Showing posts with label Daily Word List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Word List. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Enunciation (N):- the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience
Synonyms: diction, articulate, 
Uses: As the teacher gave instructions, she was careful to enunciate each step of the process so her young students would not be confused.
Trick: rhymes with pronunciation which means clear accent.

2. Eviscerate (V):- take away a vital or essential part of; surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ.
Synonyms: disembowel, draw, resect.
Uses: the compromise among the parties eviscerated the bill that had been proposed
Tricks: eviscerate = e (exit) + viscera + ate; The viscera has been exit & eaten

3. Tantamount (Adj):- being essentially equal to something.
Synonyms: equivalent
Uses: his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
Trick: Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means, equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.

4. Suffuse (V):- cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across.
Synonyms: perfuse.
Uses: The sky was suffused with a warm pink color.
Trick: SUFFUSE=SUFficient+difFUSE. So, Suffuse is to Diffuse Sufficiently, that is, spread through, over or across.

5. Arrogate (V):- seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession.
Synonyms: assume, seize, take over, usurp
Uses: She seized control of the throne after her husband died.
Trick: A surrogate mom arrogate the custody of the child for ever.

6. Repine (V):- express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness.
Tricks: Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine.

7. Primordial (Adj):- having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state.
Synonyms:  aboriginal , primaeval , primal , primeval
Uses: primordial forms of life.
Trick: primordial" = "prime" + "order" =first in the order = existing at the beginning , rudimentary.

8. Temerity (N):- the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger.
Synonyms: audaciousness, audacity.
USes: The correspondent must have lost the playbook and had the temerity to ask him to explain.
Trick:  remember the word tremor.. meaning shaking with fear so a temer person doesn't have tremors.

9. Unassailable (Adj):- not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question.
Synonyms: impregnable , inviolable , secure , strong , unattackable
Uses: fortifications that made the frontier inviolable.
Trick: a boat can be made to change direction by changing direction of SAIL. so one who is unassailable cannot be changed or questioned or attacked or tampered remains as it it.

10. Iconoclastic (Adj):- characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions; destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited.
Synonyms: Unorthodox, destructive.
Uses: This comes in the wake of other iconoclastic destruction by Islamic State.

Trick:  icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Sobriquet (N):- a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name).
Synonyms:  byname, cognomen, moniker, nickname.
Uses: In the 'Game of Thrones' Tywin Lannister used to called as an Imp so the word 'Imp' is a 'Sobriquet' here.
Tricks: we know sabri(ramayana) by her name.

2. Bacchanal (N):- someone who engages in drinking bouts; a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Synonyms: bacchanalia, debauch, debauchery, drunken revelry, orgy, riot, saturnalia.
Uses: a night of bacchanalian revelry
Tricks: Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI.

3. Mortification (N):- strong feelings of embarrassment.
Synonyms: chagrin, humiliation.
Uses: he had to undergo one humiliation after another.

4. Enfeeblement (N):- serious weakening and loss of energy.
Synonyms: ebilitation, enervation, exhaustion
Uses: The boring class enfeebled my imagination.

5. Asceticism (N):- rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint.
Synonyms: ascesis 
Uses: When Gregory was a monk, he lived an ascetic lifestyle that excluded worldly goods.
Trick: Asceticism comes from the word ascetic, which comes from Greek roots meaning monk, and practice or exercise.

6. Barefaced (Adj):- with no effort to conceal; unrestrained by convention or propriety.
Synonyms: audacious, bald-faced, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, insolent
Uses: They attacked him in various ways with barefaced questions
Trick: adding to above statement Bar Faced. strippers you know have to shameless in order to dance against pole(in bar) and so they are noticeable.

7. Bastion (N):- a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle.
Synonyms: fortification, munition.
Uses: the last bastion of male chauvinism
Trick: In a war the base station has the strongest protection.

8. Begrudge (V):- be envious of; set one's heart on.
Synonyms: envy
Uses: Americans, for the most part, don’t begrudge someone his success.
Trick: be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody you always wish ill for him.

9. Beleaguer (V):- annoy persistently.
Synonyms: badger, bug, pester, tease
Uses: If we do not spray our house with insect repellant, mosquitos will beleaguer us all summer.
Tricks: the australians beleaguered harbhajan singh.

