Sunday 30 July 2017

Reasoning Quiz - Part I

Reasoning Quiz - Part I

Directions (1-4): In the following questions, the Symbols @, ©, $ , % and # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below.
'A $ B' means 'A is not smaller than B'.
'A # B' means 'A is not greater then B'.
'A @ B' means 'A is neither smaller than nor equal to B'.
'A © B' means 'A is neither smaller than nor greater than B'.
'A % B' means 'A is neither greater than nor equal to B'.
In each of the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the 
two conclusions I and I I given below these are definitely true.

1. Statements: H % J, J © N, N @ R
I. R % J
II. H @ J
III. N @ H
(1) Only II is true
(2) Only I and III are true
(3) Only I is true
(4) Only III is true
(5) None of these

2. Statements: M @ J, J $ T, T © N
I. N # J
II. T %M
III. M @ N
(1) Only I and II are true
(2) Only II and III are true
(3) Only I and III are true
(4) None of true
(5) All are true

3. Statements: D © K, K # F, F @ P
I. P @ D
II. K # P
III. F $ D
(1) Only II is true
(2) Only I and II are true
(3) Only III is true
(4) Only II and III are true
(5) None of these

4. Statements: K # N, N $ T, T % J
I. J @ N
II. K @ T
III. T @ K
(1) Only I and II are true
(2) Only II and III is true
(3) Only I and III are true
(4) None is true
(5) None of these

Directions (5-6): In the following questions, the Symbols @, #, $ , % and * are used with the following meanings as illustrated below.
'A $ B' means 'A is not smaller than B'.
'A % B' means 'A is not greater then B'.
'A @ B' means 'A is neither smaller than nor equal to B'.
'A * B' means 'A is neither greater than nor smaller than B'.
'A # B' means 'A is neither greater than nor equal to B'.
In each of the following question assuming the given statements to be true, 
find out which of the three conclusions I,II and III given below them is/are definitely true.

5. Statements: D * Q, Q @ L, L $ B, B # G
I. D @ B
II. B * D
III. G @ L
(1) Either I or II only
(2) I and II only
(3) I only      
(4) II and III only
(5) None of these

6. Statements: Z @ Y, Y # K, K % M, M @ T
I. Z @ M
II. Y @ T
III. Z # K
(1) I only
(2) II and III only
(3) Either I or II only
(4) All I,II and III
(5) None of these

Directions (7 - 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, B, H, K, M, P, R and S are eight team heads and are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them -
sit at four corners of the square and face the centre while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides and face outward. 
B does not sit at any of the corners but sits second to the right of S. M sits third to the right of P. P is not an immediate neighbour of S. 
R and K are immediate neighbours of each other but R does not sit at any of the corners of the table. H is an immediate neighbour of neither P nor S.

7. What is the position of P with respect to M?
(1) Immediate left
(2) Third to the right

(3) Second to the left
(4) Third to the left
(5) None of these

8. Who among the following sits second to the right of K?
(1) M
(2) B

(3) A
(4) S
(5) H

9. Who among the following are the immediate neighbours of H?
(1) M, K
(2) B, R
(3) B, M
(4) A, R
(5) A, K

10. Who among the following sit(s) exactly between P and A?
(1) Only B
(2) K and R
(3) Only H
(4) H and M
(5) No one sits between P and A

Directions (11 - 15): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work in three different companies: X, 
Y and Z. Out of these, two are female who work in different companies and have different specializations. 
Two of them are specialists in Finance, two in HR, two in Marketing and one each is an Engineer and a Computer Specialist. D,
 working in a company X has specialized in HR and her friend G, a Finance Specialist is working in company Z. H, an HR specialist,
 is working with B, a Marketing Specialist and does not work in company Y.C is not a Computer Specialist.
 No two people with the same specialization work together. F is a specialist in Marketing working in company Y and his friend A has specialized in-
 Finance and is working company X with only one another Specialist. Not more than three of them work in company Z. 
No female is an Engineer or a Computer Specialist.

