Showing posts with label Data Interpretation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Interpretation. Show all posts

Monday 7 August 2017

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q1-5): Study the following pie-chart and table carefully and answer the questions given below:
Percentage distribution of the number of cars sold by a dealer during six months. Dealer sells cars of only two companies i.e. Company A and Company B

The respective ratio between the number of cars sold of company A and B during six months

A : B
8 : 9
6 : 5
3 : 2
5 : 3
4 : 5
7 : 9

Q1. What is the total number of cars sold of company B during April and March together?
(a) 2340
(b) 3240
(c) 2153
(d) 1950
(e) None of these

Q2. The number of Cars sold of company A during February is what percent of the number of Cars sold of company A during May?
(a) 210
(b) 240
(c) 250
(d) 225
(e) 180

Q3. What is the respective ratio between the number of Cars sold of company B during March and those sold during June of the same company?
(a) 9 : 10
(b) 10 : 9
(c) 72 : 25
(d) 25 : 72
(e) None of these

Q4. If 20% of the Cars sold of company A during May were sold at a discount, how many Cars of company A during that month were sold without a discount?
(a) 882
(b) 1635
(c) 1728
(d) 678
(e) None of these

Q5. If the dealer earned a profit of Rs. 25000 on each car sold of company B during June, what was his total profit (in lakhs) earned on the Cars of that company during the same month?
(a) 450
(b) 4050
(c) 405
(d) 4500
(e) None of these

Directions (Q6-10): Study the following Pie chart carefully and answer the questions given below. 
Cost estimated by Gagan for various expenditures to be made by him in his sister’s marriage.

Q6. During the marriage ceremony Gagan actually incurs expenditure on E of Rs. 20,400. The actual expenditure on E incurred by Gagan is what percent of the total estimated cost?
(a) 9.5
(b) 9
(c) 8.5
(d) 10.5
(e) None of these

Q7. Other than getting a discount of 12% on the estimated cost for D and the actual expenditure on E of Rs. 20,400 instead of the estimated, Gagan’s estimated cost is correct. What is the total expenditure of Gagan in marriage ceremony ?
(a) 237456
(b) 231852
(c) 239000
(d) 233000
(e) None of these

Q8. What is the difference in the amount estimated by Gagan for A and H (In Rs.)?
(a) 20,000
(b) 19000
(c) 14400
(d) 18000
(e) None of these

Q9. What is the cost estimated by Gagan for B and C together (In Rs.)?
(a) 73000
(b) 69600
(c) 72,000
(d) 69000
(e) None of these

Q10. Gagan get a discount on D and pays 12% less than the estimated cost for it. What is the amount spent on D (In Rs.)?
(a) 26400
(b) 29052
(c) 27052
(d) 27456
(e) None of these

Directions (Q11-15): In each of these questions two equations are given. You have to solve these equations and give answer. 
(a) if x<y
(b) if x>y
(c) if x=y
(d) if x≥y
(e) if x≤y

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S4. Ans.(e)
Sol. Number of cars sold of company A during May = 4/9  of 12% of 18000 = 960
Number of cars sold without discount in May = 80% of 960 = 768

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Number of cars sold of company B during June = 9/16  of 16% of 18000 = 1620
Total profit = 25000 × 1620 = 405 lakhs

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Required percentage =  = 8.5

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. Estimated cost for E = 8% of 240000 = 19200 
Total expenditure of Gagan = 240000 – 19200 + 20400 – 12% of 13% of 240000 = 237456

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol.  Required difference = (19-11)% of 240000 = 19200

S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Required cost = (15+14)% of 240000 = 69600

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Amount spent on D = (100 - 12)% of 13% of 240000 = 27456

Sunday 6 August 2017

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Marks obtained by the six students in five subjects in annual examination

Q1. Who stood first in the examination? 
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) D

Q2. What is difference between overall percentage marks obtained by B and E? 
(a) 26.67
(b) 24.66
(c) 23.22 
(d) 27.64
(e) 25.33

Q3. How many students obtained more marks than average marks in Physics by all the students? 
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) 6
(e) 3