10. Satirical (Adj):- exposing human folly to ridicule.
Synonyms: satiric
Uses: a persistent campaign of mockery by the France satirical fortnightly magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' of Hajrat Muhammed Sahab, annoyed the vicious terrorist syndicate ISIS so much, they attacked on it, to retaliate.
Trick: SATIRICAL or IRONICAL which are rhyming words refer to criticism through irony or ridicule.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Portend (V):- Portend means to show a sign that something calamitous is about to happen.
Synonyms: augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate
Uses: These signs bode bad news.
Trick : When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

2. Splurge (V):- To splurge is to indulge yourself. You can also go on a splurge if you spend a lot or act extravagantly in another way.
Synonyms : flash, flaunt, ostentate, show off, swank
Uses: Greece had got into the habit of splurging on borrowed money.
Trick : when that special girl urges you to buy something prodigal, you buy it

3. Vilifier (N):- one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel.
Synonyms: backbiter, defamer, libeler, maligner, slanderer, traducer.
Uses: Let us watch with jealous care the honor of our country, and scorn the aspersions of its vilifiers.

4. Conundrum (N):- a difficult problem.
Synonyms: brain-teaser, enigma, riddle, dillema.
Uses: Europe's conundrum
Trick: drum ke andar kaun hai.

5. Prospect (N):- A prospect is the possibility that something fabulous will happen.
Synonyms: chance
Uses: The prospect of sanctions on Iranian oil being lifted has depressed prices further.

6. Repartee (N):- adroitness and cleverness in reply.
Synonyms: backchat, banter, give-and-take, raillery
Uses: It’s mostly in the repartee and interactions with secondary characters.

7. Indelible (Adj):- cannot be removed or erased.
Synonyms: unerasable.
Uses: indelible memories.

8. Raconteur (N):- a person skilled in telling anecdotes.
Synonyms: anecdotist.
Uses: Raconteurs are gifted storytellers, able to spin amusing tales from everyday life.

9. Turgid (Adj):- ostentatiously lofty in style.
Synonyms: bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid.
USes: The movie’s plot was so turgid that people left the theater completely confused.
Trick: TURGID= (TURBID and TURGID river). If there is extreme turbidity in the river, then the river must a turgid river(swollen),because it washes away the mud from the bank.

10. Quiescence (N):- a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction.
Synonyms: dormancy, quiescency
Uses: While the bees are quiescent early in the morning and in the evening, they are overactive in the middle of the day.
Trick: quiet+essence- quality of being at rest or stillness.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Immurement (N):- the state of being imprisoned.
Synonyms: captivity, imprisonment, incarceration.
Uses: He practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon.

2. Abjure (V):- formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure.
Synonyms: forswear, recant, resile, retract.
Uses: In order to marry the peasant he loved, the prince made the decision to abjure his title.
Trick: Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up. 

3. Portend (V):- indicate by signs.
Synonyms: augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate.
Uses: Even though I have low grades in school right now, I do not believe my report card will portend my success in life.
Trick: When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.

4. Visage (N):- the appearance conveyed by a person's face.
Synonyms: countenance, phiz, physiognomy, smiler.
Uses: After the blind sculptor touched her daughter’s face, she was able to perfectly create her child’s visage in clay.
Trick: VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.

5. Vagabond (N):- a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support.
Synonyms: drifter, floater, vagrant.
Uses: One of our fervent readers Who is well known on BA as Solitary vagabond (pseudonym) but no one knows what is his actual name :))
Trick: This word can be thought as Vagabond = James Bond the spy, does not live at one permanent place and is always seen wandering all over the world.

6. Vendetta (N):- a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other.
Synonyms: blood feud.
Trick: Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when they attack each other they are in vendetta.

7. venerable (Adj):- profoundly honored.
Synonyms: august, revered, most respected.
Uses: The Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.
Trick: Venerable politicians are vulnerable to attacks because they are savory.

8. Hackneyed (Adj):- repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms: banal, commonplace, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn.
Uses: Too often used by young girls, the word “like” has become hackneyed.
Trick: when a software is hacked, it becomes hackneyed because then all people are able to use that program without paying for.

9. Scrupulous (Adj):- characterized by extreme care and great effort.
Synonyms: conscientious, painstaking.
Uses: less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance
Trick: It makes u think of sculpture and while building sculpture the worker has to be very careful.

10. Gregarious (Adj):- If you know someone who's outgoing, sociable, and fond of the company of others, you might want to call her gregarious.
Synonyms: Social.
Uses: Gregarious people are likely to hang out with friends every weekend while reserved people keep to themselves.