11. In which two companies do the HR specialist work?
(1) X and Y
(2) Y and Z

(3) X and Z
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

12. Who is the Computer Specialist?
(1) C
(2) E
(3) H
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

13. Which of the following represents the two females?
(1) DB
(2) DH
(3) DG
(4) Either (1) or (3)
(5) None of These

14. Which of the following is the speciality of C?
(1) Marketing
(2) Finance
(3) Computer
(4) Engineer
(5) None of These

15.  In which company does C work?
(1) Y
(2) Z
(3) X
(4) Y or Z
(5) None of These


1. (2)
H % J  = H < J
J © N  = J = N
N @ R  = N > R
Therefore, H < J = N > R
I. R % J  = R < J ( True )
II. H @ J  =H > J ( Not true)
III. N @ J   =N > H (True)

2. (5)
M % J  = M  > J
J $ T  = J = T
T © N  =T = N
Therefore, M > J = T = N
I. N # J  = N = J ( true )
II. T % M  = T < M ( true)
III. M @ N  =M > N ( true)

3. (3)
D © K -> D = K
K # F -> K = F
F @ P -> F > P
Therefore, D = K = F > P
I. P @ D -> P > D ( Not true )
II. K # P -> K = P ( Not true )
III.F $ D -> F = D ( True )

4. (4)
K # N -> K = N
N $ T -> N = T
T % J -> T > J
Therefore, K = N = T > J
I. J @ N -> J > N ( Not true )
II. K @ T -> K > T ( Not true )
III.T @ K -> T > K ( Not true )

5. (3)
Statements D * Q -> D = Q
D @ L -> Q > L
L $ B -> L = B
B # G -> B < G
Therefore, D = Q > L = B < G
I. D @ B -> D > B ( True )
II. B * D -> B = D ( Not true)
III.G @ L -> G < L (Not true)

6. (5)
Statements: Z @ Y -> Z > Y
Y # K -> Y < K
K % M -> K = M
M @ T -> M > T
Therefore, Z > Y < K = M > T
I. Z @ Y -> Z > Y (Not true )
II. Y @ T -> Y > T ( Not true)
III.Z # K -> Z < K (Not true)

Solutions (7-10):

7. (2)
8. (5)
9. (2)
10. (5)
Solutions (11-15):

Computer Specialist

11. (3)
12. (2)
13. (4)
14. (4)
15. (1)

Reasoning : Quiz

Reasoning : Quiz

Directions (1-7): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, W, X and Z are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. 
Each one of them belongs to a different profession viz. Engineer, Architect, Dancer, Teacher, Lawyer, Manager, Actor and Doctor.
T sits third to right of the Doctor. Only two people sit between the Doctor and Z.Teacher and the Architect are immediate neighbours -
of each other. Neither T nor Z is a Teacher or a Architect. Teacher is not an immediate neighbour of the Doctor.
 Engineer sits second to left of S. S is not an immediate neighbour of Z. The Engineer is an immediate neighbour of both Manager and the Actor.
 Actor sits third to right of R. R is not the Teacher. X sits to the immediate right of the Dancer. T is not the Dancer. Q is not an immediate neighbour of T. 
W is not an immediate neighbour of the Engineer

1. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
1) The Manager is an immediate neighbour of the Teacher.
2) W sits second to right of P.
3) The Manager and the Architect are immediate neighbours of each other.
4) The Dancer sits to the immediate left of the Doctor.
5) The Manager sits second to the left of P.

2. Which of the following is R’s profession?
1) Dancer 
2) Engineer 
3) Architect 
4) Lawyer 
5) Actor

3. Who amongst the following sit exactly between the Doctor and Z?
1) Z and the Dancer 
2) R and W 
3) The Dancer and X 
4) Q and X 
5) S and the Manager

4. Who amongst the following is the Manager?
1) X 
2) Q 
3) W 
4) Z 
5) T

5.  Who amongst the following sits third to the left of S?
1) Engineer  
2) W 
3) T 
4) Actor 
5) R

6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group.
 Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) Q - Dancer 
(2) W - Teacher 
(3) P – Engineer 
(4) T - Actor 
(5) R - Doctor

