Sunday 30 July 2017


Directions (1 – 5) Study the following graph carefully to answer the question given below it. 
Production of paper (in lakh tonnes) by three different company A,B and C over the years

1.What is the difference between the production of company C in 1999 and the production of company A in 2004?
(a)50,000 tonnes 
(b)500,00000 tonnes
(c)50,00,000 tonnes
(d)5,00,000 tonnes
(e)none of these  

2.What is the percentage increase in production of company ‘A’ from 2000 to 2001? 
(e)none of these  

3.For which of the following years the percentage of rise/fall in production from the previous year is the maximum for company B? 
(e)none of these  

4.The total production of company C in 2001 and 2002 is what percentage of the total production of company A in 1999 and 2000? 
(e)none of these  

5.What is the difference between the average production per year of the company with highest average production and the company with lowest average production in lakh tones? 
(e)none of these   

Directions (6 – 10) Study the following graph carefully to answer the question given below it.
Production of Sugar (in thousand tonnes) by three different sugar factories over the years.

6.For which of the following pairs of years the total production of the three companies together is equal? 
(A)1993 – 1994
(B) 1995 – 1997 
(C)1996 – 1998
(D) 1994 – 1995 

(a) B only 
(b) C only 
(c) D only 
(d) Both C and D
(e)none of these  

 7.In which of the following years for company ‘A’ the per cent rise/fall from the previous year is the maximum? 
(e)none of these  

8.Average production per year for company ‘B’ is approximately what per cent of the average production per year for company ‘C’? 
(e)none of these  

9.What is the percent rise in production of company ‘C’ in 1996 from 1995? 
(e)none of these  

10.What is the difference between the average production of the three companies together in 1997 and the average production of the three companies together in 1999 in thousand tonnes.?
(e)none of these  

Answers with explanation:

1.(d)Required difference = 50 – 45 =  5 lakh tonne
= 5,00,000 tonnes

2.(a)Required percentage = (55 – 40)/40 * 100
= 75/2 = 37.5%

3.(b) In 2001 =(60 -50)/60 * 100 = 16.66%

4.(d)Required percentage = (60 + 60)/(50 + 40) * 100
120/90 * 100 = 133.33%

5.(c)Average production of company A
= (50 + 40 + 55 + 45 + 60 + 50)/6
= 300/6 = 50 lakh tonnes
Average production of company B
= (55 + 60 + 50 + 55 + 50 + 55)/6
= 325/6 = 54.17 lakh tones
Average production of company C
= (45 + 50 + 60 + 60 + 45 + 40)/6
= 300/6 = 50 lakh tones
Required difference = 54.17 – 50
= 4.17 lakh  tones


7. (a) Percentage increase in 1996=(60 -40)/40 * 100 = 50%

8.(d)Average production per year for company B=(50 + 55 + 45 + 70 + 50 + 60 + 80)/7 =410/7
Average production per year for company C=(55 + 40 + 60 + 75 + 60 + 80 + 70)/7  =440/7
Required Percentage
= 410/440 * 100 =  93%

9.(b)Required Percentage = (75 – 60)/60 * 100 = 25%

10.(b)Required difference
= (80 + 70 + 60)/3 – (60 + 55 + 50)/3
= 210/3 – 165/3 = 70 – 55
15 thousand tonnes

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q. 1 - 5): Following line graph shows the ratio of imports to exports of two companies over the years:

Q1. In how many of the given years were the imports more than the exports in case of company - A?
(a) 5 
(b) 3 
(c) 1 
(d) 2 
(e) 4

S1. Ans (d)
From the graph it can be seen that,
I/E > 1 is in 2 cases.

Q2. If the imports of Company-B in year 2011 were 51.688 lakh, then what were the exports of Company-B in the same year?
(a) 64.26 lakh 
(b) 67.54 lakh 
(c) 71.36 lakh 
(d) 73.84 lakh 
(e) None of these

S2. Ans (d)
I/E = 0.7
E = 51.688/0.7 = 73.84

Q3. If the exports of company-A and Company-B were equal to 84 lakh in year 2012 then what will be the difference between imports of company-B and imports of company-A in that year?
(a) 9.6 lakh
(b) 8.4 lakh
(c) 7.2 lakh
(d) 6.8 lakh
(e) 5.4 lakh