Trick: Spread happiness, Kamali (Uff Miss Sahiba), and several ones (Sorry I am unable to recall more names but there is many one on BA) who are Gregarious girls :))

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Sedulous (Adj):- A sedulous person is someone who works hard and doesn't give up easily.
Synonyms: Assiduous, industrious, diligent.
Uses: Drunken Master(whose birthday is today :D) MegaMind, AK GUD BOY, Paglu, Tom Cruise, Neo, Nanna Nattu, Vibhu, Che Guvera, Solitary Vegabond, and many more whose name, I am unable to recall are sedulous people:))

2. Bibillophile (N):- someone who loves (and usually collects) books.
Synonyms: booklover.
Uses: Bibilophile who is a voracious reader on BA is a booklover :))

3. Aversion (N):- a feeling of intense dislike.
Synonyms: antipathy, distaste.
Uses: I averse very much to rebuke anyone or use acrimonious language for anyone, but some people are so stubborn that they don't heed any attention what any Mod is saying to them, every time I try to avert to take any drastic measure, but they compel me to take these drastic measures.
Trick: made of word averse + ion....averse as in the above who is disinclined towards something...............and such a person always has a firm dislike for things.

4. Dwindle (N):- become smaller or lose substance.
Synonyms: dwindle away, dwindle down
Uses: When the store manager realized that his supply of the popular new toy was beginning to dwindle, he placed an order for a thousand more units.
Trick: if a swindler swindles you then your savings dwindle.

5. Confluence (N):- a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
Synonyms: meeting
Uses: Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers.

6. Colloquial (Adj):- characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation; informally,बोलचाल की भाषा में.
Synonyms: conversational
Uses: Katherine Pierce use to wrote her letters in a colloquial style :)
Trick:  colloquial - can be read as Coll - local so we use local language(informal) language in our college.

7. Provenance (N):- where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
Synonyms: birthplace, cradle, place of origin, provenience
Uses: India is the provenance of many cultures.

8. Convalesce (V):- get over an illness or shock.
Synonyms: recover, recuperate.
Uses: India'll need to convalesce for several years to forget about terrorist attack at various places in Mumbai.

9. Conjecture (V):- to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds.
Synonyms: hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, speculate, suppose, theorise, theorize.
Uses: The jury rejected the attorney’s conjecture about the defendant’s motive because of a lack of evidence.
Trick: sounds like 'lecture' ..assume you guess an answer for a question asked during a lecture.

10. Apocryphal (Adj):- being of questionable authenticity; able to be refuted
Synonyms: questionable, confutable, confutative, refutable.
Uses: If a politician says things you doubt are true, you might describe his words as questionable.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Spatial (Adj):- pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space.
Synonyms: spacial
Uses: the first dimension to concentrate on is the spatial one

2. Realm (N):- a domain in which something is dominant.
Synonyms: kingdom, land
Uses: the rise of the realm of cotton in the south.
Trick:  realm (re + alm ) alm means king like almpanah in hindi (region of alm = kingdom)

3. Expatriate (N):- a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country.
Synonyms: exile, expat
Uses: The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions.
Trick:  read EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.

4. Adulterate (V):- corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones.
Synonyms: debase, dilute, load, stretch.
Uses: If you want to adulterate your alcoholic drink, you should add some water to it.
TRick: Sharma ji hum thoda bewafa kya huye aap to Adulterate (Badchalan) hi ho gaye:)

5. Vanquish (V):- come out better in a competition, race, or conflict.
Synonyms: beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce
Uses: In the movies, the superheroes usually vanquish the villains.
Trick: sounds like vanishing u can be better than anyone in a competition!!

6. Condescending (Adj):- The Latin prefix con- means "with," and the Latin word for descend means "down," so the word condescending probably developed to describe someone who looked down on others.
Synonyms: arch, patronising, patronizing
Uses: It's usually intended to make people feel bad about not knowing or having something, and it very often works.

7. chicanery (N):- the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them).
Synonyms: chicane, guile, trickery, wile
Uses: You can smell the chicanery from a dishonest politician like Lalu And Mulayam.
Trick: chicanery sounds like shikari who uses means of deception to trick animals into his traps.