7. Who amongst the following is the Teacher?
1) T 
2) X 
3) Z 
4) W 
5) P

Directions (8-10): Read the following information given below to answer the questions that follow:
(i) 'na ho pa la' means 'they are very intelligent'
(ii) 'pit na sa' means 'you are welcome'
(iii) 'ka da la' means 'who is intelligent'
(iv) 'od ho pit la' means 'they welcome intelligent students'

8. Which of the following means 'students' in that code language?
(1) od 
(2) la 
(3) ho 
(4) pit 
(5) Data inadequate

9. Which of the following means 'very' in that code language?
(1) pa 
(2) na 
(3) da 
(4) Data inadequate 
(5) None of these

10. Which of the following statement(s) is/are redundant to answer the above questions?
(1) (iii)
(2) (ii) 
(3) (ii) or (iii) 
(4) (i) or (iv) 
(5) None of these


(8- 10) students – od
intelligent – la
welcome – pit
they – ho
are – na
you – sa
very – pa
who / is – ka / da
9. 1

Banking Awareness

Q1. PSLCs are tradable certificates issued against priority sector loans of banks. What does meaning of "Cs" in PSLCs?
(a) Cash
(b) Cities
(c) Census
(d) Certificates
(e) None of the given options is true

Q2. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme is introduced under Section 35 (A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from -
(a) 1995
(b) 1999
(c) 1990
(d) 1982
(e) 1988

Q3. MTSS is a way of transferring personal remittances from abroad to beneficiaries in India. What does MTSS stand for-?
(a) Mobile Transfer Service Scheme 
(b) Money Transfer System Scheme 
(c) Money Timing Service Scheme 
(d) Market Transfer Service Scheme 
(e) Money Transfer Service Scheme

Q4. How much cash can payment be made to the beneficiary in India under MTSS? 
(a) Rs 2, 00,000
(b) Rs 50,000
(c) Rs 1, 00,000
(d) Rs 10,000
(e) None of the given options is true

Q5. RDA is a channel to receive cross-border remittances from overseas jurisdictions. What does meaning of "A" in RDA?
(a) Account
(b) Assembly
(c) Arrangement 
(d) Association
(e) Amount

Q6. At present 24 nationalised banks and one private sector bank are authorised to handle the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS), 2004. Name the private sector bank, which is authorised to handle the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS), 2004?
(a) ICICI bank
(b) HDFC Bank
(c) Axis Bank
(d) Yes Bank
(e) Kotak Mahindra Bank

Q7. The Government of India has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 in terms of which the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises. As under a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ..............?
(a) Rs. 100 lakh
(b) Rs. 15 lakh
(c) Rs. 25 lakh
(d) Rs. 50 lakh
(e) None of the given options is true

Q8. Commercial Paper (CP) is an unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of a promissory note. In which year Commercial Paper was introduced in India?
(a) 1975
(b) 1990
(c) 1985
(d) 1955
(e) 1980

Q9. Which Bank of India maintains the Principal Accounts of Central as well as State Governments at its Central Accounts Section? 
(a) IDBI
(b) SBI
(e) RBI

Q10. Who are eligible to issue Commercial Paper (CP)?
(a) Corporate
(b) Primary dealers (PDs)
(c) All-India Financial Institutions (FIs)
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the given options is true

Q11. Under OLTAS, only a Single Copy Challan is used with a tear-off portion for the Tax Payer. What does OLTAS stand for-?
(a) On-line Tax Accounting Service
(b) On-line Tax Amounting System
(c) On-line Timing Accounting System
(d) On-line Tax Association Service
(e) On-line Tax Accounting System

Q12. What is the minimum period of maturity prescribed for Commercial Paper (CP)?
(a) 17 Months
(b) 14 Days
(c) 01 Year
(d) 07 days
(e) 05 years

Q13. Which banks are insured by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)?
(a) Foreign Banks functioning in India
(b) Local Area Banks
(c) Regional Rural Banks
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the given options is true

Q14. What is the maximum period of maturity prescribed for Commercial Paper (CP)?
(a) 10 years
(b) 06 years
(c) 01 Year
(d) 02 years
(e) 05 years

