Monday, 7 August 2017

English :Quiz

English :Quiz

1.Even though it is very large house, ......
A. there is a lot of space available in it for children
B. there is hardly any space available for children
C. there is no dearth of space for children
D. the servants take a long time to clean it
E. the municipal taxes on it are very happy

2. It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dweller when the Government officials told him that ......
A. he had to vacate hutment which he had been unauthorisedly occupying
B. he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multi-storeyed building
C. he would be arrested for wrongfully encroaching on the pavement outside his dwelling
D. they would not accede to his request
E. they had received the orders from the court to take possession of all his belongings

3.In order to help the company attain its goal of enhancing profit, all the employees ......
A. urged the management to grant paid leave
B. appealed the management to implement new welfare schemes
C. voluntarily offered to work overtime with lucrative compensation
D. voluntarily offered to render additional services in lieu of nothing
E. decided to enhance production at the cost of quality of the product

4. "Whatever Dev uttered was without rhyme or reason" means ......
A. Dev could not recite any poem or speech
B. Dev said something which has no meaning, it was totally baseless
C. Dev was talking something which was beyond our experience
D. Dev spoke flatly without any emotion or reason
E. Dev did not refer to any poem to support his statements
5. He tames animals because he ......
A. is fond of them
B. hates them
C. is afraid of them
D. want to set them free
E. seldom loves them
6. Mahesh need not have purchased the bag, means ......
A. it was not necessary for Mahesh to purchase the bag but he has purchased it
B. it was necessary for Mahesh to purchase the bag and he has not purchased it
C. it was not necessary for Mahesh to purchase the bag and he has not purchased it
D. it was necessary for Mahesh to purchase the bag but he has not purchased it
E. Mahesh already has a bag but still he purchased another one
7.In order to raise company's profit, the employees ......
A. demanded two additional increments
B. decided to go on paid holidays
C. requested the management to implement new welfare schemes
D. offered to work overtime without any compensation
E. decided to raise the cost of raw material

8.The officer who had neglected to files his income tax returns had to ......
A. return the files
B. pay a fine
C. be rewarded
D. play mischief
E. give warning
9.Unless you work harder you will fail, means ......
A. if you fail you will work harder
B. you must at least plan well than you will not fail
C. hardly you will fail if you do not desire so
D. if you do not put more efforts, then you will fail
E. if you only work and work alone, you will fail
10. His behaviour is so unpredictable that he ......
A. never depends upon others for getting his work done
B. is seldom trusted by others
C. always finds it difficult to keep his word
D. always insists on getting the work completed on time
E. seldom trusts others as far as the work schedule is concerned


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