Showing posts with label English Cloze Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Cloze Tests. Show all posts

Friday 28 July 2017

English Quiz

English Quiz

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks,
 each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, 
five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

                The protection of ...(1)... human rights is an ...(2)... necessity for the ...(3)... development of an individual. 
If the ...(4)... bills called ‘Protection of women ...(5)... sexual Harassment at workplace bill,2010’ and ‘Protection of children from sexual ...(6)... bill, 
2010’ ...(7)... into laws,they can go a long way in the protection of Human Rights of women and children from ...(8).... In addition, 
the various movements by groups of people by way of voluntary organizations offer a ray of hope towards individual ...(9)... leading to a ...(10)... development of our nation.

(1) complex
(2) key
(3) marginal
(4) basic
(5) straight forward

(1) provisional
(2) unconditional
(3) absolute
(4) total
(5) conclusive

(1) fullest
(2) marginal
(3) essential
(4) lowest
(5) total

(1) passed
(2) coming
(3) cancelled
(4) recent
(5) proposed

(1) from
(2) to
(3) by
(4) against
(5) with

(1) defense
(2) offence
(3) abolition
(4) crime
(5) abuse

(1) materialize
(2) effective
(3) included
(4) starting
(5) mentioned

(1) Harassment
(2) treatment
(3) crime
(4) abuse
(5) illness

(1) skill
(2) power
(3) empowerment
(4) development
(5) right

(1) effective
(2) whole
(3) total
(4) marginal
(5) holistic

1. 4
2. 3
3. 1
4. 5
5. 4
6. 2
7. 1
8. 4
9. 3
10. 5

English Quiz

English Quiz

Directions (115-126): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. 
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words suggested, 
one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
          Banks are ...(1)... from other corporate in important ...(2)... and that makes corporate governance of banks not only different but also more critical. 
Banks facilitate economic growth, are the ..(3)... of monetary policy transmission and constitute the economy’s payment and settlement system. 
By the very ...(4)... of their business, banks are highly leveraged. They accept large amounts of un collateralized public funds ...(5)...
deposits in a fiduciary capacity and further leverage those funds through credit creation. 
Banks are interconnected in diverse, complex and opaque ways underscoring their ‘contagion’ potential. If a corporate fails, 
the ...(6)... can be restricted to the stakeholders. If a bank fails, the impacts can ...(7)... 
rapidly through to other banks with potentially serious consequences for the ...(8) system and the macro economy. 
While regulation has a ...(9)... to play in ensuring robust corporate standards in banks, the point to recognize is that ...(10)... regulations is a necessary,
 but not a sufficient condition for good corporate governance.
 In this context, the relevant issues ...(11)... to corporate governance of banks in India are bank ownership,accountability, transparency, ethics, compensation,
splitting the posts of chairman and CEO of banks and corporate governance under financial holding company structure, ...(12)... should engage adequate attention.

(1) Different
(2) Same
(3) Diverse
(4) Differentiated
(5) Similar

(1) Aspects
(2) Perspectives  
(3) Leads
(4) Manners
(5) Policies

(1) Agents
(2) Catalysts
(3) Motivators
(4) Points
(5) Ingredients

(1) Limitation
(2) Spread
(3) Nature
(4) Haste
(5) Urge

(1) In
(2) For
(3) From
(4) As
(5) To

(1) Fall over
(2) Push out
(3) Pull out
(4) Fall out
(5) Throw out

(1) Inject
(2) Mix
(3) Flow
(4) Spread
(5) Constrict

(1) Wide
(2) Instable
(3) Long
(4) Small
(5) Closed

(1) Game
(2) Music
(3) Role
(4) Roll
(5) Interest

(1) Calculated
(2) Miscalculated  
(3) Estimated
(4) Imaginative
(5) Hard

(1) Persisting
(2) Pertaining       
(3) Disturbing
(4) Cornering
(5) Struggling

(1) Which
(2) When
(3) Why
(4) How
(5) That

1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 3
5. 4
6. 4
7. 4
8. 2
9. 3
10. 1
11. 2
12. 1

English Quiz

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are again printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Mr. Chamberlain had come to get gift to thirty-five million pounds from South Africa and to win the hearts of Englishmen and Boers. So he gave a ...(1)... shoulder to the Indian deputation. ‘You know’, he said, that the Imperial Government has little control over self-governing colonies. Your grievances seem to be genuine. I shall do what I can, but you must try your ...(2)... to placate the ‘Europeans, if you wish to live in their midst’. The reply cast a chill over the members of the ...(3).... I was also disappointed.

It was an eye opener for us all, and I saw that we should start with our work do novo. I ...(4)... the situation to my colleagues. As a matter of fact there was nothing wrong about Mr. Chamberlain’s reply. It was well that he did not mince ...(5).... He had brought home to us in a rather gentle way the rule of might being ...(6)..., or the law of the sword. But sword we had none. We ...(7)... had the nerve and the muscle even to receive sword-cuts. Mr. Chamberlain had given only a short time to the sub-continent. If Sri Nagar to Cape Comorin is 1,900 miles, Durban to Cape town is not less than 1,100 miles, and Mr. Chamberlain had to cover the long distance at hurricane speed. From Natal he hastened to the Transvaal. I had to prepare the case for the Indians there as well and ...(8)... it to him. But how was I to get to Pretoria? Our people there were not in a position to ...(9)...the necessary legal facilities for my getting to them in time. The war had reduced the Transvaal to a howling wilderness. There were neither provisions nor clothing available. Empty or closed shops were there, waiting to be ...(10)... or opened, but that was a matter of time.