S3. Ans (b)
Required answer = 84 * 0.9 – 84 * 0.8 = 8.4

Q4. If the exports of company-A in year 2009 and exports of company-B in year 2012 were equal then the imports of company- B in 2012 is approximately what percentage of imports of company-A in 2009?
(a) 60% 
(b) 75% 
(c) 84% 
(d) 96% 
(e) 133.3%

S4. Ans (b)
I(A)/E(A) = 1.2
I(B)/E(B) = 0.9
I(B)/I(A) = ¾  (as E(a) = E(B))
Required % = ¾ * 100 = 75%

Q5. In year 2009, If the export of Company-B is increased by 100% and import is increased by 200%. Then what will be the new ratio of import to export of Company-B in that year?
(a) 0.8 
(b) 1.0 
(c) 1.2 
(d) 0.6 
(e) 1.5

S5. Ans (c)
I/E = 0.8
New ratio,

Directions (Q. 6 - 10): Following bar chart shows the production of cellular phones by six different companies during the year 2012 and 2013, and the table shows the percentage sale of these companies.


Q6. What is the percentage rise in production of company L. G from year 2012 to 2013?
(a) 30% 
(b) 35% 
(c) 40% 
(d) 45% 
(e) 50%

S6. Ans (d)
Required % = (121.8-84)/84*100=45%

Q7. How many phones Micromax sold in year 2013?
(a) 71348 
(b) 72576 
(c) 73428 
(d) 74124 
(e) 75308

S7. Ans (b)
Required answer = (134.4*1000*54)/100=72576

Q8. What is the total number of phone sold by KARBON in year 2012 and 2013 together?
(a) 91740 
(b) 92800 
(c) 93540 
(d) 94600 
(e) 95200

S8. Ans (e)
Required answer = (100*1000*46)/100+(82*1000*60)/100=95200

Q9. In the following companies which company shows maximum percentage rise/fall in production from year 2012 to 2013?
(b) L. G. 
(c) SONY 
(d) NOKIA 

S9. Ans (d)
Nokia shows maximum rise in the production from 2012 to 2013.

Q10. What is the difference between total sale of Samsung in 2012 and total sale of Nokia in 2013?
(a) 4200 
(b) 4400 
(c) 4600 
(d) 4800 
(e) 5100

S10. Ans (c)
Total sale of Nokia in 2013= (135*1000*64)/100=86400
Total sale of Samsung in 2012= (130*1000*70)/100=91000
Required difference = 91000 – 86400 = 4600

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

1500 students appeared in an examination, which consists of three papers: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 190 students passed in Physics only, 180 students passed in Chemistry only, whereas 240 students passed in Mathematics only. 366 students passed in both Physics and Mathematics, 346 students passed in both Mathematics and Chemistry, whereas 326 passed in both Physics and Chemistry. 206 students passed in all the three papers (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics).
Solutions :
Directions (1-5):

Q1. How many students failed in Physics?
(a) 676 
(b) 824 
(c) 854 
(d) 754 
(e) None of these
Q2. How many students failed in only one subject?
(a) 610 
(b) 816 
(c) 420 
(d) 1236 
(e) None of these
Q3. How many students failed in at least one subject?
(a) 1149 
(b) 1249 
(c) 1194 
(d) 1236 
(e) None of these
Q4. How many students failed in Chemistry and Mathematics?
(a) 454 
(b) 504 
(c) 444 
(d) 1154 
(e) None of these
Q5. How many students passed in at least one subject?
(a) 1149 
(b) 1249 
(c) 1294 
(d) 1236 
(e) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following graph and answer the questions given below.

Q6. If the income of Company A in the year 2001 was Rs 40 lakhs, what was its expenditure in that year?
(a)Rs 20 lakhs 
(b)Rs 30.76 lakhs 
(c)Rs 31.84 lakhs
(d) Cannot be determined 
(e) None of these
Q7. If in the year 2001, total expenditure of Company B and C was Rs 42 lakhs, then what was their total income in the same year?
(a)Rs 32 lakhs 
(b)Rs 62 lakhs 
(c)Rs 63 lakhs
(d) Cannot be determined 
(e) None of these
Q8. If in the year 2000, expenditure of Company C was Rs 36 lakhs, what was the income in the same year?
(a)Rs 34.6 lakhs 
(b)Rs 32.8 lakhs 
(c)Rs 30 lakhs 
(d)Rs 46.8 lakhs 
(e) None of these
Q9. If the expenditure of Company E in the years 2000 and 2001 were the same, what was the ratio of the incomes of the company in same years respectively?
(a)23 : 29 
(b)27 : 31 
(c)27 : 29 
(d)23 : 27 
(e) None of these
Q10. The income of Company D in the year 2000 was Rs 51 lakhs. What was the earned profit?
(a)Rs 15.83 lakhs 
(b)Rs 17.8 lakhs 
(c)Rs 16.83 lakhs 
(d)Rs 13 lakhs 
(e) None of these

