total number of students doing graduation in 1998 in not known, this question cannot be answered.

Q15. 30% of Engineers and 40% of Commerce students specialized in Finance. The remaining students who specialized in finance were Science graduates. What percentage of Science graduates opted for finance?
(a) 24.66%
(b) 34.44%
(c) 38.68%
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Number of engineers who specialized in finance = 30% × 36% × 2000 = 216
Number of commerce students who specialized in finance = 40% × 20% × 2000 = 160
So, number of Science graduates specializing in finance = (25% of 2000) – 216 – 160 = 124
∴ % of Science students specializing in finance