(1) cold 
(2) cool
(3) hot
(4) warm
(5) left

(1) hard
(2) best
(3) least
(4) fate
(5) hate

(1) reputation
(2) crowd
(3) delegate
(4) leader
(5) deputation

(1) expressed
(2) said
(3) explained
(4) exclaimed
(5) denied

(1) lectures
(2) matter
(3) topic
(4) words
(5) deals

(1) wrong
(2) right
(3) rite
(4) bright
(5) weak

(1) hardly
(2) rare
(3) might
(4) do
(5) scarce

(1) through
(2) permit
(3) submit
(4) deposit
(5) fill

(1) secure
(2) procure
(3) pull
(4) fetch
(5) buy

(1) replenished
(2) fed
(3) booked
(4) filled
(5) emptied

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 3
5. 4
5. 4
6. 2
7. 1
8. 3
9. 2
10. 1

English Quiz

English Quiz

Directions (1-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. 
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words suggested,
 one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

            Indeed, much progress in this ...(1)... has already been made as a ...(2)... of the combined  ...(3)...   
of the government and the people of the state and the ...(4)... initiative provided by Central Government under Prime Minister’s ...(5)... leadership. 
The results of ...(6)... efforts are there for all to see. Prices of ...(7)... commodities and other goods have ...(8)... considerably. 
The rate of inflation ...(9)... fallen to gratifying figure of ...(10)... minus 3 % , the ...(11)... in the world. There is complete harmony in ...(12)... 
public and private sector establishments and ...(13)... is bound to lead to ...(14)... industrial and agricultural production. Is it is hope or a ...(15)...

(1) Behalf
(2) Regards
(3) Way
(4) Regard
(5) Respect

(1) Resultant
(2) Resulting
(3) Result
(4) Resulted
(5) Resultify

(1) Effort
(2) Work
(3) Efforts
(4) Progress
(5) Movement

(1) Proper
(2) Welcomes
(3) Required
(4) Welcome
(5) Initialization

(1) Chair
(2) Inspires
(3) Inspiring
(4) Stable
(5) Stabilize

(1) The
(2) These
(3) This
(4) Those
(5) Then

(1) Certain
(2) Essential
(3) Good
(4) Several
(5) Manifold

(1) Fell
(2) Falls
(3) Fallen
(4) Risen
(5) Plummeted

(1) Have
(2) Become
(3) Has
(4) Greatly
(5) Rarely

(1) Above
(2) Near
(3) Nearly
(4) Inflation
(5) Internal

(1) Highest
(2) Lowest
(3) Higher
(4) Lower
(5) Lowering

(1) State
(2) All
(3) Both
(4) Either
(5) Center

(1) Will
(2)  These
(3)  This
(4) Those
(5) That

(1) Great
(2) High
(3) Greater
(4) Lower
(5) Lowest

(1) Certainty
(2) Definitive
(3) Hope
(4) Ultimate
(5) Expectation

1. 2
2. 3
3. 3
4. 3
5. 3
6. 2
7. 2
8. 3
9. 3
10. 3
11. 2
12. 1
13. 3
14. 3
15. 1

English Quiz

English Quiz

In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested,
one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

           In economics,the term recession generally describes the reduction of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for at least two quarters.
A recession is ...(1)... by rising unemployment, increase in government borrowing, ...(2)...,
of share and stock prices, and falling investment. All of these characteristics have effects on people. 
Some recessions have been anticipated by stock market declines.The real – estate market also usually ...(3)... before a recession.
 During an economic decline, high ...(4)... stocks such as financial services, pharmaceuticals and tobacco ...(5)... to hold up better. 
However, when the economy starts to recover growth, stocks tend to recover faster.
There is significant disagreement about how health care and utilities tend to ...(6)...In 2008,
 an economic recession was suggested by several important indicators of economic downturn.
These ...(7)... high oil prices, which led to ...(8)... high food prices due to a dependence of food production on petroleum,
as well as using food crop products such as ethanol and biodiesel as an ...(9)... to petroleum; and global inflation;
 a substantial credit crisis investment blanks as well ...(10)... as commercial banks in various,
and signs of contemporaneous economic downturns in major economics of the world, a global recession.

(1) imagined
(3) shown
(4) visualized
(5) characterized

(1) Increase
(2) variance
(3) more
(4) decrease
(5) abundance

(1) weakens
(2) intiates
(3) awakens
(4) strengthens
(5) volatile

(1) maintained
(2) yield
(3) heavy
(4) result
(5) payment

(1) are
(2) want
(4) yearn
(5) made

(1) distribute
(2) recover
(3) wait
(4) increased
(5) fight

(1) meant
(2) show
(3) numbered
(4) included
(5) encompass

(1) fearful
(2) dangerous
(3) abnormally
(4) healthy
(5) nutritious

(1) alternative
(2) variant
(3) substitute
(4) element
(5) integral

(1) wealthy
(2) costly
(3) stand
(4) created
(5) established

1. 5
2. 4
3. 1
4. 2
5. 3
6. 2
7. 4
8. 3
9. 1
10. 5