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following pie chart carefully and answer the questions given below.

Percentage of people in a city working in night shifts from various industries
(Total number of People = 40250) 

Percentage of females from various industries working in night shifts

1. What is the respective ratio of the men to the women working in night shifts from the call center industry?
(a) 9 : 11
(b) 7 : 5
(c)  8 : 13
(d) 11 : 7 
(e) 11 : 9

1. (e) Required ratio = 55 : 45
 = 11 : 9

2.What is the approximate average number of females working in night shifts from all the industries together?
(a) 2227
(b) 4481
(c) 3326
(d) 2823
(e) 4107 

3.What is the total number of men working in night shifts from all the industries together?
(a) 28297
(b) 25788
(c) 28678
(d) 26887
(e) None of the above 

4.The number of women working in night shifts from the gaming industry is what per cent of the total number of people working in the night shifts from all the industries together?
(a) 5.6%
(b) 3.6%
(c) 3.2%
(d) 4.4%
(e) None of the above 

5.What is the difference between the total number of men and the total number of women working in night shifts from all the industries together?
(a) 13254
(b) 13542
(c) 13524
(d) 13363
(e) None of the above 

Directions for questions 6 to 10: A team of 5 players A, B, C, D and E participated in a tournament and played four matches (1 to 4). The following table gives partial information about their individual scores and the total runs scored by the team in each match.
Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by the two lowest scorers in that match. None of the two missing values is more than 10% of the total runs scored in that match.

6.  What is the maximum possible percentage contribution of A in the total runs scored in the four matches?
(a) 19.7%
(b) 19.9%
(c)  20.1%
(d)  20.2%
(e) Cannot be determined

7.  What is the maximum possible percentage contribution of E in the total runs scored in the four matches?
(a) 18.2%
(b) 19.9%
(c)  18.6%
(d)  20.2%
(e) Cannot be determined

8. If the absolute difference between the total runs scored by A and C in the four matches is minimum possible then what is the ratio of A and C’s total runs scored by them in the four matches. 
(a) 187:189
(b) 189:187
(c)  183:187
(d)  189:188
(e) Cannot be determined

8. Option (b)
Maximum possible total runs scored by C in the four matches 
= 27 + 30 + 110 + 20 = 187.
In such a case minimum possible total runs scored by A in the four matches = 23 + 100 + 13 + 53 = 189
Difference = 189 – 187 = 2 (minimum possible)
So Required ratio is 189:187

9.  If the absolute difference between the total runs scored by A and C in the four matches is minimum possible then what is the absolute difference between total runs scored by B and E in the four matches?
(a) 32
(b) 37
(c)  35
(d) 27
(e) Cannot be determined

9.  Option (b)
Maximum possible total runs scored by C in the four matches
 = 27 + 30 + 110 + 20 = 187.
In such a case minimum possible total runs scored by A in the four matches 
= 23 + 100 + 13 + 53 = 189.
Difference = 189 – 187 = 2 (minimum possible) Subsequently total runs scored by B in the four matches 
= 88 + 65 + 19 + 52 = 224.
Also, total runs scored by E in the four matches
= 60 + 30 + 78 + 19 = 187
Absolute difference = 224 – 187 = 37

10. The players are ranked 1 to 5 on the basis of the total runs scored by them in the four matches, with the highest scorer getting Rank 1. If it is known that no two players scored the same number of total runs, how many players are there whose ranks can be exactly determined?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 5
(e) Cannot be determined

10.  Option (c)
Individual ranges for total score:
A-> 189-199
B-> 218-224
C-> 182-187
D-> 223
E-> 187-188
Least total will be of C (Rank 5)
2nd least will be E (Rank 4)
Rank 3 must be of A.
It is not possible to determine the exact ranks of B and D.

