Friday 28 July 2017

Reasoning Ability

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-3): A word and the number arrangement machine -
when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. 
The following is an illustration of input and rear arrangement.

Input: go now 52 38 17 for again 65
Step I: 65 go now 52 38 17 for again
Step II:  65 again go now 52 38 17 for
Step III: 65 again 52 go now 38 17 for
Step IV: 65 again 52 for go now 38 17
Step V: 65 again 52 for 38 go 17 now

As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

1. Input: home turf 39 24 86 44 roll over

Which of the following step will be the last?
(1) X
(2) IX
(3) VIII
(4) VII
(5) VI

2. Step II of an Input is:

94 car 86 window shut 52 31 house

Which of the following is definitely the input?
(1) 94 car window 86 shut 52 31 house
(2) 86 window 94 car shut 52 31 house
(3) car shut window 86 52 31 house 94
(4) cannot be determined
(5) None of these

3. Step IV of an input is:

58 box 47 dew 15 21 town pot

Which of the following steps will be the last?
(1) VII
(2) VI
(3) VIII
(4) IX
(5) None of these

Directions (4-8): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre.V is second to left of P and second to right of W.
T is third to the right of Q and is not an immediate neighbour of V.S is third to the right of R.

4. Who is to the immediate left of S?
(1) V
(2) T
(3) Q
(4) W
(5) None of these

5. Who is third to the left of V?
(1) T
(2) S
(3) W
(4) R
(5) None of these

6. In which of the following groups the first person is sitting between the second and third persons?
(1) RPQ
(2) TWS
(3) QPR
(4) QVS
(5) None of these

7. Who is second to the right of Q?
(1) R
(2) W
(3) T
(4) S
(5) None of these

8. Who is to the immediate right of R?
(1) W
(2) T
(3) P
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these 

9. In a certain code ‘PLANT’ is written as  ‘$@2&#’  and ‘YIELD’ is written as ‘!64@%’.
 How is ‘DELAY’ written in that code?
(1) !4&2%
(2) !4@2%
(3) %42@!
(4) %4@2!
(5) None of these

10. How many meaningful English words can be formed with letters ARILT using each letter only once in that word?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

Solutions (1-3):

1. (5)
Input: home turf 39 24 86 44 roll over
Step I: 86 home turf 39 24 44 roll over
Step II: 86 home 44 turf 39 24 roll over
Step III: 86 home 44 over turf 39 24 roll
Step IV: 86 home 44 over 39 turf 24 roll
Step V: 86 home 44 over 39 roll turf 24
Step VI: 86 home 44 over 39 roll 24 turf

2. (4)
From the given step input cannot be determined

3. (2)
Step IV: 58 box 47 dew 15 21 town pot
Step V: 58 box 47 dew 21 15 town pot
Step VI: 58 box 47 dew 21 pot 15 town

Solutions (4-8):

4. (4) W is to immediate left of S

5. (1) T is 3rd to the left of P

6. (5) None

7. (1) R is second to right of Q

8. (2) T is to the immediate right of R

9. (4)
P ------------ $



10. (3)
Meaningful words => TRAIL, TRIAL

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