Q15. Each depositor in a bank is insured by DICGC upto a maximum of _____________________ for both principal and interest amount held by him in the same capacity and same right as on the date of liquidation/cancellation of bank's licence or the date on which the scheme of amalgamation/merger/reconstruction comes into force.
(a) Rs.1, 00,000
(b) Rs.2, 00,000 
(c) Rs.3, 00,000 
(d) Rs.4, 00,000 
(e) Rs.5, 00,000 


1.The average age of a man and his son is 45 years. The ratio of their ages is 5 : 1. What is the difference between the ages of the man and his son?
a)40 years
b)60 years
c)55 years
d)45 years
e)None of these

2.The difference between 41% of a number and 15% of the same number is 390. 
What is 33% of the number?

3.The inner diameter of a well is 18meters. If the well is 28 metres deep then what is its volume?
a)7218 cu m
b)7282 cu m
c)7128 cu m
d)7028 cu
e)None of these

4.If a commission of 10% is given on MP of book ,the publisher gains 20% if the commission is increase to 15% the gain % is ? 
a) 40/3
b) 10
c) 20
d) 15
e) None of these

5.A takes 2 hr more than B to walk D km .if A double his speed than he can make it in 1 hr less than B. how much time does B require for walking D km?
a)4 hr
b)1 hr
c)2.5 hr

6.The circumferences two concentric circles are 186m and 142m. What is difference between their radii?

7.In a class of 45 students and 8 teachers, each student got sweets that are 20% of the total number of students and each teacher got sweets that are 40% of the total number of students. How many sweets were there?

8.There are two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A, then the number of students in A is double the number of students in B. The number of students in room A is:
e) None of these

9.A.train covers a distance of 880 km in 16 hours. What is the average speed of the car, if the speed of the car is 30% less than the speed of the train?
a)71.5 kmph
b)60 kmph
c)38.5 kmph
d)40 kmph
e)37.5 kmph

10.A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?
a) 11 days
b) 13 days
c) 20 days
d) 15 days
e) None of these

11.A does half as much work as B in three-fourth of the time. If together they take 18 days to
complete the work, how much time shall B take to do it?
a) 30 days
b) 40 days
c) 15 days
d)24 days
e) None of these

Direction (12-13):Find the approximate value should come in the question mark ?

12. 12591/39.8+933/13-12.86*14.2+135=?
a) 340
b) 330
c) 325

13.  33% of 1235+917/12-129% of 765+682=?
a) 160
b) 180
c) 200
d) 210

14.In simultaneous throw of two coins,the probability of getting at least one head is:
a) 1/2
b) 2/3
c) 3/4
d) 1/3
e)None of these

15.A bag contains 6 black balls and 8 white balls. one ball is drawn at random.what is the probability that the ball drawn is white:
a) 4/7
b) 3/4
c) 4/5
e)None of these

Answers with explanation:



V=Pie r^2h

Let M.P=100

Let time taken by B =t
so time taken by A=t+2
when speed of A is double then time taken by A=(t+2)/2
so,(t+2)/2= t-1
t=4 hr


 Numbers of sweets got by students = 45*9=405
Numbers of sweets got by teachers = 8*18=144
Recquired Sweets=405+144=549

8.c Let numbers of students in A and B are x and y

From above Eq.

Speed of train=880/16*70/100=38.5

        13 A
        10 B
Total work=13*23
Recquired time=13*23/23=13 days

 Let B has done the work in x days
A=3/2x days
x=30 days





Quant Mix Quiz

Maximum Time:- 7 Minutes.

1.A positive number is by mistake divided by 6 instead of being multiplied by 6 What is the % error on the basis of correct answer?
A.) 30
B.) 97
C.) 80
D.) 100
E.) None of these

2.Due to increase of 30% of price of cinema tickets the sale is reduced by 40%, then what will be the % change in income?
A.) 50% decrease
B.) 50 % increase
C.) 22% decrease
D.) 22% increase
E.) None of these

3.The ratio of salaries of Mehta and Dixit is 20:21 by what % is Dixit’s  salary greater than that of Mehta?
A.) 5
B.) 10
C.) 15
D.) 20
E.) None of these

4.The Price of clock imported from Switzerland was Rs. 1200, Due to devaluation of rupee, it’s value increased to 2100.What is the % increase in the price of the clock due to devaluation of rupee?
A.) 25%
B.) 50%
C.) 75%
D.) 100%
E.) None of these.