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions.
The number of male and female officers in various banks 

1. What is the total number of employees in the given five banks?
(a) 60000
(b) 56000
(c) 58000
(d) 62000
(e) 59000

1. (a) Total employees of the given five banks 
= (8 + 9 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 7) × 1000 = 60000

2. What is the ratio of male to female probationary officers in all five banks?
(a) 5 : 4
(b) 3 : 2
(c) 2 : 3
(d) 7 : 8
(e) 4 : 5

2. (d) Ratio of male to female probationary officers in all five banks 
= (8000 + 3000 + 5000 + 7000 + 5000) : (9000 + 4000 + 6000 + 6000 + 7000)
= 28000 : 32000 = 7 : 8 

3. In HDFC 40% males and 30% females are unmarried, then what is the ratio of the married males to the married females in HDFC?
(a) 7 : 5
(b) 5 : 7
(c) 12 : 13
(d) 2 : 3
(e) 3 : 5

3. (b) Unmarried males in HDFC 
∴ Married males = (5000 – 2000) = 3000 
Unmarried females in HDFC = 6000×30/100=1800
∴ Married females = (6000 – 1800) = 4200 
∴ Required ratio = 3000 : 4200 = 5 : 7 

4. If the number of married male officers in ICICI is euqal to that in PNB, which is 40% of the male officers in PNB, then what is the percentage of married male  officers in ICICI with respect to the total number of  officers in ICICI?
(a) 25.51%
(b) 28%
(c) 27.91%
(d) 22%
(e) 23.33%

4. (e) Number of male married officers in ICICI
= Number of male married officers in PNB 
= Male officers in PNB ×40/100=7000×40/100=2800 
∴ The percentage of married male officers in ICICI w.r.t to the total officers in ICICI
=(2800 × 100)/(7000 + 5000)=23.33%

5.The male officers in PNB is what per cent more than the female probationary officers in BOI?
(a) 74.8%
(b) 74%
(c) 75%
(d) 75.4%
(e) 78%

5. (c) ∴ Required% =(7000 - 4000)/4000×100%
= 75% more than female probationary officers in BOI

Directions for Questions (6-10): The questions are based on the table and pie-chart given below. The table has some missing information but it is known that every shopkeeper sold books of every subject. Complete the missing information and answer the questions using the information given in table and pie-chart.

6. In April 2016, the second highest number of books sold was of which subject?
a) Banking Awareness
b) General awareness
c) Quantitative Aptitude
d) Reasoning
e) Computer

Answer (6 – 10): 
Complete table: 

6.  d
Therefore, second highest number of books sold was of Reasoning.

7.  Which shopkeeper sold maximum number of General awareness books as a percentage of the total number of books sold by that shopkeeper?
a) C
b) B
c) A
d) F
e) None of these

7.  e
We need to check for which shopkeeper (s) the number of General Awareness books sold were the highest, for that shopkeeper the percentage of General Awareness books sold as a percentage of total number of books sold by that shopkeeper would be higher than for the shopkeeper who has not sold maximum number of General Awareness books out of all the books sold, there is only one shopkeeper i.e. D

8. What is the average number of books sold of General awareness, Computer and Reasoning together?
a) 29500
b) 30000
c) 30333
d) 28333
e) None of these

8.  e
Required average = (27 + 29 + 31)/3 = 29 => 29,000

9.  If a total of 4000 books were returned in April 2016, then what was the number of Reasoning books returned as a percentage of Reasoning books sold in April 2016?
a) 2.32%
b) 2.74%
c) 1.86%
d) 1.44%
e) 2.92%

9.  a
Number of Reasoning books returned = 18% of 4000 = 720
required percentage = 720/31000 * 100 = 2.32%

10. If the number of General Awareness books returned in April 2016 is 780, then what is the approximate number of English and Banking Awareness books sold as a ratio of the number of English and Banking awareness books returned in April 2016?
a) 33:2
b) 41:2
c) 47:3
d) 53:4
e) 65:3

10. b
Number of General Awareness books returned = 780
total number of books returned = 780/13% = 6000
Number of English and Banking Awareness books returned = 37% of 6000 = 2220
Required ratio = 46000:2220 = 2300:111≈ 41:2