Q4. Marks obtained by B in Chem. and Eng. together are approximately what percent of the total marks obtained by F in all subjectstogether? 
(a) 57.76
(b) 58.26
(c) 60.23
(d) 59.14
(e) 49.95

Q5. How many students obtained less than 70% marks in aggregate? 
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 4
(e) None of these

Directions (Q.6-10): Study the table carefully and answer the question given below: 

Number of new employees and also who left the company, since 2010

Q6. What is the difference between the total number of Technicians added to the company and total number of accountants added to company during year 2011-2015? 
(a) 84
(b) 88
(c) 89
(d) 93
(e) None of these

Q7. What is total number of peons and operators together in company in 2014? 
(a) 2626
(b) 2296
(c) 2532
(d) 2438
(e) None of these

Q8. The number of Technician in 2013 is what percent more/less than number of Accountants in 2012? 
(a) 16.23%
(b) 17.85%
(c) 18.21%
(d) 16.81%
(e) 15.34%

Q9. What is average of total number of employees of all categories in year 2012? 
(a) 1005
(b) 1310 
(c) 1205
(d) 1195
(e) None of these

Q10. The total number of managers in 2014 in company is what approximately percent of an accountant in that year? 
(a) 67.31%
(b) 72.32%
(c) 69.17%
(d) 68.56%
(e) 64.67%

Directions (Q.11-15): What should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following question? 




Data Interpretation

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following table and bar graph to answer the questions given below it.
Percentage of appeared and qualified candidates in a competitive examination from different institutes

Appeared Candidates = 36000
%of appeared candidates

Q1. What is the ratio of the qualified candidates from institutes A, B and C together to the appeared candidates from institutes D, E and F?
(a) 52 : 225
(b) 26 : 125
(c) 125 : 26
(d) 13 : 200
(e) None of these

Q2. What percent of the candidates from institute ‘E’ has been declared qualified out of the total candidates appeared from this institute?
(a) 16%
(b) 26%
(c) 16.66%
(d) 18%
(e) None of these

Q3. What is the approximate percentage of students qualified w.r.t. to those appeared from the institutes B and C together?
(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23
(e) 24

Q4. Which institute has the highest percentage of candidates qualified w.r.t. to those appeared?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) None of these

Q5. What is the average number of appeared candidates from the institutes A, B and F together?
(a) 19800
(b) 2200
(c) 6600
(d) 8600
(e) None of these

Directions (Q.6-10): In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
Q6. 5    15    30    135    405    1215    3645
(a) 15
(b) 30
(c) 405 
(d) 3645
(e) None of these

Q7. 36     54       18        27         9         18.5        4.5
(a) 4.5
(b) 18.5
(c) 54
(d) 18
(e) 27

Q8. 582       605       588       611        634       617      600
(a) 634
(b) 611
(c) 605
(d) 600
(e) 582

Q9. 46080       3840       384      48     24     2       1
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 24
(d) 384
(e) 48

Q10. 1        8         27         64        124         216        343
(a) 8
(b) 27
(c) 64
(d) 124
(e) 216

Directions (Q.11-15): Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow: 
Number of Girls and Boys participating in a rally from five different schools

Q11. What is the total number of girls participating in the rally from schools A and C together? 
(a) 825 
(b) 875 
(c) 950 
(d) 975 
(e) None of these 

Q12. The number of boys participating in the rally from school B is what percent of the total number of children participating in the rally from that school? (Rounded off to two digits after decimal.) 
(a) 48.84 %
(b) 47.37 %
(c) 49.28 %
(d) 46.46 %
(e) None of these 

Q13. The number of girls participating in the rally from School E is approximately what percent of the number of boys participating in the rally from the same school? 
(a) 81 %
(b) 106 %
(c)122 %
(d) 98 %
(e) 114 %

Q14. What is the respective ratio of total number of girls participating in the rally from schools D and C together to the total number of boys participating in the rally from schools A and B together? 
(a) 23 : 18 
(b) 43 : 35 
(c) 41 : 38 
(d) 21 : 20 
(e) None of these 

Q15. What is the average number of girls participating in the rally from all schools together? 
(a) 500 
(b) 460
(c) 525 
(d) 505 
(e) None of these