5.The Selling price of 12 pens is equal to cost price of 20 pens. Find the Profit  ?
A.) 50%
B.) 66.66%
C.) 11.11%
D.) 14.28%
E.) None of these

6.The Indian cricket team played 25 one-day matches in a particular season of an year and  won 40% of  their matches, A new coach was then brought in , who wanted the success rate of 75% of the matches played by the end of the year. How many minimum no. of matches more should be played so as to achieve the target?
A.) 35
B.) 40
C.) 50
D.) 60
E.) None of these

7.In a election there are two candidates a and B, B got 50% of the votes that A got. Had A got  200 votes less, there would have been a tie. How many cast their votes at all?
A.) 1500
B.) 1200
C.) 1000
D.) 900
E.) None of these

8.Bhupesh sold an article  marked at  4000  after four successive discounts of 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%, instead if he sold it 30% discount, he would  have realized
A.) 964 more
B.) 964 less
C.) 800 more
D.) 1000 more
E.) None of these

9. The population of a village is 7500. 42% of the population are females and rest males. The total no. of literate person in the village is 2370 while there are 90 more male literates compared to female literate. What is the % of  literate males out of total number of males in village?
A.) 30%
B.) 35%
C.) 40%
D.) 50%
E.) None of these

10. A, B and C invest in a partnership in the ratio 4:7:11, if the end of the Profit was distributed in the ratio 24: 35: 77, then find the ratio of the time they invested?
A.) 7:11:5
B.) 6:5:7
C.) 7:5:11
D.) 6:5:11
E.)  None of these

1)  B
2)  C
3)  A
4)  C
5)  B
6)  A
7)  B
8)  A
9)  C


1) % error= (6-1/6)/6 * 100 = 97%

2) 30 -40-30*40/100 = 30-52 = -22
   So 22% decrease.

3) (21- 20)/20 * 100 = 5%

4) (2100-1200)/1200 * 100 = 75%

5) (20-12)/12 * 100 = 66.66%

6) 25*40/100= 10;
   10+x/ 40+x = 75/100
  on solving x= 35

7) let B got x votes, then A got 2x, now 2x-200 = x+200
total votes= x+2x= 3x = 1200

8) S.P.= 90/100 * 85/100 * 80/100 * 75/100 * 4000 = 1836
 if he sold at 30% discount then S.P = 4000*70/100 =2800
so he will realized 2800 - 1836 = 964 more

9). No. of females = 7500*0.42 = 3150
No. of males = 7500-3150 =4350
let literate male and female are x and y respectively.
x+y= 2370
difference of illiterate male and female =90
So (4350-x)- (3150-y) = 90
on solving x-y = 1110
x= 1740
required % = 1740/4350 * 100 = 40%

10. let the time ratio will be p:q:r
so 4p:7q:11r= 24:35:77
on solving p:q:r= 6:5:7

Quant Quiz

Quant Quiz

1.) In what ratio will the total wages of the workers of a factory be increased or decreased if there be a reduction -
in the number of workers in the ratio 15 : 11 and an increment in their wages in the ratio 22 : 25.?
A) 5:6
B) 6:5
C) 25:36
D) 125:33
E) None of these.

2.) Daily earnings of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their daily expenses are in the ratio 7:9,
 If each saves Rs. 50 per day, their daily incomes in Rs. are
A) 40, 50 
B) 50, 40 
C) 400, 500 
D) None of these
E) Can’t be Determined

3.) A dealer mixes tea costing Rs. 6.92 per kg with tea costing Rs. 7.77 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 8.80 per kg -
 and earns a profit of 17 .5 % on his sale price. In what proportion does he mix them?
A) 17:13
B) 2:3
C) 3:2
D) 13:17
E) None of these.

4.) A sum of Rs. 46875 was lent out at simple interest and at the end of 1 year 8 months the total amount was Rs. 50000.
 Find the rate of interest percent per annum.
A) 2.5%
B) 5%
C) 4%
D) 6%
E) None of these.