8. Abrade (V):- rub hard or scrub
Synonyms: abrase, corrade, rub down, rub off, scour
Uses: Soaps are also prepared in which large proportions of fine sharp sand, or of powdered pumice, are incorporated, and these substances, by their abrading action, powerfully assist the detergent influence of the soap on hands much begrimed by manufacturing operations.'
Trick: If you have VIM LIQUID then you don't have to abrade much your oily pots :))

9. Retreat (N):- the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant)
Uses: the disorderly retreat of Pakistani troops in Kargil war.
TRick: retreat=suppose if someone asks for re(again) will avoid him.move back from from him ie withdraw

10. Propitiate (V):- to make pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired.
Synonyms: appease
Uses: After Tom Cruise forgot his wife’s birthday, he tried to propitiate the situation by purchasing her the pearl necklace she always wanted :)
Trick: If you forgot flowers on your Girl Friend's birthday, you can still propitiate her by sending a bouquet the next day.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.
1) Cogent:
a)well organised thinking, powerfully persuasive, crisp and clear thinking
Hindu eg: the home ministry told the president that there were no content circumstances warranting a rethink on Yakub's hanging.
b)having the power to induce action or belief. eg: it is hard to find Cogent argument amidst all emotional outburst.
Trick: co-gent -a gentleman is always a right person to convince others. Co-agent- I find company's agents more convincing than others

2) Impasse: a) when there is no way a passing is going to occur
 b) a situation in which the parties involved cannot or won't move forward to make progress
 Hindu eg: No end to the parliament impasse as the opposition sticks to its demand.
 Syn: deadened, descend, stalemate,
 Tricks: Im(passe) impossible to pass

3) infiltrated: a) enter a group or organization to spy on its members or pass through enemy lines in a military conflict.                           
 Hindu eg: the militants indicated that the terrorists had infiltrated from  Pakistan into Punjab 
Trick: In came the traitor as in-traited                                      .

4) Appellant: the party who appeals the decision of a lower court.
  Hindu eg: the CIC upheld the voters right and directed that the appellant be paid 10000 rs.

5) Graft: a)means bribery and corruption.
 b) transplanting skin or bones in medicine, as in a skin graft
 Hindu eg: another Chinese official to be prosecuted for graft.
 Shaking with fear for Brady, she watched them cut through the skin grafts and transfuse blood  then jump his heart.

6) Piqued( peeked):a) to make someone angry or annoyed
 b)to arouse ,stimulate or excite,to increase interest
 eg: her interest in dance was piqued at the summer camp .
trick: don't pick on me i.e. don't irritate me...

7) Reconnaissance: checking out situation before taking action
eg :you could do a reconnaissance on a new employee before hiring her.
eg:  An exchange of fire occurred at the border on a reconnaissance mission
Trick: sounds like recognize an army while surveying your territory.

8)Amnesty: pardon for wrong doing or signal of a govt willingness to overlook something.              
eg: Chinese citizens who were jailed for illegal logging were freed in an amnesty. 
Syn: pardon
Trick: amnesty- I am nasty still my parents forgive me.

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Chastisement (N):- a rebuke for making a mistake, a verbal punishment.
Synonyms: chastening, correction, castigation
Uses: The government then took this chastisement(verbal punishment) and ran wild.
Tricks: In Iran, if you break your chastity you will suffer chastisement.

2. Interlocutor (N):- a person who takes part in a conversation.
Symonyms: conversational partner
Uses: The government’s interlocutor(middle man), R.N. Ravi, confirmed to a local daily that the August 3 agreement was indeed a ‘framework agreement’.
Trick: An INTERLOCUTOR is someone who INTERLOCks his mind with another through conversation

3. Unconsummated (Adj):- not consummated (especially of a marriage),
Synonyms: imperfect, unfinished
Uses: an unconsummated marriage can be annulled
Trick: Hamari Adhuri Kahani=  Hamari Unconsummated parable :)

4. Hitherto (Adj):- used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time.
Synonyms: as yet, heretofore, so far, thus far, til now, until now, up to now, yet
Uses: Before John learned to fly an airplane, he had hitherto been afraid of heights.
Trick: Nana Patekar Killed 56 people in the Movie Ab Tak Chhappan = Hithero Chhappan:) 

5. Brimming (Adj):- filled to capacity.
Synonyms: brimful, brimful
Uses: a child brimming over with curiosity
Trick: I know that Anjii, Malvika, Meo Voto, Cynosure, Misty, Glady, Butterfly, Avina, Prachi, Rhiza, Riti, Aashi, Casey and Many more whose names I am unable to recall (will mention name of the rest ones next time) the Girls who are brimmed with emotions :))

6. Dictum (N):- an authoritative declaration; an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding.
Synonyms: pronouncement, say-so, obiter dictum.
Uses: Responsible corporates have long discarded the Milton Friedman dictum(announce,घोषणा) from their public vocabulary.
Trick: dictator means authoritarian; dictum means an authoritative statement.

