Showing posts with label 200 Important Computer Abbreviations full forms for Competitive Exams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 200 Important Computer Abbreviations full forms for Competitive Exams. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 August 2017

200 Important Computer Abbreviations full forms for Competitive Exams

200 Important Computer Abbreviations full forms for Competitive Exams

1GL : First-Generation Programming Language
2GL : Second-Generation Programming Language
3GL : Third-Generation Programming Language
4GL : Fourth-Generation Programming Language
5GL : Fifth Generation Programming Language

AC : 
Alternating Current 
ACL : Access Control List 
ALGOL : Algorithmic Language 
ALU : Arithmetic and Logical Unit 
ANSI : American National Standards 
ARPA : Advanced Research Projects Agency
ATM : Asynchronous Transfer Mode 

Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 
BCD : Binary Coded Decimal
bin : binary 
BINAC : Binary Automatic Computer 
BIOS : Basic Input Output System
Blob : Binary large object 
BMP : Basic Multilingual Plane

CAD : 
Computer-Aided Design
CAT : Computer-Aided Translation
CC : C Computer
CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access
CD-R : CD-Recordable 
CD-ROM : CD Read-Only Memory
CD-RW : CD-Rewritable
CLI : Command Line Interface
CLR : Common Language Runtime
CPU : Central Processing Unit
CRS : Computer Reservations System
CRT : Cathode Ray Tube
CS : Computer Science
CSE : Computer Science and Engineering
CU : Central Unit

DAO : 
Data Access Objects
DAT : Digital Audio Tape
DB : Database
DBMS : Database Management System
DDR : Double Data Rate
DHTML : Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
DIVX : Digital Video Express
DL : Download
DLL : Dynamic Link Library
DNS : Domain Name System
DOS : Disk Operating System
DSN : Database Source Name
DTP : Desktop Publishing
DVD : Digital Versatile Disc
DVD : Digital Video Disc
DVD-R : DVD-Recordable
DVD-ROM : DVD-Read Only Memory
DVD-RW : DVD-Rewritable

Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator 
EDVAC : Electronic Diserete Variable Automatic Computer
ESD : Electrostatic Discharge
EXE : ExEcutable
EXT : EXTended file system

FAQ : 
Frequently Asked Questions
FDD : Floppy Disk Drive
FLOPS : Floating-Pont Operations Per Second
FOSI : Formatted Output Specificiation Instance
FS : File System 
FSB : Front Side Bus
FTP : File Transfer Protocol
FXP : File eXchange Protocol

Gb : 
GB : Gigabyte
GIF : Graphics Interchange Format
GPL : General Public License
GPRS : General Packet Radio Service

HCI : 
Human Computer Interaction
HCL : Hardware Compatibility List
HD : High Density 
HD DVD : High Definition DVD 
HDD : Hard Disk Drive
HHD : Hybird Hard Drive
HP : Hewlett-Packard
HT : Hyper Threading
HTM : Hierarchical Temporal Memory
HTML : Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hz : Hertz

I/O : 
IBM : International Business Machines
IC : Integrated Circuit
ICMP : Internet Control Message Protocol
ICT : Information and Communication Technology
IE : Internet Explorer
IIS : Internet Information Services
IM : Instant Messaging
IMAP : Internet Message Access Protocol
IP : Intellectual Property /Internet Protocol
IP : Internet Protocol
IrDA : Infrared Data Association
ISDN : Integrated Service Digital Network
ISP : Internet Service Provider
IT : Information Technology

J2EE : 
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
J2ME : Java 2 Micro Edition
J2SE : Java 2 Standard Edition
JDK : Java Development Kit
JDS : Java Desktop System
JFC : Java Foundation Classes
JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE : Java Runtime Environment
JS : JavaScript

Kb : 
KB : Kilobyte
kHz : Kilohertz
KVM : Keyboard, Video Mouse

LAN : 
Local Area Network
LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
LED : Light-Emitting Diode

Mb : 
MB : Megabyte
MBR : Master Boot Record
MHz : Megahertz
MNG : Multiple-image Network Graphics
MS : Memory Stick
MS : Microsoft
MS-DOS : Microsoft DOS

NaN : 
Not a Number
NAS : Network-Attached Storage
NEXT : Near-End Cross Talk
NIC : Network Interface Controller
NTFS : NT Filesystem

Organic Light Emitting Diode
OMF : Object Module Format
OS : Open Source 
OS : Operating System

P2P : 
PAC : Programmable Automation Controller
PAN : Personal Area Network
PAP : Password Authentication Protocol
PATA : Parallel ATA
PC : Personal Computer
PGA : Pin Grid Array
PHP : PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PNG : Portable Network Graphics
POST : Power-On Self Test
PSU : Power Supply Unit

QA : 
Quality Assurance
QFP : Quad Flat Package

RAM : 
Random Access Memory
RF : Radio Frequency 
RGB : Red, Green, Blue (RGBA : Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
RGBA : Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
RIP : Raster Image Processor
RIP : Routing Information Protocol
ROM : Read Only Memory
ROM-DOS : Read Only Memory - Disk Operating System

Serial ATA
SCSI : Small Computer System Interface
SD : Secure Digital
SDK : Software Development Kit
SDN : Service Delivery Network
SDR : Software-Defined Radio
SIMD : Single Instruction, Multiple Data
SIMM : Single Inline Memory Module
SP : Service Pack
SPI : Serial Peripheral Interface
SVG : Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA : Super Video Graphics Array

TB : 
Tera Byte
TDMA : Time Division Multiple Access
tmp : temporary
TRON : The Real-time Operating System Nucleus
TTF : True Type Font
TTL : Transistor-Transistor Logic

UAC : 
User Account Control
UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI : Uniform Resource Identifier
URL : Uniform Resource Locator
USB : Universal Serial Bus
UTF : Unicode Transformation Format
UTP : Unshielded Twisted Pair
UUID : Universally Unique Identifier
UUN : Universal User Name

VB : 
Visual Basic
VBA : Visual Basic for Applications
VBS : Visual Basic Script
VGA : Video Graphics Array
VT : Video Terminal

W3C : 
World Wide Web Consortium
WAN : Wide Area Network
WAP : Wireless Access Point /Wireless Application Protocol
WLAN : Wireless Local Area Network
WMA : Windows Media Audio
WMV : Windows Media Video
WPAN : Wireless Personal Area Network
WWN : World Wide Name
WWW : World Wide Web
XAML : extensible Application Markup Language
XML : eXtensible Markup Language
XP : Extreme Programming
XPI : XP install

Y2K : 
Year Two Thousand

ZCS : 
Zero Code Suppression
ZIF : Zero Insertion Force
ZIFS : Zero Insertion Force Socket