5.) If the simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 5% per annum is Rs. 50, 
what is the compound interest on the same at the same rate and for the same time?
A) 50.75
B) 52
C) 51.25
D) 54
E) None of these.

6.) Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. 
There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
A) 6:9:13
B) 7:8: 19
C) 2:3:4
D) None of these
E) Can’t be determined.

7.)  A, B and C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture.
 It was agreed that A would invest Rs. 6500 for 6 months, B, Rs. 8400 for 5 months and C, Rs. 10,000 for 3 months. 
A wants to be the working member for which, he was to receive 5% of the profits. 
The profit earned was Rs. 7400. Calculate the share of B in the profit.
A) 2000
B) 2500
C) 2660
D) 2700
E) None of these.

8.) 5 years ago, the average age of P, Q and R was 25 year; 7 years ago the average age of Q & R was 20 years. 
Find the present age of P?
A) 30
B) 35
C) 36
D) 40
E) 90

9.) Aman begin a business with rupees 2100 and join afterwards by Kamal with rupees 3600,
 After how many months Kamal join if the profit at the end of the year are divided equally. 
A) 4 months
B) 5 months
C) 6 months
D) 7 months
E) 9 months

10. A shopkeeper Purchase a chair mark at rupees 800, at two successive discount of 10% and 15% respectively.
 He spent Rs. 25 on transportation and sold the chair for Rs. 800.Find his gain/loss percent?
A) Gain 25%
B) Loss 25 %
C) Gain 11.11 %
D) Loss 11.11 %
E) No gain no Loss


1). B
2). C
3). C
4). C
5). C
6). C
7). C
8). C
9). B


1.  Let x be the original number of workers and Rs. y the (average) wages per workers.
Then the total wages before changes = Rs. xy.
After reduction, the number of workers = (11 x)/15
After increment, the (average) wages per workers = Rs.(25 y)/22
The total wages after changes = (11x/15) × (25y/22) =5xy/6
Thus, the total wages of workers get decreased from Rs. xy to Rs. 5xy/6
Hence, the required ratio in which the total wages decrease is xy:5xy/6 = 6:5

2.  let earning= 4x : 5x; 
expences= 7y:9y
saving = income - expences
4x-7y= 5x-9y = 50 
on solving both eqn. x=100
So Daily income are Rs. 400 and Rs. 500

3.  Let us first find the cost price (C.P.) of the mixture. If S.P. is Rs. 100, profit is 17.5
Therefore C.P. = Rs. (100 - 17.5) = Rs. 82.5 
If S.P. is Rs. 8.80, C.P. is (82.5× 8.80)/ 100 = Rs. 7.26
C.P. of the mixture per kg = Rs. 7.26
2nd difference = Profit by selling 1 kg. of 2nd kind @ Rs. 7.26
= Rs. 7.77 – Rs. 7.26 = 51 paise
1st difference = Rs. 7.26 – Rs. 6.92 = 34 paise
We have to mix the two kinds in such a ratio that the amount of profit in the first case
must balance the amount of loss in the second case.
Hence, the required ratio = (2nd diff) : (1st diff.) = 51 : 34 = 3 : 2.

4.  Interest= Rs. 50,000 - 46875 = Rs. 3125
 1 year 8 month = 5/3 year
so 3125= (46875*r*5)/(3*100)
on solving this r = 4% 

5. Sum = (50*100)/(2*5) = Rs. 500
Amount = 500(1+5/100)^2 = 551.25
interest =551.25- 500 = Rs 51.5

6. math : Physics : bio = 5:7:8
After increment 5*140/100 : 7*150/100 : 8*175/100
14:21:28= 2:3:4

7.  Remain profit  for A, B & C
7400*95/100= 7030
A:B:C= 6500*6 : 8400*5 : 10,000*3 = 39:42:30
Share of B= 7030*42/111 =  Rs. 2660

8. Present age of P+Q+R = 25*3+ 5*3= 90 year
Present age of Q+R= 20*2 + 7 *2 = 54 year
present age of P = 90-54 = 36 year.