7. Progenitor (N):- an ancestor in the direct line, an ancesto, funder.
Synonyms: primogenitor
Uses: Adam and Eve are the Progenitors of humans.
Trick: Rishtey me to Hum tumhare Progenitor (Baap) lagte hain Naam hai Shahenshah:))

8. Fortuitous (Adj):- occurring by happy chance.
Synonyms: fortunate
Uses: profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials
Trick: Oye Lucky Lucky oye = Oye Fortuitous Fortuitous Oye :)

9. Diabolic (Adj):- showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil.
Synonyms: devilish, diabolical, mephistophelean, mephistophelian
Uses: An idle mind is a Diabolic's workshop.
Trick: Think of the Diabolic and Diabolic is here.

10. Rancour (N):- a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.
Synonyms: bitterness, gall, rancor, resentment, reprisal.
Uses: Although my friend betrayed me, I have no rancor towards him.
Trick:  Badlapur = RANCOURPur :))

Daily Word List

Dear Readers,
Since several banking exams are lined up in upcoming months and vocabulary plays an important role to score 4- 5 marks within a few seconds, if you are memorizing words on the very daily basis. Here, we are providing you some words to help you to attain your goal.

1. Bedlam (N):- a state of extreme confusion and disorder.
Synonyms: chaos, pandemonium, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness
Uses: As "Bhangarh To Bedlam" hits the stands, author Deepta Roy Chakraverti urges readers to separate the paranormal from the superstitious

2. Penurious (Adj):- lacking money; excessively unwilling to spend, not having enough money to pay for necessities.
Synonyms: parsimonious, hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, pinched
Uses: Warren Buffett, famous multi-billionaire, still drives a cheap sedan, not because he is penurious, but because luxury cars are gaudy and impractical.

3. Imbibe (V):- to drink or absorb as if drinking; take in, also metaphorically
Synonyms: absorb, draw, soak up, sop up, suck, suck up, take in, take up
Uses: Plato imbibed Socrates’ teachings to such an extent that he was able to write volumes of work that he directly attributed, sometimes word for word, to Socrates.

4. Ponderous (Adj):- having great mass and weight and unwieldiness
Synonyms: heavy, lumbering
Uses: Laden with 20 kilograms of college text books, the freshman moved ponderously across the campus.

5. Diatribe (N):- a strong verbal attack against a person or institution.
Synonyms: fulmination, rebuke, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce, vituperate
Uses: Steve’s mom launched into a diatribe during the PTA meeting, contending that the school was little more than a daycare in which students stare at the wall and teachers stare at the chalkboard.

6. Turpitude (N):- a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice.
Synonyms: depravity, corruption, degeneracy, depravation, putrefaction
Uses: During his reign, Caligula indulged in unspeakable sexual practices, so it is not surprising that he will forever be remembered for his turpitude.

7. Quid pro Quo (N):- something for something; that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises.
Synonyms: quid
Uses: Rajiv Gandhi allowed Bhopal gas tragedy accused Warren Anderson, the former Union Carbide chief, to leave the country as a quid pro quo for the release of the son of a family friend Adil Shariyar.

8. Byzantine (Adj):- intricate and complex
Synonyms: convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous
Uses: Getting a driver’s license is not simply a matter of taking a test; the regulations and procedures are so byzantine that many have found themselves at the mercy of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

9. Expunge (V):- to eliminate completely; remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line.
Synonyms: excise, scratch, strike
Uses: When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record.

10. Anathema (N):- a detested person; the source of somebody's hate; a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication.
Synonyms: condemnation, curse, execration
Uses: Hundreds of years ago, Galileo was anathema to the church; today the church is anathema to some on the left side of the political spectrum.

Daily Word List

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: “We have decided to listen to people in the first stage. This exercise will be followed up vigorously.”

1. Vigorous [vig-er-uh s] 
Adjective: full of or characterized by vigor; strong; active; robust; energetic; forceful; a vigorous personality; powerful in action or effect.
Synonyms: actively, boldly, eagerly, earnestly, firmly, forcefully, healthily, passionately, quickly, resolutely, robustly, sincerely, strenuously, wholeheartedly, zealously, decidedly, devoutly, fearlessly, forcibly.

Example: I couldn’t have asked for a more serene stage for my first gig in my homeland.

2. Gig [gig] 
Noun: a single professional engagement, usually of short duration, as of jazz or rock musicians; any job, especially one of short or uncertain duration; a teaching gig out west somewhere.
Verb: to work as a musician, especially in a single engagement.
Synonyms: appearance, concert, engagement, recital, employment, job, performance.
Antonyms: unemployment.

Example: And the music seemed to bridge the chasm between the two major communities.

3. Chasm [kaz-uh m] 
Noun: a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth's surface; gorge; a breach or wide fissure in a wall or other structure; a marked interruption of continuity; gap.
Synonyms: cleavage, crater, crevasse, fissure, gorge, ravine, rift, schism, void, abysm, alienation, arroyo, blank, breach, cavity, cleft, clove,
Antonyms: closing, closure, remembrance, solid.

Example: A majority of Kashmiri Pandits left the Valley as militancy erupted in the 1990s. Since then, the two communities have struggled to reconcile with each other.

4. Reconcile [rek-uh n-sahyl] 
Verb: to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired; to win over to friendliness; cause to become amicable; to compose or settle (a quarrel, dispute, etc.); to bring into agreement or harmony; make compatible or consistent.
Synonyms: accommodate, appease, assuage, conform, coordinate, harmonize, integrate, pacify, placate, rectify, resolve, reunite, accord, accustom, arbitrate, arrange, attune, compose, conciliate, cool, fit, intercede, mediate, mitigate, propitiate, proportion, regulate.
Antonyms: agitate, fight, inciteirritate.

Example: “They (India and Japan) pledged to work together to deal with the current serious situation and called on the international community to rigorously and fully implement relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions to maximise pressure on North Korea.”

5. Rigorous [rig-er-uh s] 
Adjective: characterized by rigor; rigidly severe or harsh, as people, rules, or discipline; severely exact or accurate; precise; (of weather or climate) uncomfortably severe or harsh; extremely inclement.
Synonyms: anxiously, attentively, conscientiously, correctly, deliberately, delicately, discreetly, faithfully, fully, gingerly, laboriously, meticulously, precisely, prudently, scrupulously.
Antonyms: inadequatelyincompletelypartiallyuncarefully.

Example: Odisha govt rapped for delay in notifying elephant corridors.

6. Rap [rap] 
Verb: to criticize sharply; to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow; to utter sharply or vigorously; (of a spirit summoned by a medium) to communicate (a message) by raps (often followed by out).
Synonyms: beat, blow, conk, crack, knock, lick, pat, strike, swat, swipe, tap, whack.
Antonyms: approval, flattery, praise, silence.

7. Corridor [kawr-i-der, -dawr, kor-] 
Noun: a gallery or passage; hallway; a passage into which several rooms or apartments open; a passageway in a passenger ship or railroad car permitting access to separate cabins or compartments.
Synonyms: aisle, foyer, hall, lobby, passage, passageway, entranceway, ingress, couloir, entrance hall.

Example: Petitioners contend that it’s an obnoxious practice; court says plea for stringent norms in public interest.

8. Stringent [strin-juh nt] 
Adjective: rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe; compelling, constraining, or urgent; convincing or forcible.
Synonyms: binding, demanding, draconian, exacting, forceful, harsh, inflexible, ironclad, rigorous, severe, stiff, strict, tough, acrimonious, brick-wall, by the book, by the numbers, compelling, confining.
Antonyms: amenable, calm, easy, easy-going.

Example: More often, there are trend lines of slow-moving geopolitical changes which come together at a particular moment in time resulting in an inflection point.

9. Inflection [in-flek-shuh n] 
Noun: modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice; a bend or angle.
Synonyms: articulation, pronunciation, timbre, tone of voice, change, emphasis, enunciation, modulation, pitch, sound, tonality, tone, variation.
Antonym: monotone.

ExampleIrrationalism in city planning.

10. Irrationalism [ih-rash-uh-nl-iz-uh m] 
Noun: irrationality in thought or action; an attitude or belief having a nonrational basis; a theory that nonrational forces govern the universe.