9. let Kamal work for y months. 
2100* 12 = 3600 * y ;
y = 7 months .
so duration after  kamal join = 12-7 = 5 months.

10. marked Price =800 
Seling price  after discount= 800*90/100*85/100 = 612
Total price including transportation = 612 + 25 = 637
 selling it to 800 there would be gain 

so gain % = (800 - 637)/637 *100 = 25 % approx 

Quant Quiz on Profit & Loss

Quant Quiz on Profit & Loss 

1. A person bought a horse and a carriage for Rs. 20,000. Later, he sold the horse at 20% profit and the carriage at 10% loss. 
Thus, he gained 2% in the whole transaction. The cost price of the horse was
(a) Rs. 7, 200/- 
(b) Rs. 7, 500/-
(c) Rs. 8, 000/-
(d) Rs. 9, 000/-
(e) none of these

2. A sells an article to B at 15% profit. B sells it to C at 10% loss. If C pays Rs. 517.50/-  for it then A purchased it at: 
(a) Rs. 500/-
(b) Rs. 7,50/-
(c) Rs. 1,000/-
(d) Rs. 1, 250/-
(e) none of these

3. An article is sold at a certain fixed price. By selling it at 2/3 of that price, one losses 10%.
 The gain percent on selling it at the original Price is: 
(a) 20
(b) 33.33
(c) 35
(d) 40
(e) none of these

4. A sells an article to B for Rs. 45, 000/- losing 10% in the transaction. B sells it to C at a price which would have given a profit of 10% to A. 
By what per cent does B gain?  
(a) 75/2
(b) 100/3
(c) 200/9
(d) 150/7
(e) none of these

5. The cost price of an article is 80% of its marked price for sale. How much per cent does the  tradesman gain after allowing a discount of 12%? 
(a) 20
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 8
(e) none of these

6.  A merchant has announced 25% rebate on prices of ready- made garments at the time of sale. 
If a purchase need to have a rebate of Rs. 400/-, then how many shirts, each costing Rs. 320/-, should he purchase? 
(a) 10
(b) 7
(c) 6
(d) 5
(e) none of these

7. A merchant purchases a wristwatch for Rs. 450/- and fixes its list price in such a way that after allowing a discount of 10%, 
he earns a profit of 20%. Then the list price (in rupees) of the wristwatch is : 
(a) 500
(b) 600
(c) 750
(d) 800
(e) none of these

8. A reduction of 10% in the price of tea enables a dealer to purchase 25 kg more tea for Rs. 22, 500/- what is the reduced price per kg of tea? 
(a) Rs. 70/-
(b) Rs. 80/-
(c) Rs. 90/-
(d) Rs. 100/-
(e) none of these

9. Ram donated 4% of his income to a charity and deposited 10% of the rest in a Bank. If now he has Rs. 8, 640/- left with him, then his income is: 
(a) Rs. 12, 500/-
(b) Rs. 12, 000/-
(c) Rs. 10, 500/-
(d) Rs. 10, 000/-
(e) none of these

10. If the length of a rectangle is increase by 10% and its breadth is decreased by 10%, then its area :
(a) Decreased by 1%
(b) Increases by 1%
(c) Decreases by 2%
(d) Remains unchanged
(e) none of these

Answers with Explanation:

1. (c) Let CP of Horse = x
According to questions
X * 20/100 – (20,000 – x) *  10/100 = 20, 000 * 2/100
x = 8,000

2. (a) Let CP of A be x Rs
According to questions
115x/100 * 90/100 = 517.5
x  = 500

3. (c) Let CP = 100
2/3 SP = 90
SP = 135
P% = 35%

4. (c)

5. (c)Let MP = 100, CP = 80
SP = 88
P %  = 10%

6.(d) The cost of rebate of on a shirt = 25/100 * 320 = 80
No of shirts for taking the rebate of Rs. 400
= 400/80 = 5

7. (b) MP = 450 * 120/100 * 100/90 = 600

8. (c) 25 kg = 2250
1 kg = 90

9. (d) Le income of Ram = x
So, x = 94/100 * 90/100 = 8640
x = 10, 000

10. (a) 10 – 10 – (10 * 10)/ 100
       = -1